the best decision I've ever m...

By ststoriess2

248K 4.8K 4.1K

Who knew that moving would've been the best decision we've ever made? in which y/n and Billy Hargrove are for... More

✰introduction ✰
✰here come the Hargroves ✰
✰turns out i was wrong ✰
✰chocolate pudding ✰
✰STEPsister ✰
✰damnit Will ✰
✰hot ✰
✰happy screams ✰
✰i like Will Byers ✰
✰your not coming ✰
✰annoying STEPsister ✰
✰i love you too, sis. ✰
✰my ship has sailed ✰
✰cool beans ✰
✰what a gentlemen ✰
✰okay DAD ✰
✰someones jelly ✰
✰i'm ready to tell you ✰
✰it's okay love ✰
✰i'm at loss for words ✰
✰damn i look good today ✰
✰let's go shopping ✰
✰i don't have time to look hot later ✰
✰i dump your ass ✰
✰weird sounds, get out of there ✰
✰it's true ✰
✰please don't let it be you ✰
✰i make my own rules ✰
✰Byer's you're too cute ✰
✰billy's car ✰
✰i'm the dumb person ✰
✰enough Mike ✰
✰it's not my fault ✰
✰something bad is about to happen ✰
✰only Will ✰
✰anything for a friend ✰
✰not now mom ✰
✰extended ✰
✰he's here ✰
✰Billy's little sister ✰
✰the source ✰
✰he knows we're here ✰
✰end all of this ✰
✰bitchin ✰
✰sweeter. bolder. better. ✰
✰hurt like hell ✰
✰you're my sister ✰
✰let's hit the road ✰
✰please confirm your safety ✰
✰this isn't going to be a fun trip ✰
✰Suzy, do you copy? ✰
✰seven feet ✰
✰my brothers gone ✰
✰how is that even a question ✰
✰Max needs you ✰
✰i want you to stay ✰
✰all great things must come to an end ✰
✰the best decision i've ever made ✰
✰ a/n: THANK YOU!!! ✰

✰always and forever ✰

5.5K 106 210
By ststoriess2


Will looks at me with complete confusion. "Uh.. need answers to what exactly?" He raises an eyebrow at me. "Can we maybe.. talk about this somewhere more private?" I question as I look around his house to make sure nobody was listening.

"Uh.. okay yeah sure." He says as he leans against the door to let me in. I nod and walk past Will, into his house. His wasn't big, but it looked super cozy and homey. They had a living room with a green couch and tv on the right, and a wood dining table with matching print chairs.

Will led me down a hallway and turned right, into his bedroom. I followed him, and his bedroom is SO CUTE. His bed has a green dinosaur comforter and pillowcases to match. His room is this light brown color, it matches his desk. I realized that Will had drawings that covered almost every inch of his wall. I walked towards them and started analyzing them one by one.

One was a drawing of starcourt mall, and it was kinda unbelievable how good the drawing was. Then, was a picture that looked like Will, Mike, Lucas and.. this curly headed boy. I looked closer to the picture and saw the name "Dustin" written under the human figure. Dustin? I question myself. I never met a Dustin before. Is he still in the party? Did he leave? Did the demagorgan have something to do with him? All or these scenarios started running through my head, and then I zoned out.

"Y/N!!!" Will yells as he waves his hand infront of my face. I finally snap out of it and look at him. "U-Uh sorry I just.. thinking." I sigh as I sit myself down on his twin sized bed, even laying my legs up to get comfortable.

"So.. what did you want to talk about?" Will says as he walks towards me. "Well, I know about the demogorgans and demo-dogs." I say with no expression whatsoever, like it didn't matter. Will stops dead in his tracks. turns his head and looks at me with nothing with fear in his eyes, the same way he looked yesterday when he was frozen.

"W-Will?" I question as he just stands there and stares at me, terrified. "H-How... how did you figure out?" He finally spits out as he walks to his bed and sits on the edge, starring down at the ground. "I overheard Max and Eleven talk about it..." I say as I lean my head back on Will's pillow. "Oh.. then m-maybe you heard wrong!! Maybe your.. dreaminggggg!" Will does jazz hands in my face and makes this "oooo" sound.

I slap his hand out of my face and roll my eyes. "Will, NOW!! I NEED ANSWERS!!" I yell as i sit up from his bed, giving him the death stare. I learned that well from Max. Will sighs, nods his head and looks right back at the ground.

"I...I-I just cant tell you y/n.. I'm sorry." Will let's out a big sigh and finally looks me in the eyes. I jump off of Will's bed, cross my arms and before I know it, I'm yelling at him. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN YOU CAN'T TELL ME?! WILL, WHEN I SAW YOU FROZEN LAST NIGHT, YOU LOOKED HORRIFIED!! YOU LOOKED TRAUMATIZED, LIKE YOU JUST SAW A GHOST OR SOMETHING!!" I say all in one breath and start calming down. "I was panicking, and I was frustrated that there was nothing that I could do, Will. THERE WAS NOTHING I COULD DO TO HELP YOU!! AND THAT KILLED ME INSIDE WILL!!" I say with a tear escaping my eye and rolling down my face. "I HATED SEEING THE PERSON I LOVE IN SO MUCH PAIN-" I yell, re-saying my words in my head and realizing what I just said.

I was yelling at Will, but for some reason when I said "person I love", his eyes lit up, like he was actually happy I said that or something. My eyes fill with panic and I quickly put my hand over my mouth. What the hell was I thinking telling him that?! I JUST MET THE GUY YESTERDAY!! IM SO DUMB!!! Now I probably scared him off for life. Any other chance of dating him, out the window. GONE. I'm so embarassed, how will I ever show myself around him again?! I think as I just stand there, petrified of what's about to happen next.

"I..I-I'm so sorry Will." I finally spit out as I get myself together. "I'm just.. I'm just going to go." I say as I start walking towards the door. Will gets off his bed, runs to me and the next thing I know, his lips are planted on mine. It all happened so fast, one second be was on his bed.. and now he's here, full on making out with me!? I question myself, obviously inside my head.

A solid minute later, Will finally pulls away from me and looks into my eyes. "I..I-I love you too y/n." He smiles and places hit forehead ontop of mine. I smile, look down at his hands and intertwine my fingers with his.


Will finally takes his forehead off of mine and looks into my eyes, smiling like crazy. "Okay Will, that was amazing in all, but.. I came here for a reason. And DON'T say you can't tell me, you obviously can.. just choose not to." I say as I pull my hand away from his and sit back on his bed with my arms crossed. I literally looked like my dad when I did something wrong.

Will takes a deep breath and sits beside me with a worried look in his eyes. He was obviously afraid to tell me, but I needed answers. "Okay y/n, if I tell you... you have to PROMISE not tell anyone, got it?" Will says, ive never seen him more serious. "Ok.. I got it." I say with a reassuring smile.

Will takes another deep breath and looks me in the eyes. "It all happened in 1983, 2 years ago. I was on my way home from Mike's house, it was pitch black outside. The only thing that I could see from was my little bike headlight. But then, that went out. I couldn't see anything, but then I saw this black looking figure in my way. I then curved to the side, falling off my bike. I knew I saw something.. I wasn't crazy. So, I started running to my house, tried to call my mom but nobody answered. My mom and Jonathan where at work, so it was just me. I see the figure coming towards my door, and somehow unlocking it from the outside. I then run outside of my shed, and the next thing you now... I-I was taken.. to the upside down." Will explains as tears start filling his eyes.

"Will, I'm here for you!!" I place my hand on-top of his and nod. "You don't have to keep going if you don't want to, it's ok." I assure him. "N-No.. I want to. You need to know." Will says as he looks back up. I nod and take in what he's saying, and let me just say, this shit is INSANE.

"M-My mom then found me through the walls. Then, her and Hopper came to the upside down and saved me. I thought it was all over... until I started getting these episodes last year. We thought they would go away, but it just started getting worse.. and t-then.. the mind flayer got into my body, and started controlling me, and spying on us." Will explains as tears escape his eyes and are now falling down his face.

"Will... oh my gosh." I say in total disbelief. How the hell could something like this be possible!? This is CRAZY.

"A-And then me, Hopper, my mom, Mike, and Bob where in the hospital. Then, Demo-dogs attacked the hospital, with us inside. We tried to get out, but the mind flayer was using me to spy. There was no way. T-Then we got attacked, and a demo-dog killed Bob, a-and it was all my fault!!" Will exclaims as tears are now running down his face at 100mph.

I don't know what to say, all I do is wrap my arms around Will. Will leaned his body on me and buried his head in my shoulders, now crying hysterically due to his past trauma. Now I feel bad for making him talk about it. Obviously it made him upset, so I'm not going to make him talk about it anymore, but there's so many more questions I have. Like, who the hell is Bob? How did the demagorgan/demo-dogs/mindflayer even find him?! Who's Dustin? Did they take him too? I have so many questions, but I'll save those for a different time. Right now, Will needs me.

It took a while to calm Will down, but I finally did. He unburied his head from my arm and looked at me. I wiped his tears with my thumb and looked into his eyes. "Will, I'm so sorry that happened to you, but as long as I'm here, I won't let anything like that ever happen you again.. I promise." I say with reassurance.

Will nods and wraps his arms around me again. "Thank you y/n, I really needed that." He pulls away and intertwines his fingers with mine. I nod and looked into his eyes. "I'll always be here for you Will." I say with a smile. Will looks into my eyes, cups my face and starts leaning in. I close my eyes and start leaning in as well.

Seconds later, Jonathan comes barging through Will's door. "WILL?!" He screams while looking down at a newspaper article. "HAVE YOU SEEN MY COMB?! I'M GOING OUT WITH NANCY LATER-" he then sees me and Will, sitting on his bed with our fingers intertwined and our faces inches apart. We stop and just stare at Jonathan, while he stares at us.

"Uh... I'm interrupting something, aren't I?" Jonathan questions as he rubs the back of his neck awkwardly. "Wellll, I guess I'll just go find my comb by myself.." he says as he gives Will a wink and closes his door. Me and Will look at eachother, then burst out laughing. We start laughing so hard that we both fall back on his bed, with our fingers still intertwined.

"Thank you for being here for me y/n, no one has ever been here for me the way you have." Will smiles and turns his head to me. "I'll always be here for you Will, always and forever." I smile and lean my head on his shoulder, us both still laying down on his bed.

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