The Passion Parameter - Vol...

Por DarlaCassic

1.8M 90.1K 34.9K

As it turns out, the man Andy fell in love with is more of a mystery than she first thought. When they give t... Más

【01】Back to Square One
【03】Blatant Masochism
【05】Super Drunk
【06】Sobering Up
【08】Waiting Foolishly
【09】Hunting and Procrastinating
【10】Croissants and Mimosas
【12】Cracking the Enigma
【13】The Red Coat
【14】The Easy Way Out
【16】Little Teasing Game
【17】No Going Back
【18】Be Patient With Me
【19】Lunch With the Boss
【20】First Class
【21】Higher Than a Mile
【22】Family Secrets
【24】Power Couple
【25】The Weak Link
【26】Skimpy Dipping
【27】Nerd's Heaven
【29】The Good Sign
【30】Cat's Out
【31】Hot Sauce
【32】The Extension
【33】Games, Milkshakes, and Freckles
【34】Small Yet Colossal
【35】Showered in Love
【36】Boss Ass Bitch
【37】After Care
【38】Rising Sun
【39】The Proper Tour
【41】Zero Gravity
【42】The Birthday Surprise
【43】Husband Material
【46】Blunt Honesty
【47】Wildest Fantasy
【48】Cunning Bitch
【49】The Nobody
【50】Tough Walnut
【51】No More Secrets
【52】Girls' Night
【54】Before Anyone Else
【55】Making Progress
【56】Cabanel and Sundaes
【57】Milady Coleman
【58】Trophy Kid
【59】The Dinner
【60】All Goes to Shit
【61】Commando Mission
【62】The Gala
【63】Meet & Greet
【64】The Offer
【65】Sweet Revenge
【66】Great Expectations
【67】Meeting the Walkers
【68】Old Deals, New Deals
【69】Baby's Mingling
【70】Christmas Traditions
【71】Anniversary Party
【72】Bésame Mucho
【73】Down Memory Lane
【74】Techniques of Persuasion
【75】Whipped Man
【76】Cruising Speed
【77】Never Better
【79】Ragnarok Protocol
【80】Behind the Painting
【Important Announcement】

【78】The Other Shoe Drops

17.7K 1K 564
Por DarlaCassic

Understandably, Lex didn't feel great about his momentary loss of control. After waking up hungovered and confused, he'd asked what had happened exactly.

Although I'd assured him it was okay, he still had felt embarrassed by his actions. After spending the day at his place, slowly helping him recover from his overindulgence, I left early in the evening to go home. Work would start again the next day, after nearly two weeks of break. The perfect placement of the weekends had allowed everyone to have a very comfortable Holiday break.

Going back to Kelex felt odd and familiar altogether. I truly loved this job and considered my Troll's Lair colleagues as friends. Because of our long break, we all had a lot of things to tell each other. As much as I wanted to talk about Lex meeting my parents, I had to hold back on this information and remain as vague as I could. He was their boss, and it was his right not to have employees know details regarding private aspects of his life.

Overall, the app had been very well received by the beta testers. We had a mountain of bug reports to go through. We also had to read through the few functionalities users had suggested, and start thinking of how we would implement them. My favorite one, which we should have thought of right away, was to allow this app to work as a face call app too. Instead of being only for two present people, it would also work as a way to video call people and allow mute users to communicate with their interlocutor, the quick algorithm translating what was being signed or said in real-time.

The happiness of seeing how well my brainchild had done out there turned me into an overcharged battery. I was excited and sparkly the whole day, elated to see all the positive feedback.

Although it still was far from reaching its full potential, the app was already becoming an essential tool to a few of our users, and it was already so much more than I could have hoped for.

Working again with Lex proved to be particularly complicated. After sharing so much intimacy for so long, it was incredibly hard to stick to being professional and detached. Because we had a lot of organizing to do for this second phase, I spent most of my day going back and forth between the Troll's Lair and his office. We always kept his door wide open, to avoid any rumors, but it didn't prevent the occasional tender touch or lingering gaze.

We considered for a moment that it might be more pragmatic to have me move to his office again for a short period of time, given how often I would have to come in for the next few weeks. But once more, the boss getting his girlfriend to word right alongside him might not be very well received. Despite him telling me he didn't give a shit what others might say, I refused to let my relations with my colleagues deteriorate.

So we made do, as we had before the holidays, with me working downstairs and him in his office. That way, I didn't have the perpetual temptation of my bilf –boyfriend I'd like to fuck.

Because chance would have it, we had two days of work before the weekend came. Wanting to make the most of it, I debriefed my guys the best I could, and we set the course of the upcoming month. Our schedule was ready, well-thought, and everyone knew their tasks and goals. Lex and I had agreed on a four months goal, with the possibility of it turning into six months depending on what we would implement. But by then, we would have an app ready for the public. Everyone was pumped by the challenge, and I was confident we'd nail this superbly.

For the fifth time this afternoon, I was climbing the stairs to see Lex, needing his opinion on something and his approval for us to get some old scripts we could use to start working on the face chat feature.

Lex's door was wide open, as he'd asked since everyone had been in and out of it all day. Still, I knocked, a small smile on my lips as I watched his handsome face, focused on his screen. He lifted his eyes toward me, his grin matching mine, and gave me a nod, inviting me to come in.

Going around his desk, I then leaned against it next to him, crossing my arms in front of me. He removed his glasses, his lingering eyes going up and down my frame.

"So, what brings you here this time?"

"I needed to check with you if we can use some of the codes from that old face call app you guys came up with a few years back. I realize there will be a lot to improve, but it's still better than starting from scratch."

"Yeah, sure. I think Steven was the lead on that one. See with him if there's anything else you need."

"Perfect. Also, did you take a look at that script I sent you?"

"Not yet. I was about to, though, if you want to supervise me, as the project leader and all."

His gentle teasing had me biting back a smile. I kind of liked the idea of being his superior, even though it was definitely not true. "Hmm, interesting proposal, but I trust you, Coleman. Don't fuck it up, though, or I'll have no choice but to take action regarding your incompetence."

"And how would you proceed?"

"That's a story for another time. Tonight, maybe?"

He grimaced, and I knew I wouldn't like what would follow. "I'm sorry, I have some things I need to catch up on before the weekend. My vacation lasted longer than I intended, and some things have piled up."

"Nothing too bad, I hope?"

"No, everything's fine."

I'd noticed he seemed tired earlier, but it struck me once more. He seemed drained, tired. Was he still not over his hangover from the day before, or had he slept poorly? Not holding back, I reached for his jaw to cup it with my hand, caressing the stubble there.

"Are you okay, baby? You look exhausted."

"Hmm... I got caught up in work yesterday, didn't sleep much."

"Anything I can help you with?"

"I'm afraid not. But I need to get to the bottom of it, which is why tonight won't be possible."

"I mean, I can come and take care of you, bring you coffee, make you food... I promise I won't distract you," I offered.

"Just knowing you're seconds away from me will be enough to distract me, frecks. This is either going to end with me joining you for a movie or dragging you to my room."

I pouted, knowing there was some truth to this. Knowing us, this would most certainly end up with us cuddling on the couch in front of The Shining, or rolling in his sheets, losing ourselves in each other's arms. If he had serious work to go through, I needed to leave him alone and allow him to go through it.

"I promise I'll make up for it this weekend," he offered.

He was slightly aloof, and I wasn't sure if I should put it on the count of his fatigue or if something else was going on. Lex was always painfully honest with me, and I'd now asked several times if everything was okay. So regardless of what my instinct was saying, I decided to believe him. If he pulled another worrying moment as he had during New Year's Eve, though, I would press him harder.

"Does this mean tomorrow night is a no too?" I asked.

"It'll depend, but it will probably be the same, yes." His hand found my hip, and he made me slide closer, between him and the desk. "I'm yours the whole weekend, though."

"I thought you were mine all the time?"

His crooked smile made me feel better, knowing this was only a temporary thing. "You're damn right, I am. Let's just say I'll be even more yours this weekend."

Liking the sound of that a lot, I bent to seal his promise with a kiss, both our mouths twisted by smiles. When we pulled back, Lex offered me an apologetic wince, his tired features an unfamiliar sight. "If this wasn't important, I'd take you home tonight," he justified himself.

"Yeah, I know. It's all good, baby. Anyhow, I might drop by the mall on Saturday morning with Tammy, maybe it'll be a good time to invest in more lingerie. So be prepared for this weekend, Coleman."

"Hmm, I like the sound of that."

"You'll like the look of it even more."

We exchanged another quick peck, separating right as someone entered the room. "Oh, come on, guys," Kevin scolded us with amusement. I moved away from Lex, setting some acceptable distance between us before turning to the intruder. "I get how you two are in this lovey-dovey phase right now, but let's avoid getting in trouble over PDAs, yeah?"

Lex sent him a dark glare, and I felt my cheekbones heat up. He wasn't entirely wrong, though, and we knew perfectly well that we had to keep it clean and professional. Sometimes, it got a little out of hand, though.

"Alright, I'll leave you guys alone," I declared. "Lex, tell me when you've gone through that script, please. It's the last issue we have before running our tests."

"Wait, while I have you two," Kevin said, stopping my walk toward the door. "Wednesday. Dinner. At our place. Michelle insisted, and I'm not one to refuse my wife anything."

Lex and I silently consulted each other, unsure what to say. Michelle had wanted to have us for weeks now, but it was never the right time. I didn't have anything planned this Wednesday, though.

"I'm free," I told Kevin after looking away from Lex, who didn't seem opposed to the idea.

"Me too. You can tell your wife we'll finally have that dinner."

"Great, she'll be delighted," Kevin told us.

After offering him a genuine smile and a nod, I made my way out of the office, ready to return to my desk. So much to do and so little time to do it. It was truly thrilling to be back to work.

Friday unfolded in the same fashion, although I didn't need to go to Lex as often, which was kind of disappointing. He looked even more tired than the day before, and his aloofness was still present. Once more, when I asked if everything was alright, he insisted it was just his insane workload weighing on him.

As much as I wanted to believe him, since he'd never given me a reason to doubt his words, I had an unyielding feeling he wasn't being honest. Deciding it would be the best way to go at it, I didn't press him further but made a mental note to get him to speak on Saturday. We were in this together, and whatever was on his mind, he needed to share it with me.

My morning of shopping with Tammy was a delight. We bought a few things for the apartment, including new throw pillows for the couch, a tray since ours broke, a cactus, a bath mat, and a few other items. At some point, I'd bought us two warm pretzels, which we ate to compensate for our light breakfast.

As I'd suggested to Lex, I stopped by Victoria's Secret to buy new sets of underwear. I was pretty sure Lex must have been developing some sort of obsession for my panties, given how I tended to slip them in his pocket or shove them in his mouth. Me rolling in with new items he'd get to discover would surely elevate his somber mood.

Once we got back home, I rushed to get ready to go meet him, knowing I had to stop by the grocery store before getting there. I hadn't had the chance to prepare his birthday dinner, and I would make up for that. Lunch would be mac n cheese with T-Bone steaks, for my baby who was feeling down. Then, we'd take a moment to sit down and talk, like a healthy couple.

I arrived a little later than planned, but it was still a good performance. Holding the paper bag full of groceries with one arm, I pushed my key in and swung the door open. God, having my own key for his place would never get old. Lex was nowhere to be seen, so I put the bag down to get rid of my coat and scarf.

"Honey, I'm home!" I yelled with an amused smile, picking up the bag.

I headed for the kitchen, ready to get our childish meal started. As I was just done unpacking everything, I saw Lex arrive from the living room, which I wasn't expecting. The corridor that led to pretty much everything was the opposite way.

"Hey, where are you coming from?" I asked, confused.

"I was in the laundry room." Ah, yes. There were a few utility rooms over there.

He came to me and we exchanged a quick kiss before he turned his interest to the ingredients displayed on the counter. A small smile bent his lips as he understood what I had in mind.

But something was off about his grin. It didn't reach his eyes. The fact that he hadn't jumped me while knowing I had new lingerie on me and we hadn't had sex in a few days was another bad sign. Especially since I'd purposefully picked a thin top that allowed him to peak at the cerulean blue bralette underneath.

Analyzing him, I worried once more about his state of mind. He looked even worse than he had the day before. Maybe that talk couldn't wait for after the meal, after all.

"Lex, what is going on?" I asked, deciding I wouldn't let go until he told me the truth. The one he'd been holding back. He opened his mouth, and I could already tell he would discard my worries with another false excuse. "No lies. Tell me the truth, baby. I know something's not right, and you need to tell me."

He hesitated, his brow twitching as he thought about what he could say. His eyes were filled with doubts and guilt, and I braced myself for what would come. Lex didn't lie, so whatever it was, it had to be big.

"I... I have run into some issues. I'm trying to handle it, but it's proving to be more complicated than I expected."

"What sort of issues?"

"I'd rather not say."

"Lex, don't do this to me. Do shut me out, please."

"I don't want you to worry for me. I'm going to handle it, I really am. I'll tell you everything once the matter is settled, I promise." My scowl was probably revealing how much I disapproved of this, but he didn't give in. "I will tell you whatever you want to know, in meticulous detail. Please, Andrea, let me handle it before I bring you into my worries."

"We are together, Lex. For better or worse. Your problems are mine, and I want to help you carry them, just like I know you'd help me carry mine."

His expression switched slightly. He grew more tender, more comprehensive, and I thought he would confess whatever was on his mind. Instead, he offered me a tantalizing smirk. "Isn't 'for better or worse' a marriage thing?"

"Yeah, it is."

"We aren't married, though."

"Not yet, you mean."

"Is this you proposing, Walker?"

I couldn't resist his flirtatious mood, especially not when he was talking about us marrying. My frustrated frown changed into a desperate attempt at hiding my amusement and glee. "When I propose, you'll know it, Coleman."

His hands reached for my hips and he hooked his indexes in the belt hoops of my jeans to pull me closer to him. "Would it look like you buying new lingerie and wearing a top transparent enough for me to notice? Maybe you'd even prepare my favorite meal for the occasion," he ventured right before he bent to kiss the side of my neck where a vein was palpitating.

"No. Whenever I'll pop the question, it'll be much, much grander than this," I humored. As tempting as it was to be the one proposing, I was dying to let him do it first. I wanted to see how, when, and where he would do it. I didn't want to take charge of it, I wanted to experience it.

"I need to act fast, then. I wouldn't want my manliness to be bruised by you asking first."

His mouth met mine, swallowing the giggle that escaped me. After a few seconds of ravishing me with his skillful tongue and lips, he lifted me, pressing me against him with eagerness. My arms wrapped around his neck as my legs did the same at his hips, holding onto him as he carried me through the room.

Fuck, he was cleverly changing the subject, using my weakness against myself. That wasn't fair. That was cheating. But luckily for me, I could get this and still ask my questions afterward. Really, it was a win-win kind of situation. Also, Lex was always more cooperative after sex, so this couldn't hurt.

As he laid me on the couch, his muscular body towering over mine, I decided to remind him that manipulating me like this was a no, even though I'd probably be screaming yes a bunch of times in the following moments. But I'd do it after, though, because there was no stopping his amorous assault.

• • •

My resolve to get him to talk was slightly postponed, as I was properly dickmatized and unable to keep a straight head. So instead of jumping back right into our conversation, we got dressed again and prepared our lunch.

I needed food to refuel, and the overload of carbs, cheese, and proteins would help. Cooking with Lex was something I particularly loved. His cluelessness was endearing as I patiently taught him how to make his own mac n cheese. He truly could only do eggs and toasts, but I'd work on educating him.

Perched on the high chairs of his counter, we ate our strange dish. It was okay overall, just a little bland. The subject of conversation inevitably drifted to work. He had great expectations for the app, and he was just as thrilled as I was by how well-received it had been by our beta testers.

The subject dried up as we were doing the dishes, and I used the quietness to organize the questions I would ask him. I understood he didn't want to worry me if he could avoid it, but it was too late. I was already worried, all sorts of scenarios running havoc in my mind.

Was this about his investment companies? Was this about the algorithm he'd built to buy stock? Was it even legal to do something like this? Shouldn't only a human entity buy this kind of thing?

I was completely lost when it came to this sort of thing, but I couldn't think of what else it could be. From everything I'd seen, Kelex was fine. And Kevin didn't seem concerned at all. No, this came from a different part of Lex's life, and the only one that could explain why he'd be so anxious was this.

I was done drying the pot Lex had cleaned when Mary spoke out of nowhere. "Alexander, Fenrir is upon us. They are here," she said, her electronic voice accentuating the 'they'.

Perplexed, I turned to Lex, wondering what she was talking about. Was she glitching or something? Lex's reaction confused me even further.

His face fell into pure dread, his eyes filled with fear. I'd never seen Lex scared before, and the sight had my heart clutching painfully. What the fuck was happening? Who was here? Who was Fenrir?

"Are you sure, Mary?" he asked, his voice uneven and shallow.

"Yes. A group just exited the elevator, and another one is waiting in the lobby to get the next ride up."

"Lex, what's happening?!" I asked, fear quickly gaining me.

"I'm sorry... I... I thought we'd have more time."

"More time for what? What's going on?"

"Mary, initiate the Ragnarok Protocol," he ordered, ignoring me and getting away from the sink, turning toward the room.

"Waiting for password confirmation to initiate."

"04-22-19-93," he enumerated. It was my birthday. What the fuck was the Ragnarok Protocol?!

"Password confirmed. The Ragnarok Protocol initiated. Waiting for required specifications to proceed."

Scared and lost, I waited for Lex to tell me what was happening. He was completely aghast, unresponsive to my despair and confusion. Moving toward him, I grabbed his face, shaking him out of his torpor.

His terror-filled eyes met mine, and the pain in them nearly undid me. "Lex, talk to me. What is going on? Who is here?!"

"I thought I could fix this. I thought I had enough time."

"Fix what?" He got lost again in his thoughts, his clever brain trying to come up with a solution, working its hardest to fix whatever was happening. I shook him again, needing him to communicate. "Talk to me!"

"I'm sorry. I should have tried harder. It's not your fault, Andrea. None of it is. Only mine."

Why would it be my fault? How could it be when I didn't have a single clue what he was talking about?

I opened my mouth, ready to press him again to tell me what the fuck was the Ragnarok Protocol and who the fuck had just come out of the elevator. Before I could, three heavy knocks hit the door. We both turned toward it, terror running through my veins, panic creeping up my back. Who was that? Were we in danger?

A loud, masculine voice followed the knocks, chilling my blood to the bones.

"FBI! Open the door!"

My heart sunk, a punch-like sensation knocking the air out of my lungs. Thoughts, too many of them, bounced into my head.

What the fuck was this?

What had Lex done?!

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