screw you - fred weasley

By stories000007

63.1K 1.4K 127

a fred weasley love story. very slow burn status: ongoing warning: mature language and mature themes no sm... More

|Part i|
~Part ii.~
~twenty one.~
~twenty two.~
~twenty three.~
~twenty four.~
~twenty five.~
~twenty six.~
(Part iii.)
(twenty seven.)
(twenty eight.)
(twenty nine.)
(thirty two.)
(thirty three.)
(thirty four.)
(thirty five.)
(thirty six.)
(thirty seven.)
[Part iv.]
[thirty eight.]
[thirty nine.]
[forty one.]
[forty two.]
[forty three.]
[forty four.]
[forty five.]
[forty six.]
[forty seven.]
[forty eight.]
[forty nine.]
<Part v.>
<fifty one.>
<fifty two.>
<fifty three.>
<fifty four.>
<fifty five.>
<fifty six.>
<fifty seven.>
<fifty eight.>
<fifty nine.>
<sixty one.>
<sixty two.>
<sixty three.>
•Part vi.•

(thirty one.)

503 13 1
By stories000007

TW: Eating Disorder
Putting () when it happens
ELLIE shivered as she walked through the corridors. She was going to go on her first trip to Hogsmeade. She didn't really want to go but her parents had already signed the permission slip.
"And then I told Daphne to shut up!" Chase spoke, causing Ellie to get out of her trance.
"Wow you guys hate each other a lot." Jane advised.
"Yeah I suppose." Chase said, looking at the snow on the ground and saw three pairs of footprints.
"Come on we're going to miss the carriages." Ellie exclaimed, then the three sat in a carriage.
As they entered Ellie saw Brandon, Rosie, and Jake.
"Thank god." Brandon spoke. "I was third wheeling and it was very uncomfortable." Brandon admitted and Rosie glared at him.
"Shut up." She shot.
Ellie rolled her eyes at her siblings and quickly sat down.
She looked at Jake and Rosie. They were both happy. She smiled for a moment. They weren't just happy, they were in love.
Rosie and Jake were the perfect couple. They were like Westley and Buttercup from The Princess Bride. That was what Brandon liked to call them.
She sighed for a second and took out her book from her bag.
Chase looked out for a second and smiled.
"It's snowing!" Chase smiled.
"No Chase, it's raining." Brandon spoke sarcastically.
Chase looked outside again.
"Am I seeing things?" Chase questioned.
Rosie chuckled and looked at Ellie.
"You just had to bring a book?" She queried.
"Yeah, I'm now third top of the class! I went down." Ellie exclaimed.
"Wow you are doing really bad." Brandon spoke sarcastically.
"Shut up." Ellie shot.
Jake looked over and whispered something into Rosie's ear and she smiled.
"It is snowing right?" Chase asked.
"Yes Chase, Brandon just likes to mess with people." Ellie advised.
Chase nodded and then started to have a conversation with Jane. While Ellie read for the rest of the ride.
() () ()
LEE jumped out of the carriage and the twins both gave him a look and started to walk towards the stores.
"How much did you bring?" George asked.
"Around 6 sickles." Fred advised, and he quickly put his hands in his pockets.
"I'm going to miss the map." George admitted.
"Me too, but hey it was for a good cause I assume." Fred muttered.
Then the two walked into The Three Broomsticks and saw Angelina and Oliver sitting at a table.
"Twins! Over here!" Oliver yelled out.
Fred and George quickly walked over and sat down.
"You two look well." Angelina spoke sarcastically.
"Thank you Angelina, for having me hate you even more." Fred exclaimed, and Angelina shot him a glare.
George quickly nudged Fred and Fred just gave him a look.
A girl quickly walked over and looked at the group.
"Could I get you guys anything?" She asked.
"A butter-beer." Angelina exclaimed.
"Me too." Oliver spoke.
Fred and George looked at each other.
"We'll both have tea." Fred spoke.
The girl nodded and walked back.
"You know we could have paid for you guys right?" Oliver queried.
"Yeah but we'd never pay you back." George smirked.
Oliver chuckled at the two.
Tea was one of the cheapest things on the menu.
The four sat there and paid for their drinks and left.
() () ()
"I am not carrying your bags for you Chase." Ellie shot.
"Please just this one bag?" Chase asked.
"Chase, has anyone told you that you have a shopping addiction." Ellie spoke.
Chase thought for a moment.
"Yes they have." He admitted and looked around for a moment. "When is Jane coming back?" He asked as he almost dropped a bag that Ellie caught.
"I don't know soon I suppose. She's with Micheal Corner right now." Ellie advised.
"Why don't they just admit they like each other?" Chase queried.
"I think it's just because they're both shy." Ellie told him.
"That seems stupid, if you like someone tell them." Chase exclaimed.
"Like you told Rosie that you had a huge crush on her." Ellie teased and Chase blushed.
"I was a first year!" Chase protested.
Ellie just rolled her eyes and they walked into The Three Broomsticks. They placed the bags on the tables and sat down.
Chase ordered something and he was brought an extra.
"Want one?" He questioned.
Ellie sighed for a moment and hesitated.
"Sure." Ellie replied.
Then she grabbed the sweet and ate it.
She felt weird when she ate it almost as if she felt guilty.
"Are you okay?" Chase asked.
"I'm fine, I think I'm going to use the restroom." Ellie spoke, and walked over.
Then she walked in the bathroom and two girls were there.
() When she walked in the stall she heard a puking sound. Then she heard a voice.
"Hurry up! It's taking too long." A girl complained.
Ellie took a peek out the stall and the other girl came out.
"Sorry that took a lot longer than I expected." The other girl apologized.
"Beauty is pain." The girl said, then the other girl washed her hands and they left.
Ellie quickly stepped out the stall and looked at herself.
She stepped into the stall again and felt awful. She felt like she had to throw up what she just ate. Ellie wanted to look like those girls. Pretty, like the other girl said.
Beauty is pain. Right?
She went into the stall and shoved fingers down her throat. Then she started to gag and then.
She threw up. And almost cried.
Ellie quickly put herself together and headed back to the table.
() () ()
FRED poked George who was asleep on the carriage.
"Are we here?" George asked with a raspy voice.
"Unfortunately." Fred sighed.
The two boys walked to where the great hall was and sat down at the table. The twins saw Colin Creevey and his brother taking pictures of things and Fred smiled. He thought of that the two were hilarious and adorable.
He glanced over at Lee who was staring at the Ravenclaw table again.
"What are you doing?" Fred asked.
"N- Nothing." Lee stuttered.
He looked over at the table again.
"Are you going to complain about Elle's hair again?" Fred queried with a smirk.
"It's so perfect! I don't trust anyone with perfect hair." Lee ranted.
"Calm down buddy." Fred laughed
George quickly looked at the two.
"What are you guys talking about?" George queried.
"Lee's complaining about how Elle has perfect hair." Fred informed him.
George looked at Ellie's hair and just looked at Lee.
"Her hair looks normal to me." George advised.
"It's perfect!" Lee shot. Then he looked at Angelina. "Angelina do you think Ellie has perfect hair?" Lee asked.
"Lee shut up." Angelina spoke.
"Just answer the question." Lee shot.
Angelina looked over at Ellie.
"Sure I guess. I just don't know why you're going on about hair." Angelina muttered.
"I agree with Angelina shockingly." Fred spoke. Then he looked over at Ellie and looked at her hair. It was perfect. She looked perfect. "Never mind she does have perfect hair." Fred muttered.
George chuckled and Lee gave Angelina a look.
"See!" Lee shot.
"Lee." Angelina spoke.
"Yeah?" He asked.
"Shut up." Angelina shot.
() () ()
ELLIE was in the library when she saw Neville Longbottom go to her table.
"Hi Ellie, can I sit?" He asked.
"Go ahead." Ellie spoke.
He smiled and sat down next to her. Neville looked over and saw Rosie and Jake holding hands in the library.
"Ellie." Neville spoke.
"Yeah." Ellie said.
"What do you think it feels like to be in love?" Neville asked.
"No idea." Ellie admitted, then he looked at her.
"Really? Well then what about a crush. Have you ever had one?" Neville asked shocked.
"Not really." She advised. Then Neville smiled.
"That's okay, my first crush was Hermione Granger. Well she still is." Neville admitted with a blush.
Ellie smiled at him.
"That's good for you Neville." Ellie advised, and got back to her work.
Neville looked at her.
"What do you think about Fred Weasley?" Neville asked her.
"He's a good friend." Ellie replied. He was a good friend. Yes she thought he's handsome. Just because she thinks he's handsome it doesn't mean she fancies him.
Right, she thought Cedric could be handsome sometimes but she didn't fancy him.
Neville looked around.
"Why is that Slytherin staring at you?" Neville asked.
Ellie looked and saw Theodore Nott.
"That's Theo." Ellie answered him.
"Is he nice?" Neville questioned.
"He's been nice to me every few times I've talked to him." Ellie exclaimed.
"I think he likes you." Neville admitted.
"I think he's liked me since our first year." Ellie whispered and Nevilles eyes widened.
"Really?" He asked.
"Surprisingly." Ellie muttered under her breath.
"Don't say that I'm sure plenty of guys have liked you." Neville advised.
"Like who?" Ellie queried.
"Well I know Dean Thomas had a little crush on you in second year for about a week. Then he started liking this one Hufflepuff." Neville explained.
"That's nice I suppose." Ellie muttered.
Neville just gave her a small smile.
Hannah Abbot walked up to Neville.
"Excuse me, do you have the herbology notes?" She asked.
"Oh yeah sure." Neville said, shyly.
Ellie chuckled and got back to reading.
Hannah quickly left and Ellie stared at Neville.
"How do you know her?" Ellie asked.
"Oh we were partners in herbology last year." Neville explained and Ellie nodded.
"I have to get going." Ellie said, Neville nodded and Ellie quickly left.
She started heading to the Ravenclaw common room. On her way she stopped for a moment. Her head felt dizzy and she had a headache.
She started walking and almost couldn't walk straight. Then she bumped into someone.
"Hey! Elle, are you okay?" A concerned Fred Weasley asked.
Ellie looked up at him for a moment.
"Yeah I'm fine sorry. I think I just need to sleep." Ellie exclaimed.
Fred faced her with a worried look.
"I'll walk you to your common room." He shot.
"No it's fine." Ellie advised.
"No! I'm walking you that's final." He protested.
"Fine, but you know I'm not a first year anymore." She teased. Fred smiled.
"Yes, but you seem way too tired to focus straight. I blame reading." Fred smirked.
"Reading?" Ellie queried.
"I don't know." Fred admitted with a tiny blush.
Ellie gave him a small smile.
"You know you still don't have to walk me to my common room." Ellie exclaimed.
"I know, but I want to." Fred advised, and he smiled at her.
He brought her to the portrait then faced her.
"Are you sure that you're going to be okay?" Fred asked.
"I'm sure Fred." Ellie advised.
Fred gave her a smile.
The portrait looked at the two and smiled.
"What is always in front of you but can't be seen?" The portrait asked and Fred jumped.
"Woah! This guy is quieter than the fat lady. It's very impressive." Fred exclaimed.
Ellie rolled her eyes.
"The future." Ellie answered.
Fred's eyes widened and he looked at her.
"How did you get that so fast?" He asked.
"Beats me. Anyways see you around, Freddie." Ellie teased and started to head in.
"Hey, I told you not to call me that." He shot.
"I know!" Ellie yelled out and slammed the portrait.
Fred smirked at what she said and then heard to his own common room.
When Ellie walked in her dorm she laid in her bed and fell asleep.
All she needed was rest.
That was all she needed.
() () ()
ELLIE heard the bell ring that signaled that D.A.D.A was over. She grabbed her bag and was about to head out the door.
"Ellie Smith. May I talk with you for a moment?" He asked politely.
Ellie nodded and walked over.
"Now you may be wondering why I called you. You aren't in trouble but I have noticed something." He exclaimed.
"What is it?" Ellie asked as she walked to his desk.
"You haven't been eating dinner much. Is everything okay?" He queried.
Ellie hesitated for a moment.
"Everything's fine professor. I promise." She spoke.
"Okay if you say so." He replied, not convinced. Then he looked at the door.
"I think I'm going to cancel my next class." He said, then grabbed a piece of parchment and wrote something down. "Ellie could you stay here?" He asked.
"I would love to professor but I have potions." Ellie told him.
"I'm sure Snape won't mind." He spoke giving her a smile, and placed the paper on the door and shut it. "Sit." He exclaimed.
Ellie sat down and he walked to his desk.
"Why did you lie to me?" He questioned.
"Excuse me?" Ellie asked.
"Ellie you remind me a lot like myself when I was younger. It's very easy to lie and say that your fine. However when you told me I could tell that you weren't." He explained.
Ellie just looked at him in shock.
"Professor I'm fine. I promise." She said.
Was she fine?
Or was she just saying that because that's what she was telling herself, and that's what she wanted to hear.
Lupin gave her a small smile and then reached in his bag.
"Here." He handed her a piece of chocolate. "Eat it later." He spoke, and she nodded.
Then he got up.
"I wanted to teach you something Ms.Smith." He informed her.
She got up and walked towards where he was.
"It's called a patronus charm." He explained.
"I've heard of those." She admitted.
Lupin gave her an impressed look.
"Well I wanted to teach it to you." He told her.
"Really?" Ellie asked, shocked.
He smiled for a moment.
"Yes, I think you'll be able to do it. But it will probably take a bit." He explained.
Ellie nodded and grabbed her wand, and Lupin grabbed his.
"Now let me show you." He exclaimed, then he did a motion with his wand. "Expecto patronum." He casted.
Then Ellie saw a flash of silver appear and it started to form into an animal.
A wolf. She thought it was weird, but she just shrugged the thought off of her mind.
"Wow." She muttered.
"Now, it's your turn." He instructed. "Now, think of one of your happiest memories and try to cast the spell." Lupin explained.
Ellie thought for a moment. One of her happiest memories. She thought of her friends. Daphne, Jane, Chase, and Blaise. She even thought of Luna.
"Expecto Patronum." She casted. Only a tiny spark came out.
Lupin looked at her for a moment.
"I think you weren't thinking about your happiest moment. And the only reason why is probably because you don't remember it." He explained.
Ellie just nodded at him. Then she put something together.
"Professor Lupin." She spoke softly.
"Yes?" He queried.
"Are you a werewolf?" She asked calmly.
Lupin looked shocked for a moment and then smiled.
"I'm surprised it took you so long to notice." He admitted.
Ellie gave a shocked look.
"That explains the scar." She thought.
He looked at her for a moment.
"My friends helped me a lot when I was younger." He admitted. Ellie just looked at him.
"Thank you for trusting me enough to tell me." Ellie spoke.
"You are very welcome." He replied. "Now eat your chocolate." He shot.
() () ()
FRED glanced over at the Ravenclaw table and smiled when he saw Ellie. Angelina quickly walked in and slammed a book on the table to get Fred's attention.
"What?" Fred groaned.
Angelina glared at him.
"I need your part of the paper for the divination assignment." She informed, then looked over to where Fred was looking. "But it seems you were busy. Got anything to admit Fred?" She asked.
"What? No!" Fred shot.
Angelina just smirked. "Okay fine but could I get the paper?" She asked.
"Yea sure." Fred muttered, then he grabbed his paper from his bag and handed it to Angelina.
"Are you seriously giving me this?" She queried.
"What?" Fred shot.
Angelina just sighed.
"Never mind." She spoke. Then grabbed her stuff. "I'll stop bothering you so you can stare at Ellie for the tenth time." Angelina advised. Fred glared at her and Angelina left.
And because of that he just glanced at Ellie.
() () ()
"DON'T even start Chase! You have no idea what you're talking about!" Daphne protested.
"Yes I do." Chase shot.
Daphne and Chase were currently debating about who knows what. Ellie was staring at Fred Weasley. She didn't know why she just was.
She was so confused on why he wanted to walk her to her common room.
He was just being friendly. Friends walk each other places. And they cared about each other that was all.
Then why did she keep staring at him.
She heard a slam on the table and saw Blaise.
"Who are you staring at?" He asked, with a smirk on his face.
"No one." Ellie shot.
Blaise looked over at the Gryffindor table and saw Fred.
"You were looking at Weasley." He said with a grin.
"No I wasn't." Ellie spoke.
Blaise rolled his eyes.
"Really? It looks like you were staring at him, and I am pretty sure it's him and not his twin." Blaise teased.
"Shut it." Ellie shot. Blaise just kept the smirk on his face.
"Ellie help me out here!" Chase shot.
"There's no point." Ellie spoke.
"Ha! I told you!" Daphne laughed and Chase glared at her.
The rest of the time in the great hall Ellie and Fred kept on stealing glances at each other. Each without the other noticing.
() () ()
FRED was walking to his common room when he stepped on something.
"Ow." He shot.
He looked down and saw it.
Ellie's brooch.
He picked it up and examined it. He turned it around and noticed that the back of the pin was missing. He saw George walk over to him and Fred quickly put the pin in his pocket.
"Hey." George said.
"Hey." Fred replied.
"Come on we need to get to the common room. Lee wants to talk to us about something." George explained.
Fred nodded, and they both made their way to the common room. Fred looking around to see if the pin of the brooch was near.

a/n : hey just wanted to say one thing. if you are going through the same thing that is happening to ellie, please seek help IMMEDIATELY . an eating disorder won't stop till it's dead or your dead.

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