Breaking All The Rules (Male...

By MrC1997

76.6K 992 651

Y/N Y/L/N, a former 3 time NXT champion and 2 time North American Champion. Y/N had gone through a breakup wi... More

Info About Yourself
Draft Night
You Like Him Don't You?
What Are We?
You Have Me
Two Birds With One Stone
I Don't Wanna Change The World
The Plot Thickens
A Little Too Soon
Clear up the Air
Close My Eyes Forever
What a Time To Be Alive
A Fast Heartbeat
More Worthy Than A Championship
On The Road Again
An Unexpected Surprise
I've Missed You
James's Advice

Moving Day

2.8K 41 15
By MrC1997

*5 Weeks Later*

All of you had arrived to Orlando for Elimination Chamber when you woke up to the feeling of kisses and looked up to see Rhea with a grin on her face as you held her cheek and kissed her lips.

You: Good Morning.

Rhea: Good Morning.

You and Rhea kissed again when you both looked to see all the dogs still fast asleep.

Rhea: I'd get up, but they're keeping us well warm and they just look too comfortable.

You: And Sydney just lays right between us. They're still our loveable fur children though.

Rhea: Of course. Alright, let's get a move on and get to the gym before the show tonight.

You smiled and got up as did the dogs before going to wake up James and Shotzi who were both cuddling and sleeping on the van's sofa when you scared them awake.

You: Wakey wakey! Eggs and bakey!

Shotzi threw a pillow at you as soon as you turned your back.

Shotzi: Ten minutes before our alarm went off, that's a new record Y/N.

James: I take it he did this when you were together?

Shotzi: He can be an asshole sometimes, but I still love him.

You: Love you too Ash.

Shotzi blew him a kiss with her middle finger as everyone shared a laugh before you let the dogs out to do their business while you all got ready for your morning workouts.

*Later at the Arena*

You and Rhea were getting your ring gear on when you decided to mess around with Rhea a bit as you connected your speaker to your phone and played a little music when she confusingly looked over at you when you started to dance funny for her to the song you chose.

Rhea: Trying to get your stamina drained before your match?

You: I could be.... or I can get ya trembling when you walk out there to that ring.

Rhea: We'll do that to each other afterwards. Tonight, I get to beat down your ex girlfriend for what she did to ya.

You: I ain't stopping you. I'll be able to get my hands on Damien in that chamber. Hell, I'll take out all the other teams tonight.

Rhea: Easy there big guy. Save that anger for the chamber.

You and Rhea kissed passionately until the show was about to start and the chamber was down.

Rhea: Go get em tiger.

You: Rawr!

You kissed Rhea quickly one last time before you met with Wyatt by the guerrilla.

Wyatt: Let's give them a chamber match they'll never forget. Give them a small preview of your potential at Wrestlemania.

You: Hell yeah man.

Your theme then started playing before you walked out and posed for the crowd before Wyatt's theme played and he walked out as you both high fived fans on your way to the ring before giving the Smackdown tag titles to the ref and you both entered the chamber and went inside a pod before the refs locked you both inside as the other teams started coming in. Once the Street Profits, James and Chris, and Braun Strowman and Damien Priest all got in their chamber pods, Dolph Ziggler and Bobby Roode, and the New Day were the first two teams to start the match.

*During the Match*

The lights strobed back and forth between chamber pods when the light stopped on the pod you and Wyatt were in and you both quickly went into the ring after the pod doors opened and you and Wyatt went after Dolph and Bobby when you started bashing Dolph's head into the chain wall and Wyatt threw Bobby into the glass pod. After a few minutes, Braun and Damien were in until the buzzer went off again and the light was over Chris's and James's pod when they stormed out and they immediately went after you and Wyatt when Chris threw Wyatt over the ropes and onto the steel floor while James threw you into the glass of the chamber pod. Suddenly, Chris and Braun were fighting in the middle of the ring after Chris tried to do a shoulder tackle on Braun, but didn't take him down as Braun roared at Chris and he tried to do the same thing to Chris, but didn't knock him down before they both bounced off the ropes and clotheslined each other and they both landed with a loud thud.


Cole: It wouldn't surprise me. Meanwhile, Fatality turns his attention to Damien Priest!

James threw Damien back in the ring until Dolph tried to go after James only to get a boot to the face as the match continued.

*End of the Match*

Wyatt had Damien by his arm when he yanked him off the chamber pod and threw him to you when you caught Damien and used six feet under on him before pinning Damien and eliminating him and Braun from the match. You sat in a corner of the ring and looked up when James hit the fatal bomb on Kofi and Chris used straight to hell on Xavier when they pinned and eliminated the New Day.

Cole: We're down to the final two teams!

Corey: It's possible that Y/L/N could go to Wrestlemania and walk out as a double champion, but him and Wyatt must get past these two monsters first!

You and Wyatt started fighting Chris and James as both teams went back and forth with each other. After a few minutes, Wyatt connected taste of danger on Chris from the top rope until he stumbled into your grasp when you had the strength to lift up Chris and connect six feet under on him until a surprise boot to the back of the head from James knocked you down when he picked you up and threw you over the top rope and into the steel chains before he connected the fatal bomb on Wyatt and Chris followed it up with a wicked clothesline when he covered Wyatt and got the three count to win the match for him and James as they received the Smackdown tag titles from the ref and they had their arms raised along with the titles while the camera showed you holding your head until there were only lights shining around the chamber while another light showed Alexa with a wicked smile on her face to see her two monsters become champions.

*Later in the Show*

Rhea was going against Alexa, Dakota, Toni, Nia, and Bayley to determine Sasha's next opponent at Wrestlemania for the Smackdown women's title. So far, Dakota, Nia, and Toni were eliminated when Alexa connected a sister abigail on Bayley and pinned her to eliminate Bayley from the match when it came down to Rhea and Alexa. The two women went back and forth on each other when Alexa stood on top of a chamber pod and was about to go for a frog splash only to see Rhea climb up and yank her off the pod and to the center of the ring when Rhea picked up Alexa for the riptide until Alexa reversed it into sister abigail and pinned Rhea only to get a two count. Alexa was furious until she heard a voice echo throughout the arena.

Fiend: LET ME IN.

Alexa had a possessed look in her eyes when she grabbed Rhea's hair until Rhea surprised Alexa with a boot to her face, but Alexa looked unphased and just maniacally laughed everytime Rhea kicked her until Rhea connected the riptide eight times. Alexa had surprised Rhea when she positioned her for sister abigail until Rhea reversed it and connected the riptide again, but with a loud thud and pinned Alexa to win the match when her arm was raised by the ref until the lights went out and Alexa was gone, but Rhea was doused in blood with Bray's laughter echoing around the arena.

*End of the Show*

Fiend and Drew were the final two men in the WWE title elimination chamber match when Drew hit another Claymore Kick until fiend suddenly got back up and clotheslined Drew four times until he used sister abigail on Drew and pinned him to win the WWE title when he snatched it from the ref and did his win pose with the title. The fiend felt a little uneasy until you showed up behind him and the lights came back on when it showed you with a baseball bat when you bashed it across fiend's back and beat him with it multiple times before you speared him.

You: That's right fiend! You and me at Wrestlemania! Come on! Get up!

Fiend looked at you one last time before the lights went out and he disappeared after they came back on, but left a message on one of the chamber pods which read "I accept" on the glass as the show ended.


After you and Rhea changed into your street clothes you both found James and Shotzi talking with Chris, Wyatt, and Toni.

Wyatt: Great job tonight everyone. This tour was fun while it lasted.

James: Hell yeah it was. See you guys on Friday?

You: You bet your ass we will.

Rhea: We'll see you you sometime tomorrow too. Moving day for me remember?

Toni: Correct. We'll see you guys tomorrow.

You and Rhea waved goodbye to them when the two of you, Shotzi, and James went backb to the van and went over to Rhea's house and stayed there for the night.

*The Next Day*

You and Wyatt lifted the small sofa into the moving truck while James and Chris lifted the small vanity inside the truck as well when you all got out and shut the door.

You: Ready to get a move on?

Everyone: Yeah!

You: Alright, let's go!

Everyone else got in a car while you and Rhea got in the moving truck and started to head to your place in Tampa. After an hour and a half drive, you all started loading some of Rhea's furniture and brought in some of her stuff while Rhea, Toni, and Shotzi all started to arrange her stuff around your house while all the dogs ran around and played with each other.

Shotzi: It's amazing that Y/N lived her alone for a while.

Toni: Tell me about it. This place is huge.

Rhea: He won't be alone anymore now that he has me here with him.

Shotzi: True. Where do you want these pictures?

Rhea: Maybe just on the fireplace for now.

Shotzi nodded as her, Rhea, and Toni got the house organized while you, Wyatt, James, and Chris all brought the heaviest furniture into the house. When nightfall came around and most of Rhea's belongings were where she wanted them were at, everyone settled in for the night and decided to save the rest of moving for tomorrow, you all sat in the living room and had pizza as a reward to yourselves for all your post elimination chamber cheat meal.

James: You really didn't have to buy for all of us Y/N.

You: What can I say? Let it be a special thank you from me and Demi for helping us.

You patted James on the shoulder before joining everyone for tonight's episode of Raw in the living room.

Shotzi: I can't believe how beautiful they made Dori's ring gear look.

Chris: Didn't you used to date her Y/N?

You: Briefly. She was a good girlfriend, but Dori and I were very brief. She was the one who suggested that I date Cheree, but of course y'all know what happened with her.

Rhea then kissed you and held your cheek.

Rhea: And yet I still whooped her ass like you did to all of the men she cheated with this last month.

You smiled and kissed Rhea again when Ruby and Liv picked up the win and escaped the ring from Lacey and Peyton as the show continued.

*The Next Morning*

Everyone was still asleep after a night of watching wrestling and having a few drinks. You and Rhea were currently laying together nude in bed when you both groggily woke up and looked into each other's eyes.

Rhea: Damn. We must've went hard than we expected huh?

You: You bet.

You and Rhea pecked each other on the lips when you both got some clothes on before the two of you went to the kitchen to find Chris pouring himself a cup of coffee.

Chris: What's happening you guys?

You: Hungover. That's what.

Rhea: Make this for us?

Chris: Yeah. There's plenty to go around. Help yourselves.

Rhea: Thanks.

Rhea poured herself a did you when you all started to talk.

Rhea: Just curious Chris, are you seeing anyone?

Chris: Not right now I'm not. Why?

You: We could help you find someone special. Hint hint.

Chris: Are you sure about that? I mean, you know I'm not that good at dating.

Rhea: How long has it been since you had a date?

Chris: In like almost a year.

Rhea: Well with mine and Y/N's help, we could find you a lover and have a couple's night together.

You: It's worth a try man. Not gonna lie, but we caught Alexa checking you out from time to time during your segments

Chris: What? Nah, were just apart of a storyline together.

Rhea: Are ya sure it's just that? She seems ta really like you.

You and Rhea started to tease Chris a little bit until Wyatt woke up along with Toni.

Wyatt: If you two are gonna tease Chris more while we're in the same home together, keep it down will ya?

Toni: Yeah. We don't wanna get up yet anyway.

Wyatt and Toni went back to sleep and snoozed for a bit while you and Rhea talked with Chris for a bit longer until it was time to get the rest of Rhea's stuff moved in.


After everything was moved in and everyone had left, it was just you, Rhea, and the dogs when you and her leashed them all up and took them all out for a walk.

Rhea: I can't believe it. We're finally living together.

You: I know. Thankfully we won't have to travel to each other's houses for a day together. I'm just so lucky to have you Demi.

Rhea: And I'm so lucky to have you Y/N

You and Rhea kissed and continued walking all the dogs when Moose, Tyrus, and Barry all made a friend with the neighbor's dog as they all interacted with each other and talked for a bit.

*Later that Night*

You sat on the bed until you saw the bathroom door open to see Rhea in her new bikini that tightly snugfed her body.

You: Wow.....

Rhea: I know what you wanna do. Do me a favor........ shut the fuck up and fuck me.


You complied when Rhea started unbuttoning your pants and she whipped out your dick and put it in her mouth when she began to suck on it and moan a bit when she sucked on it faster and faster when you got your shirt on and grabbed her head and forced her down on your dick as she coated it with her throat while not breaking eye contact with you before she pulled off of it.

Rhea: Make it more rough.

Rhea then took off her bikini when you picked her up and slammed her on the bed when you jammed your cock into her pussy when Rhea lightly moaned.

Rhea: You know what I like Y/N!

Rhea moaned loud when you started to thrust into her vagina and go faster and faster as time went on.

*2 Hours Later*

You thrusted into Rhea's ass faster and harder while you stood up and fucked Rhea's ass as hard as you could while standing and she held onto you with her arms around you with a lustful look in her eyes when you did the final thrust and pulled out just in time as Rhea quickly got in her knees and drained you of all your cum as it went into her mouth and some got on her face.

*Lemon Over*

Once you and Rhea finished with some lust filled sex, you and her decided to lay in bed until you both fell asleep.

Rhea: Thats was fucking brilliant.

You: You're telling me. I fucked your brains out on that one.

Rhea: Fuck yeah. *yawns* goodnight.

You got up for as second and let the dogs in as they jumped on the bed and made themselves comfortable before you closed the door and turned off the light before joining Rhea in bed.........................................

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