Double M is My Man

By EndlessImagination

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What's the cherry on top with being in love with your best friend? That he works part-time as Double M: a su... More

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By EndlessImagination

"Bath salts!"

If the earth's inner core randomly experienced a meltdown, causing the plant's surface to collapse in on itself at this very moment, I would die with this one thought running through my head:


My face says it all. My eyebrows are scrunched up close together and my mouth is hanging slightly opened. Thankfully, I remembered to swallow otherwise I would have been drooling. Overall, I look utterly lost. "Say what," is all I can say.

Bailey notices my reaction and frowns. "Oh come on," she exclaims, throwing her hands in the air, "what else can explain Reece's messed up behaviour?"

Bailey was eager to see me this morning but I sadly couldn't share the same feeling. My talk with Reece the previous day has seriously ruined my mood.

I think I'm still in a daze because I still can't believe that Reece loves me and that it's because he cares for me deeply that he won't pursue a relationship with me.

Bailey finally understood my sour mood when I told her yesterday's events over our second period spare together. "So you're going to claim that Reece is on drugs?" I ask, clarifying for myself that I'm on the right page as my best girl friend.

I don't think I can classify Reece as my best pal anymore. Things have became a bit too weird between us for the two of us to ignore everything and go back to the way things were.

"Of course," Bailey replies instantly. "I saw once on the news an innocent homeless name, by the name of Jared, who was exposed to bath salts. He ended up trying to eat another homeless man's hand! Ain't that crazy?!"

At this point, all I can do is nod my head, processing Bailey's random and unnecessary fact of the day. Somehow, Bailey managed to intertwine homeless people, bath salts, and Reece all into one conversation.

I have such a gifted friend.

"You really need to stop watching the news," I finally say, deciding that it's best that I don't accidentally corner myself into a heated debate with Bailey regarding Reece and drugs. I'm not up for that kind of discussion.

Bailey frowns upon hearing my statement. It's clearer than the broad of daylight that she wants to press on the matter but, to my rare luck, we were interrupted. Out of nowhere, Chasity comes and saves the day, playfully bumping her girlfriend's side. Bailey mumbles a fake 'ow' before she shoves Chasity back. To the people around us, it looks as if Chasity and Bailey are just friends who are trying to annoying the bonkers of one another but to someone like me, who's on the inside, I know what's going on.

These two lovebirds are finding any excuse to touch each other. I'm not sure if they really need to shove each other that hard to the point of bruising but hey, I wouldn't know the feeling of being on cloud nine because Reece refuses to step on it.

I take the hint, seeing as my presence isn't needed, and slowly head in the direction of my doom, aka my biology class.

It feels like I have cement blocks in my feet as I struggle to take each and every step. My breathing becomes more shallow the closer I get to the classroom and drops of sweat starts to roll down my forehead.

All I want to do is run home and hide under my blanket.

I don't want to go to class because of two reasons:

The first one, being the one I could handle, is Reece. I'll have to sit beside him during class and at this point, I really don't know where I stand with him. Are we still friends or are we going to continue to ignore each other?

The second issue is a lot more problematic and that revolves around my shooter and substitute teacher, Mr. Caraveo. I don't even think I can be in the same room as him without having a panic attack and fainting. I know for a fact that I won't be able to endure the entire one hour and twenty minutes of class being in the same room as the monster who caused me so much physical pain.

I'm frozen on the spot, in the middle of the hallway. From afar, I can see the door to my bio class. It's just a few steps away but I can't seem to make my feet go any farther.

A couple students push past me, colliding with my injured shoulder. I am greeted with a numbing dull ache from impact that jolts right through me but I still can't move. I rather deal with the students rather than Mr. Caraveo's scrutinizing gaze.

An incoming student, a football player to be precise, maintains his course even though I'm in his way. A flash of annoyance is displayed on his face before it's masked with determination. I'm clearly in his line of path and yet my feet won't budge. All I can do is watch helplessly with wide eyes while the massive teenage boy stomps towards me. Being a football player, the guy knows how to pack a mean shove. The guy pushes me away so hard that I stumble forward pathetically to the ground. My legs give out from underneath me and seconds later, I come into contact with the tiled floor.

It takes me a few seconds to register what just happened. From behind me, I can hear the deep chuckle from the football player but then, I hear a loud bang and a groan. My head snaps up and my eyes follow the sound of the commotion to see that the football player was painfully shoved back against the metal lockers.

The big guy is still recovering from the sudden blow but is pushed further into the lockers, slightly denting the metal. He's pushed up further until his feet no longer touch the ground, causing them to dangling helplessly in the air.

Gasps can be heard all around me from other students who are witnessing this sight. I notice a few of the students reaching into their bags and pockets, most likely searching for their phone.

I'm not surprised though. I would want to film Reece lifting a two hundred pound dude like he weighs nothing too if it weren't for the fact that I know the reason why he's capably of committing such an impossible act.

The football dude is barely staying awake, I notice his eyes flattering as he struggles to maintain consciousness. I want to tell Reece to stop hurting the poor guy. All he did was shove me; it's not like that's illegal here in the States. Yet, I can't find my voice. I can't find it in me to gather up the courage and say something to Reece.

Thankfully, Reece isn't the only superhero attending Beacon High. Taking the situation into his own hands in all his glory, Cameron Dallas approaches Reece and places his hand on Reece's shoulder. Reece tries to shrug Cameron's hold off but fails miserably because between the two of them, Cameron is stronger.

Witnessing students are still in the process of gathering their phones. I can see a few of them beginning to capture the scene taking place. I start to panic to the point where I can hear my own heart beating in my ears. Mr. Caraveo seems like a distant worry while all my fear is directed at the two supers standing before me.

If any of these videos that are filmed are release.

If word gets out.

Then, the identity of Double M and Fortis may be revealed to the public.

This cannot happen! Now, my entire perspective takes a one eighty degree spin as I will my legs to move. I no longer wish for them to stay numb.

Come on legs, move!

But it's no use, I'm stuck on the ground, helplessly observing Reece display his super strength to the cameras.

From where I'm stranded, I can see Cameron's biceps tightening. Cameron is well aware of the situation and he knows its time to put an end to it. From the force Cameron is using on Reece, Reece should have collapsed onto the floor but thanks to his own abilities, Reece just flinches. To everyone around, it just looks like one high school boy is pathetically failing at gaining control of the other.

The students aren't aware that Cameron is using enough strength to crush a bolder. They don't realize that Reece is fighting Cameron with close to the same force.

They just see Cameron and Reece silently struggling with one another while the football guy who bumped into me is still against the lockers, hanging in the air, with his eyes closed.

Oh sweet hot potatoes, the boy's eyes are closed!

"Reece," I whisper, knowing he'll hear me. Reece slightly twitches, confirming that he's heard me. "You're hurting him," I quietly tell the super.

The scene is quiet for a couple of seconds. Even the other students are staying silent, not wanting to say anything that would ruin the intensity of this moment.

I stay completely still, holding my breath while I watch Reece. I see Reece loosen his jaw and take a step back, releasing the football player from his hold. The poor guy falls onto the ground and starts coughing madly, attempting to catch his breath.

"Next time you hurt her, you won't be so lucky," Reece warns threateningly to the point where his voice actually drops menacingly low. A shiver of fear runs through me from hearing Reece speak like that. I've never heard him sound so cold; so evil.

Everyone else who heard, actually took a step back.

Reece doesn't pay any attention and walks away from the football guy.

Cameron, knowing that the atmosphere is still tense, gives everyone a goofy smile. "Stay away from drugs, kids," he says in an authoritative voice, earning a few giggles from the crowd. Students begin to disperse, figuring that it's the end of the show and Cameron goes to help the football player up. I catch a few of the students gossiping to each other about Reece and the possibility of steroid use but soon, they leave the area with no one suspecting Reece of being a super.

I release a breath I haven't realized I was holding in and turn my attention back to my own problem.

Time to see how long it's going to take me to get up off the ground.

I begin to brace my hands on the tiled floor to offer support for my weight but then something weird happens. All of a sudden, I start to rise until I am back on my own two feet. Still having weak legs, I can feel my body falling back but I don't go back too far until I hit something.

Something warm, soft, and oddly enough, muscular.

I catch a whiff of Acqua Di Gio cologne by Armani and can immediately rule out the possibility that a female, such as Bailey, has grabbed me.

So a male is behind me.

My heart rate picks up again when I think that Mr. Caraveo is the one I'm leaning into but when I feel strong, protective arms wrap around my waist, I rule out that idea too.

I take a quick glance down and notice the new Apple watch on my captors wrist. I know only one individual who is an owner to a lime green watch with a white strap like the one I'm seeing.

Instantly, with the little energy I have, I begin to struggle, "let me go, Reece!"

From behind me, I receive a grunt in reply. "I let you go and you'll fall right back down onto the floor."

I huff and stop struggling, resting my back against Reece's chest. I take a deep breath through my nose, engulfing myself in the masculine, attractive scent of Reece's cologne. The smell manages to calm down my erratic heart rate to the point where I can finally start thinking straight.

As much as I want to run far away from my biology class and Mr. Caraveo, I can't. I need to face my fears.

Though, there is, surprisingly, an upside to this fiasco. I won't be going into the class alone. I'll have Double M by my side the entire time if things happen to go AWOL.

Now, hopefully, I won't have to inform Reece of my plan.

"How are we going to get to class, genius?" I'm still leaning against Reece and his arms are still wrapped around me. Even though, I'm enjoying the comforting feeling I get by the close proximity, people around us will start to get curious.

If there's one thing I've learnt from high school is that students here love to make quick assumptions. Don't get me wrong, I'd love for the high school students of Beacon to think Reece and I are together but sadly, I'd be lying.

And I'm not a liar. I lied once to Reece about his condition when we were kids and that nearly cost Reece's faith in me. I vowed to myself I would only lie if it was necessary.

My back slightly trembles but that's because Reece's chest is vibrating from all chuckling he's doing. I can feel my cheeks burning when I feel his breath hit the back of my neck. "I could always carry you into class, love, but I know you'd hate that," Reece tells to me. My cheeks turn a shade darker right at the moment I heard him call me 'love'. Is he teasing me?

Does he think he can joke about my feelings?

I don't get a chance to bombard him with questions because Reece unhooks his arms off of me. Suddenly, I feel cold because I'm not longer in his warm embrace.

I also still feel woozy. I know from my numb legs that it won't be long before I go tumbling down.

That's when I feel a hand, larger than mine, engulf my own. Reece, having hold of my hand, walks over beside me. I arch my neck, allowing me to stare into his brown eyes that are looking back at me in confidence. "I'll lead the way. All you have to do is lean on me," he says and then, carefully pulls me to his side. I hit his arm with a soft thud, not even having any time to process what the flipping flamingos is going on because the moment I'm at Reece's side, he starts walking towards our classroom with me in tow.

My blush burns hotter from all the attention we're receiving. A few students that are passing by stop and stare at the sight of Reece and me holding hands. We approach our biology classroom. It's a good thing Reece has a firm hold on me, preventing me from running away. I make sure to look down at Reece's sweater.

Oh my flying penguins! He's wearing the 'ZERO 2 HERO' sweater I got for his birthday! How did I not notice until now? Am I seriously that oblivious?!

I silently bless Reece's soul to whomever is up in the sky for distracting me from Mr. Caraveo. I managed not to spare a glance at my shooter/substitute teacher thanks to Reece and his beautiful sweater.

Then again, I picked out the sweater; of course it's beautiful!

Stop distracting yourself, Zada! Now is not the time!

I listen to my wise conscious and focus in on my surroundings. Reece and I have already past the front of the class where Mr. Caraveo is situated and we are no making are way down the aisle to our lab desk.

We pass by Charlie's and Bailey's desk. The two of them are gawking at me though, out of the two, Charlie maintains his cool. Bailey, on the other hand, doesn't care. She's giving me the 'WTF' look with her mouth wide open and her eyebrows scrunched up together.

All I can do is shrug my shoulder at her because even I don't really know what's going on.

Reece tells me we can't be an item but then he calls me 'love' and holds my hand the next day.

Confusion is definitely the word I would use to begin describe the super hero whom I've known all my life.

The next table we pass, and the last one before our own, belongs to Cameron and Chasity. The two members of the Super Trio share contrasting reactions to the sight of Reece and me. Chasity, as usual, appears bored; all her attention is zeroed in on her girlfriend as she locks target with Bailey's back and throws a paper plane her way.

Chasity probably wants to exchange notes throughout class with Bay.

Now there's Cameron who is almost mirroring Bailey's reaction perfectly. The only difference is that Cameron is leaning more into a confused look rather than a shocked one but he still has his mouth wide open and eyebrows close together.

I can't spare much of a glance their way because Reece pulls me closer to him. We reach our desk, located way in the back of the class, and Reece does yet another confused and touching act.

He pulls out my chair and ushers me to sit like a gentlemen. I follow his kind instructions and sit down on my spot, avoiding his eyes. I'm seriously starting to wonder if Reece hit his head anywhere on his way from his home to school.

That has to be the only explanation for why Reece is acting like a gentleman. Like a boyfriend.

Not looking at Reece and most definitely avoiding eye contact with Mr.Caraveo, I bring my attention down to my notes and start to doodle the date on the top right corner of the page.

The bell rings, signalling the start of class. I sink back in my seat, being overwhelmed by dread. I have exactly eighty minutes of being taught biology from the man who injured my shoulder. I have that much time to endure his teachings while sitting beside a superhero whose feelings I'm currently unsure about.

Eighty minutes; that's all. It'll go by fast.

Who am I kidding? I'm doomed!

"Psst, Z-lee, you okay?" Reece whispers, distracting me from Mr. Caraveo's lecturing.

"Oh, so now I'm Z-lee," I mumble under my breath. I maintain eye contact with my notebook the entire time, jotting down any important information regarding our topic of female reproduction that Mr. Caraveo is beginning to discuss.

About nine months of carrying around extra weight that gives you terrible mood swings and random, raging eating urges before unbearable pain of child labour.

Wow, the process of having a kid is sure making me reconsider if I want any.

"What are you talking about?" Reece asks quietly. Of course, he heard my little comment. Reece's super hearing will catch anything.

I draw a rose around the month of February that I have written down on my page. I can't believe it's already the second of February. Not this, but next saturaday will be Valentines Day and by the looks of it, I'll be spending it alone again. I shrug my shoulders and write down a quick note that Mr. Caraveo mentioned. "One moment you call me Zada, then love, and now Z-lee," I whisper, "make up your mind already." If I could, I'd pat myself on my back for being so daring.

I hear Reece take a deep breath, probably to keep calm so that he doesn't accidentally start using loud voices. "You know what I meant when I called you 'love'," he says softly so that only I can hear.

I grip onto my pen a little tighter. "No, I don't," I harshly say, trying really hard to maintain a quiet tone. "You said so yourself that you don't want to be with me so stop referring to me with such a word like that!"

"Please, I heard your heart; it liked it when I called you 'love', love." Reece whispers back, shifting over so that he could whisper close enough to my ear. His cool breath made me shiver.

Curse my body for displaying my feelings to Reece loud and clear.

"Besides," Reece murmurs, his breath fanning the side of my face, sending another shiver down my spine, "I said I can't be in a relationship with you. Can't and don't are two different words."

At this point, I'm pushing the pen down so hard against my notebook that it's starting to dent my pages. I lost track of what Mr. Caraveo was saying because all I can think about is using my pen as a sword, my notebook as a shield, and battling some sense into Reece.

"What's that supposed to mean?!"

I feel Reece's lips softly touch the side of my ear briefly.

"I want you, Z-lee."

Shocked by his words, I forget about my plan of staring down at my notebook for the entire class and whip my head in his direction. I completely forget about how close Reece is until I turned to face him, only for my nose to come into contact with his. My eyes wide at our proximity but Reece appears unaffected.

"," I can't even find my voice in all this mess. Reece holds down my gaze and slowly starts to lean in.

His breath hits my lips, making me tremble.

What in all that is red and pink is going on?!

"Everything alright there, in the back?"

And just like that, whatever moment Reece and I were having is lost. The two of us instantly sit back in our seats, with appropriate distance between us. We turn to face the rest of the class to see that everyone is staring back at us.

Chasity, Cameron, and Charlie all have an eyebrow raised.

Bailey is grinning madly to the point where her cheeks are being strained.

The class is full out gaping.

And Mr. Caraveo remains calm. He catches my gaze, making me realize that I've made the mistake of looking at him but it's too late. Once our eyes our locked, Mr. Caraveo gives me a grin.

To anyone else, it may seem like a friendly grin a teacher would give to his students to silently tell the students that they've been caught. In my case, though, Mr. Caraveo's smile is a warning.

I start to shake in fear.

To everyone else who is still watching me, they assume I'm shaking in embarrassment from all the attention. I'm known around Beacon to be shy so no one seems surprised at my reaction. One by one, students start to turn around in their desk to face the substitute teacher. Even Bailey turns around, thinking that I'm just being me.

The only one who thinks differently is the one who I didn't want to notice.

"What's wrong, love?" Reece asks, placing his hand on top of my shaking one. He grips my hand tightly enough to draw my attention to his embrace. I focus on the warmth Reece's hand gives me and slowly, I calm down.

Soon enough, my body is stable but the fear still lingers.

Can I really make it through the rest of the seventy two minutes of class?


Not by myself.

I move my hand slightly, giving Reece the hint. He redraws his hand in caution and places it beside mine. Carefully, with the pen still in my hands, I write down a simple message to Reece.

Reece takes in a sharp breath when he reads my writing.

Mr.C = the robber/my shooter

Reece's body starts to shake, reversing our roles though he isn't shaking in fear.

He's barely keeping himself under control.

Before Reece can lose it and morph into an animal capable of providing maximum harm towards my shooter, I take hold of Reece's hand, squeezing it with all my might. I know I'm not strong enough to hurt him but hopefully I can prevent Reece from shifting into a beast in the our biology class.

"Shh, it's alright," I coo sweetly, using my thumb to massage the side of Reece's hand. My thumb is too short to reach the back of his hand.

Reece snaps his head to me, showing me that his pupils have already changed to that of an angry and hungry tiger.

I squeeze Reece's hand tighter, starting to panic. I can't have Reece turning into a tiger. The entire classroom, besides Chasity and Cameron would have a melt down. Reece would give up his identity as Double M but worse of all, he'd hurt Mr. Caraveo.

Even though that monster of a man has hurt me, I don't wish for him to suffer the pain I felt.

I want him to be brought down by justice not by Reece's fiercely sharp claws.

"Reece, please," I stress out, wanting my words to reach him. "You're stronger than this," I whisper admiringly, "don't lose control. Not now. Please... love."

It appears that I have gone through to him. Reece shuts his eyes tightly and when he reopens, his beautiful round brown orbs are back, replacing the wild thin slits of a predators.

To reassure me that he's gained full control, Reece gives my hand a light squeeze. "I'm fine," he tells me quietly. Reece and I turn to face the front of the class together.

"But I'm going to kill him."

I want to tell Reece that killing Mr. Caraveo will not be an option but again, I lock eyes with a pair of cold and calculating, grey eyes. Mr. Caraveo sends me a wink.

He actually has the audacity to wink!

My eyes widen and I begin to tremble again. I can't help but think back to the night where I locked eyes with the same grey pair. They didn't wink at me then but the grey colour was the last thing I'd seen before the force of the bullet pushed me down the marble stairs. I remember how confused I was during the fall until I reached the bottom and the pain emerged. I didn't last long before the agony stole away my consciousness.

A furious bang snaps me back from my internal torment.

Everyone, including me look over to Reece who has slammed his fist against the desk. Reece used so much power that he actually dented the metal. Thank goodness only Chasity and Cameron are close enough to notice what Reece has done.

Not like Reece cares. He's too focused on having a glaring competition with Mr. Caraveo. Except, the competition is one sided as only Reece is sending death glares at our substitute teacher.

Mr. Caraveo, on the other hand, appears innocent and even a tad bit lost. He maintains his teacher persona effortlessly. If he weren't the one who pulled the trigger on me, I'd advise him to pursue a career in acting with Cameron.

"I see that the back of the class would like to solve a problem," Mr. Caraveo carelessly states, bring the class' attention back to him. Mr. Caraveo quickly looks down on his desk, effortlessly scanning some sheet. My best guess would be that it's the class seating list.

"Zada Porter," Mr. Caraveo reads out though the two of us both know that he knows my name, "why don't you come up to the front of the class?"

My face pales upon hearing Mr. Caraveo's request. I can hear my heart thumping in my ears, threatening to beat right out of my chest from the rate its going. The sight of my heart jumping out of my chest would probably produce enough gore to put the school on lock down and end the day, allowing me to avoid Mr. Caravel. The only problem is that the avoiding would be permanent because I'd be dead. I don't want my time to come yet so I beg myself to calm down and not have a panic attack.

I know I have to get up and listen to my substitute teacher's orders soon like in the next five seconds.

But I don't want to!

Four seconds left of what little freedom I have left until I have to get up and face Mr. Caraveo.

My heart rate doesn't slow down.

Three seconds to go. I really don't want to be standing near my shooter. In fact, I prefer to stay where I am, seated at the back of the class far from him.

Two seconds and I can feel the drops of sweat rolling down my forehead. I blink furiously to prevent any tears from escaping.

I can't have a meltdown in front of my bio class.

I need to stay strong.

One second left and I know that I have no choice. I need to go up to the front of the class. I give Reece's hand one last squeeze to give myself so courage and am about to left go bit Reece beats me to it.

"I'm coming."

Reece stands up and walks down the center aisle of the class flawlessly. Even with the tense atmosphere, he looks like he belongs on a fashion runway than a high school classroom. I notice a few girls, excluding Chasity and Bailey, swoon at the sight of Reece's confidence.

On a normal day, I would be sharing the same reaction as those girls but not today. They don't see how tense Reece's shoulders are behind his posh exterior. Those girls don't know that Reece is currently livid as he nears Mr. Caraveo.

"And are you Zada Porter?" Mr. Caraveo asks out loudly once Reece is standing in front of him.

Reece, barely able to contain his anger, nods his head.

Mr. Caraveo, already knowing that I am Zada, decides to play along. "Hmm, I thought Zada was a girl's name," my substitute teacher speaks his mind, earning a few chuckles from the class.

I'm not one of those people who did. Instead, I remain silent with my focus on Reece's rigid back.

The two men stay in their spots for a short few seconds, neither moving, until Mr. Caraveo breaks the silence. "Solve the Punnet square on the board. It was apart of the review package your teacher provided you all for your guys' unit exam this coming friday."

I few students, including Chasity, groans out. Since Mr. Caraveo spent the first bit lecturing us on the new topic of our course, this gives the us the rest of class to review for the big test on friday. Even in the mist of all the fear and panic, I managed to keep track of my unit exams.

I expected the unit exam.

I didn't expect that Mr. Caraveo would call me to the front of the class only to have Reece take my place.

Everyone's eyes are glued to the two man standing up at the front. Even though Mr. Caraveo is my shooter, he is still a breathtaking man. His dark, curly brown hair falls down, almost touching his shoulders. The curls shape around his face, displaying his grey eyes. To top it of, he hadn't shaved this morning, allowing some stubble to grow.

The female portion of this class along with one of the supers from the Super Trio are drooling at the two models at the front of the class but to me, Reece is the only one who should be considered a model. I'm ware aware of how hideous Mr. Caraveo is on the inside; that out weighs his beauty on the outside.

Reece, still pissed off and on guard, takes the black marker from Mr. Caraveo's hand and approaches the white board where the square is located. Reece doesn't waste his time and solves the problem quickly and correctly. He doesn't spare his subsitute teacher a glance as he finishes and makes his way back to me.

All I can do is offer Reece a small smile when he nears me. Reece returns the smile though his is more strained then mine and takes his seat.

I place my hand back on his shaking one.

Mr. Caraveo proceeds back to his lecturing. I can barely focus on what he's saying. At least, I have already begin my studying for this test so I won't be badly affected if I chose to ignore Mr. Caraveo.

It seems Reece is doing to same. The two of us have our attention solemnly on are linked hands. We squeeze the other every so often to keep each other in check. I make sure Reece maintains his anger while Reece maintains my fear.

Our intertwined hands helps. I don't feel scared and Reece isn't shaking livid anymore. The class is thankfully going by quickly and it will soon be over.

The rest of the class, is paying attention to Mr. Caraveo. Most them probably haven't even started studying. I know one hundred percent that Bailey is one of them. I can she her madly scribbling down everything Mr. Caraveo is writing on the white board. Charlie and Cameron do the same.

Chasity is the only one taking her time, slowly wrting down her notes. She'll probably use her slow pace as an excuse to go over to Bailey's after school to copy down her notes. Though, I doubt Chasity will be staring at Bailey's notebook.

With under a minute left of class and everyone having their noses in their books, I let my guard down, figuring that I'll be facing freedom soon again.

I didn't assume Mr. Caraveo would strike until I felt Reece let go of my hand.

The next think I know, I'm starting at Reece's hand in front of my face. His hand is in a fist, holding a black marker.

The same black marker that Reece used to solve the Punnet square.

The same black marker Reece returned to Mr. Caraveo shortly after solving the square.

I look over to Reece to see him fuming.

Then, I look back to the front of the class and look past Reece's hand to see Mr. Caraveo mischievously smiling at me.

The bell rings, ending school for the day but I'm not going to be seeing freedom anytime soon.

Because Reece released a growl, audible enough for me to hear.

Oh no

Reece is not in control.


I'm so sorry!!!!!!!!! *bows down in apology*

Please forgive me for being so late! I just couldn't write the chapter in less than a week. Turns out that it takes me way longer to finish one chapter.

To say I'm sorry, I made this chapter 1745 words longer. I was writing this story all of this week. I even put my other store (I mean story, opps), Revelation, on a temporary stand still so I could finish writing this chapter because you amazing readers deserve the very best!

This is why I wanna thank you guys all!

Thank you so much for voting:








You are all amazing! Your voting lights up my day! :D

Also, thanks you @BoxImage and @ Bigbearaletto for your comments on chapter 17. I loved reading them and replying back to a few that I could. You ladies rock!

And, before I forget, there's a pic of Mr. Caraveo off to the side ~~~~~>

Lastly, I don't want to dissapoint you all again so expect updates to be every two weeks. This gives me enough time to write the chapters without rushing.

~Till Next Time!

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If your life went from ordinary to extraordinary, it would be great, right? Wrong. Cursed by a fairy queen. Split into two people. Magical powers th...
298 1 29
Four teens from different places live double lives as a superhero team that protects the world from evil at any time and location. Working together a...
Dylan By Cosmo

Teen Fiction

186 52 15
"Do you know this feeling of whatever you do, you're going to fuck it? For me, it's not a feeling it's my day-to-day. Hooking up with someone older...