The Mafia's Muse

By strawb3rryluv

207K 7.3K 3.7K

๐—˜๐˜‚๐˜๐—ฒ๐—ฟ๐—ฝ๐—ฒ- ๐—ข๐—ป๐—ฒ ๐—ผ๐—ณ ๐˜๐—ต๐—ฒ ๐—ป๐—ถ๐—ป๐—ฒ ๐—บ๐˜‚๐˜€๐—ฒ๐˜€. ๐—ฆ๐—ต๐—ฒ ๐˜„๐—ฎ๐˜€ ๐˜๐—ต๐—ฒ ๐—บ๐˜‚๐˜€๐—ฒ ๐—ผ๐—ณ ๐—บ๐˜‚๐˜€๐—ถ๐—ฐ ๐—ฎ๐—ป๐—ฑ... More

Author's Note
1. A Job
2. Birthday Gift
3. I Own You
4. She's Regular
5. The Vaughn's
6. Set Back
7. Avery's Emory
8. Your Uniform
9. Breaking In
10. The Club
11. That Window
12. Welcome Back
13. A Problem
14. A Spy
15. White Only
16. Snipped Wings
17. The Girl
18. Her Screams
19. Desperate Attempt๏ฟผ๏ฟผ๏ฟผ๏ฟผ๏ฟผ๏ฟผ๏ฟผ
20. With Him
22. The Pain
23. Completely Shattered
24. Middle Name
25. The Lies
26. Drowning Eyes
27. How Lame
28. Worst Enemy
29. Hamburger Helper
30. Spinning Rim
31. Blind Rage
32. A Father
33. Veggie Noodles
34. Milez High
35. Now Him

21. Day Off

4.8K 194 124
By strawb3rryluv


"Give me the fucking pepper," Braxton growled at me.

I scowled, "Give me the pepper." I mocked rolling my eyes.

"Axton, stop taunting your brother." Castriel scolded me like a child.

I huffed leaning back but listened because I did not want to be on his bad side. He can scare me three ways into hell before I decided to make him mad. I also did not want to make him mad right when I was about to have some time off tomorrow. He and Rydge were the most ruthless with grudges and I will have to take my chances another time.

"Full?" I heard Othello whisper.

My head slightly turned in their direction and I watched Euterpe grimace at the food.

"You know the deal," he whispered, "If it's too much then just until you're full." He finished.

Euterpe frowned looking at the half full plate before taking three more bites. She finally pushed the plate away and I couldn't help the smile that formed on my lips. Although it didn't seem like much, she was doing much better than before and it's only been a few days. We didn't expect her to eat half of the plate but she did and I was so proud of her. Othello had the same look before handing her a glass of water. I honestly hope that she continues to eat as much as she can without getting sick. Even if she can actually only eat two meals a day, it's better than before. Her health is more important than anything else and our main priority right now.

"Can we hang out again?" I asked her.

She looked up and raised an eyebrow, "Oh, hell no! I forbid it!" Braxton declared.

"Forbid it? You're not my father. I can hang out with Euterpe if I want! What are you going to do? Cry? If so, then cry about it." I stuck my tongue out.

"For fucks sake," Castriel muttered under his breath next to me.

Rydge clenched his jaw, "Braxton, as much as I don't think his childish behavior was unnecessary. Axton is right. If he wants to spend his time with Euterpe, he can. However, if you can provide one good reason why they shouldn't be together then speak. If your reasoning is good then they'll have a babysitter." He nodded seriously.

"Oh! I volunteer!" Thorn smiled.

No! He will prevent us from doing fun stuff!! Why?! What did I do to deserve this?!

Braxton huffed, "A reason? Did you not see what they did to me earlier today?! The whipped cream?!" He threw his hands up.

I chuckled, "Damn, that was fun. I wanted to do shaving cream but Euterpe disagreed because the mess would have been much larger." I sighed dramatically.

"Axton!" Thorn scolded, "What are you thinking dragging Euterpe into your little pranks with your brother?" He shook his head disapprovingly.

"She wanted to!" I protested.

Euterpe lightly hit the table grabbing all of our attention, "Axton begged me to do it, and when I said no he promised to save me. He left me there and left screaming like a five year old girl. Othello had to save me." She signed glaring at me.

"Oh shit. I forgot but you got away right? You didn't need sonic?" I cringed giving a small smile.

Othello nodded, "You should've seen it, he took one look at Brax and just bolted. Then Brax comes to the room like 'Euterpe, come with me or else.' It was ridiculous." Othello mocked in a deeper voice.

Braxton scoffed, "I do not sound like that." He mumbled.

"You do brat," I smirked.

"Say that to my face fucker."

"I did. Did you not see me look at you? Are you a blind turkey now too?"

"Says the one who can't tell the color cream from eggshell."

"I do not see how that is relative to anything we're talking about right now. They're very similar."

"Know what else is similar? You're idiocy and a rat's ass."

"Oh, go fuck thyself!" I shouted.

Castriel grabbed my ear, "No shouting at the table! No fighting at the table! And absolutely no attitude either!" He growled at both of us.

"Ow!" I hissed, "Sorry," We both muttered.

Castriel let go, "So mean..." I pouted rubbing my ear.

"I can be mean," He narrowed his eyes at me, "Okay, I'm sorry! Chill. You don't need to kill me." I put my hands up in surrender, "But still, why do I have to have a babysitter when I'm with Euterpe. I am twenty years old! I'm an adult!" I pouted.

Thorn smiled, "Your pouting is exactly why everyone thinks you need one, if it helps you feel better then you can say chaperone." He shrugged innocently.

I huffed, "I was just going to take her out racing, it's not even a big deal!" I whined.

"Racing? Absolutely not." Rydge immediately denied, "What if you get caught? We do not do dangerous acts in this family Axton, you should know better than that." He narrowed his eyes.

Someone started choking and I turned to see Othello trying to help Euterpe. She kept hitting her chest and her eyes watered a bit. She cleared her throat and put her face in her hands avoiding eye contact.


I turned back to Rydge, "It's not dangerous, everyone here knows how to drive. Do you not remember the way Euterpe drove that night she ran away? It was freaking crazy! She was like vroom, vrooooooom, vroooom," I grinned moving around.

"A literal child," Castriel groaned into his hands.

"You're just mad because you're old." I retorted crossing my arms.

Rydge pinched his nose, "No, Axton, you will not take Euterpe out racing. I do not care if she can drive like a maniac, she is still hurt and working on her body strength with Braxton. If you want to do something here then that's perfectly fine. Besides, it is already late and you have school tomorrow." He checked his watch.

"Actually, the professors announced they're having a school-wide meeting with the new headmaster." I saw Othello glance at Euterpe, "They will be going over new policies so tomorrow the school will have the day off." Othello finished.

Braxton smirked, "Well, it looks like we have some free time Axton. Are you thinking what I am thinking brother?"

"No!" The other four shouted.

I grinned back, "Of course twin. Tomorrow will be a day to remember." I chuckled.

"No, absolutely not." Castriel grunted.

"Too late, a plan has been made. Unless of course, you all want us to stay here... with you." My tone was anything but innocent.

Thorn sighed, "Fine, remember the limits." He shook his head.

"Limits? I don't believe those exist." Braxton fiend confusion.

I nodded, "I agree. You know, if you want we can bring Euterpe along with us. Call it, brother and sister bonding time." I offered.

Othello banged his head on the table before he left muttering curses.

"I believe that was a yes."

"Psssst! Euterpe!" I whispered from the door.

Her head turned and I waved her over making sure to look around for Rydge. He left his office for a few minutes and now is the perfect time to kidnap her. She closed the packet she was doing before walking over with a 'What? You're annoying' face.

"Come on!" I grinned rushing through the halls.

She huffed looking at me ninja roll into the next hallway and I pouted. What a party pooper. We finally made it to the garage where Braxton was waiting.

"Finally," he rolled his eyes.

I opened the back door and bowed, "My fair lady, your transportation awaits. We have much to do today, it will be glorious." I spoke in a posh tone.

She rolled her eyes but got in nonetheless, "You're so fucking weird." Braxton muttered from the driver's seat.

"I take great offense to that," I commented getting in the passenger seat.

As Braxton started the car the other back door opened and Othello jumped in.

"If you are going to get in trouble then I want to be there to see it happen." He mumbled looking out the window, "I also brought food." He lifted up a bag.

"Aww, thank you, baby brother." I cooed.

He glared at me making a laugh escape my lips, "If you don't shut your mouth I'll kick you out." He threatened.

I gasped, "Oh no! Whatever shall I do?!" I cried out.

"Stupid infuriating dic-"

"HEY! There is a lady in the vehicle." I reprimanded.

He turned to her, "Sorry Euterpe, here I brought you some tea." He handed her a tumbler.

"Thank you." She signed.

"So where are we going?" Othello asked as we finally made it off the property.

Braxton hummed, "Fight club,"

"What?! Guys! Euterpe." He hissed quietly next to our ears.

I turned to him, "Yeah we know, we are talking about the idiot friends we have not the underground." I rolled my eyes.

"Still..." he huffed leaning back.

"Maybe we should go back home. Want to cuddle while we're at it?" I mocked.

He groaned, "You're so annoying. Don't talk to me anymore."

I shook my head and turned on some music while thinking about Euterpe. Although everything that had happened has been a bit weird to accept, she is our sister. When Rydge called her Emory I tried to remember how she was when she was little, well when we were little. I only had about two or three memories that I remembered pretty well but even then it wasn't much. One thing I was worried about was her leaving again. I knew that we all had collectedly agreed that it would be best to let her leave at eighteen but was it? It was obvious that her life was not as well protected as we thought it was. She literally has more than half of the underworld looking for her and we still don't know why. Every time we come close to getting information the informant mysteriously disappears. In addition to that, Euterpe won't give us anything other than our mom was a whore. We knew that but... still. Where's all the gossip? Isn't that what teen girls do? How the hell are we supposed to help if we don't know shit?

We arrived at the warehouse and Braxton looked over at me with a smirk, "You know little brother, it is good you came with us. I think you will have more fun than you think." He turned to Othello.

Othello narrowed his eyes, "Why? What exactly did you two do?" Came his suspicious questioning.

"Why don't you find out for yourself?" I grinned widely.

Once I was out I helped Euterpe and we walked in to see a large amount of people from school. I'm not sure if she meant to make it noticeable but we all watched her shuffle closer to us. It made my heart feel a bit warm that she trusted us enough to watch out for her. Even if it was a small amount of trust, I liked knowing she knew she'd feel safer with us.

"What are they doing here?" Othello seethed seeing the nerds in their 'disguise.'

I crossed my arms, "We invited them over. Don't you think Samson deserves more than a punch in the face for what he said? Even Griffin said some stuff. So what do you say, little brother? Want to knock some sense into those arseholes?" My shoulder bumped into his.

"Rydge will kill us. We can't attack without being attacked first." He huffed annoyed.

Braxton nodded, "So what you're saying is that we need to push them to attack first so we can attack back? That way we can say it was well deserved? I have to say, it's a great idea." He mused.

"Yeah," I agreed, "But I don't think our manipulation skills will work on those rats. They'll see it coming from a mile away. They think Euterpe is like our girlfriend and that we're trying to start a fight." I sighed.

All of us looked at each other, "Euterpe." We chorused.

She looked up at us, "So little sis," I clapped, "How are your manipulation skills?" I asked.

Her eyebrow shot up, "Absolutely not." She shook her head.

"Please?" I batted my eyelashes.

Her nose scrunched up in a cute way, "You look ridiculous. Stop making that face and I'll do it." She pushed my face away.

"Yay!" I grinned.

A buzzer went off and everyone gathered in a circle around the large ring.

"Welcome to the weekly fight club. Everyone knows the rules and the wages. If you think you got what it takes, step up. The first ten fights will be One on One before the next ten which will be Two on Two. Remember to choose your partners wisely. First fighters, come forward." Pencil boomed.

Yeah, I have no idea why he decided Pencil would be a good nickname for himself. He was pretty short as well, only five foot four so I guess that makes him a pencil as he likes to explain it. The guy even dyed his hair pink and likes to wear yellow! There's nothing wrong with yellow but everyday, all day?

As the first fight started we decided to just wait until it was trio on trio. The last duo fight was on when I elbowed Euterpe and she rolled her eyes. She grabbed a water bottle before walking over to them. I think Atlas was the first to notice her and he went a little stiff confusing me. She signed something to him and he replied something we couldn't hear. It was then that the other people with him finally noticed her and instantly scowled at her. One of the guys said something to her and I watched her glare dangerously.

Oh no...

Griffin spoke and all I got was 'gay' and 'pig' from lip reading. Euterpe's eyes narrowed eye further and she threw the brand new water bottle at his face. He didn't have time to dodge and groan as it hit his eye and then fell right on his dick.

Damn, must have hurt.

The others started shouting so it was now time that we made ourselves known.

"You're such a fucking whore! Apologize to him!" I heard one of the others shout.

I yanked his hair from behind, "Do you want to repeat that?" I hissed in his ear, "Braxton I think he wants to repeat something that you will take great interest in." I pushed the guy to the floor.

Samson scoffed, "You heard us the first time. It's a wonder how you have the Vaughn name. You're all brainless dicks." He sneered.

"You're right. We did hear you the first time, and I believe you ended up with the same black eye that you have now because of that." Othello smirked.

"Fuck you," he spat back.

Othello gagged, "Sorry, I'm straight. Besides you're not my type." He grimaced making me chuckle.

"I'm not-!"

"Sure," I nodded, "Seems like someone is in the closet and afraid to come out." I looked at him weirdly.

"I'm not!"

"Is that why you always stare at us during school hours? I know we have some good genes because I mean look at us, but listen Samson, you're an annoying shit so back off." Braxton scowled.

"I am not gay! I hate gays!" He screamed catching everyone's attention.

Everyone in the building glared at them, "Not fucking cool." Someone hissed at him.

"Fuck off!" He shouted at everyone, "That is it! Let's settle this! You three against us three!" He pointed to his friends.

"Yeah no, I'm sitting this one out. I can't have bruises on my face this week." Atlas chimed in sitting down.

Griffin rolled his eyes, "Fine then Fredric will help us." He smirked making me clench my jaw.

Fredric, my arch-nemesis. Griffin's older brother by three years, where is that abomination.

"I'm in." His whiny voice sounded behind me.

I swiftly spun around, "Oh look, it's the devil's mistake." I mocked.

"Shut your mouth, you talk like an idiot." He snarled.

"Of course I talk like an idiot. How else would you understand me?" I bit back.

"I fucking hate you."

"And I'm jealous of the people who haven't met you. They must have a very good life!" I yelled.

Pencil walked over, "So, fight or no fight?" He asked bluntly.

"Fight." All six of us spat.

"I don't get paid enough but this shit is entertaining." Pencil muttered excitedly.

"You smell that? It smells like teen spirit pencil." I patted his shoulder.

He walked over to the microphone, "The first trio on trio of the night!! We have the Vaughn's versus the... uh what were your names again?" He looked at them making me snort, "Whatever doesn't matter. Fighters, in the ring!" He called.

We walked in and they started flexing while some of the girls giggled. I rolled my eyes watching them take off their jackets while we just leaned against the rope waiting for them to finish.

"You know if I didn't know she was yours, I'd totally do her in the bathroom." Fredric licked his lips looking at Euterpe.

Oh, fuck no!

"Fuck the bell!" I shouted tackling him to the ground.

"Never," elbow to face,

"Talk," left hook,

"About," right hook,

"Her." Slam his head against the floor.

I heard the others fighting but my focus was on this stupid piece of shit.

"Heard she's good." He chuckled.

"Shut up you stupid fridge! That is why people talk to you, they only use you like a fucking fridge. That's all you're useless as!" I shouted laying hit after hit.

He flipped us but I blocked the hits before kicking him off roughly.

"She is a slut!" Samson shouted.

I turned and kicked his ribcage letting Othello pounce on him quickly.

"You," hit,

"Are," another hit,

"So," headbutt,

"Fucking," punch to mouth,

"Dead." Foot to balls.

A fist to my face made me turn back to Fredric, "Big mistake." I chuckled darkly.

I grabbed him and slammed him to the floor before he could move and hit him on the left side of his head. He went limp and passed out making me throw him across the ring.

What? I had to take out the trash.

I turned to see Braxton finish Griffin off and Samson was half awake swaying in front of Othello. The fight was over, since it was three against one there is an automatic loss for their team.

"Come at me! Your whole family is fucking worthless!" Samson slurred.

Excuse me?!

Suddenly another body was in the ring and Euterpe punched him so hard he tripped and fell out of the ring before passing out.

I whistled, "Damn, you got a mean right hook. I hope your bony fingers leave a mark." I complimented.

"Go." She demanded.

"Fine, let's go." Braxton sighed.

We left as pencil announced us as winners we saw Atlas and a few others grab the three passed out losers.

"So, why did you punch him?" I asked Euterpe once we were in the car.

She shrugged looking out the window making me sigh, this girl is a piece of work.

A phone went off and Braxton answered, "Hey, what's up?"

"No, we are at the store?"

"I'm not lying."

"No, we didn't do anything illegal."

"Okay, fine we did."

"No Euterpe is fine."

"Fighting? We weren't fighting. We were actually having bonding time."

"I know you're not stupid."

"Yes, Othello is here."

"Oh god, what do you want Thorn?!"


"No, I did not just give you attitude."

"I'm twenty you can't ground me!"

"Yes, okay bye!"

"We have to go home." Braxton rolled his eyes.

I groaned, "What's the point of having a day off if we can't the day off?!" I threw my hands up exasperated.

"You're loud."

"And you're ugly."

"We're twins."

"Fuck me," Othello groaned annoyed.


And the fighting begins.

"Just what were you thinking taking Euterpe to a fight club?!" Thorn scolded.

"I told them not to." Othello piped up.

I scowled at him, "We didn't! We took her to an after school wrestling club. It was perfectly innocent!" I defended us.

"Yeah, and my name is twig." Thorn scoffed.

I sighed and sat back listening to his lecture because there was no way that we were getting out of it. I watched Euterpe sit there with her eyes on the wall completely zoned out. Her face scrunched up in pain for a second making me sit up.

"Hey," I said making Thorn pause, "You okay? Do you need some painkillers?" I asked scanning her.

Her eyebrows furrowed, "Butterfly? Are you okay? What hurts?" Thorn walked over.

She suddenly just shot up, "Okay. Bed now." She signed leaving the room quickly.

"Uhh... what just happened?"

"Something is wrong. Keep an eye out for her just in case. I am going to talk to Rydge." Thorn gave us a pointed look leaving the room.

"I blame you." Braxton looked at me.

"Oh shut up Brax," I threw a pillow at him, "Ruined my entire day!" I yelled walking out.

"Stop fighting!" Castriel shouted from somewhere.

Oh shut up.

"I heard that!"

I didn't even- He's crazy.


Oh my lord, I'm going to die.



Hey cuties, I missed you guys. Wattpad decided I needed to change my password without letting me for four days and I barely got it back last night. I hope everyone is doing good! Tell me why I read some of the Mafia's flame and I bawled even though I know what happens. I'm sorry I put y'all through that but damn. Crazy lol. Anyway, be careful out there and see you soon!

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