Dragons Soul • (Sirius Black...

By Avengerlover17

363K 9.6K 1.2K

Annabella Ariana Grindelwald, daughter of the Criminal Gellert Grindelwald, and traitor Queenie Goldstein. A... More

Tom Riddle
Book 2


4.7K 146 32
By Avengerlover17

"I think the most beautiful thing you could ever experienced is finding someone who wants your all. Even if your all is a mess."
- Nomoreus


"Tea sweetheart." Grindelwald asks

Anna and Grindelwald were seated at a small table. Anna was stiff with her legs curled under her chair, hands interlaced on her lap.

"No, I'm fine." Anna says

Grindelwald sighs deeply. "Annabelle, I understand that seeing me is hard, but everything I did was for your own good." Grindelwald says

Anna scoffs, crossing her arms.

"Annabelle don't be immature." Grindelwald scolds

Anna rolls her eyes. "What you did was for you, you didn't care how it affected me, and yes 34 years passed but that was 34 years of my life, gone." Anna says

"Anna." Grindelwald says

Anna shakes her head. "I didn't come here to reminisce father, I just came to tell you to stay out of my life, you've done enough to ruin it. So please stop owling me and stop controlling those around me, you've done enough." Anna sneers

Anna stands and she leaves, watching as the door swings open.


"What did he want." Allen ask "nothing, he just wanted to catch up." Anna sneers

"Are you okay." Jamie ask "I will be, I mean he's my father, it hurts to hate him, but I just can't forgive him." Anna says

Allen places a hand on Anna's shoulder in sympathy.


Hogwarts. Anna's dorm.

Anna collapses onto her bed.

Mary and Alice look at Anna in sympathy. Dorcas makes her way over. "Hey." Dorcas whispers softly

Anna moans and she turns her face, peaking up at Dorcas. "What." Anna whines

Dorcas chuckles. "Do you want to get drunk." Dorcas asks

"Yeah." Anna says, she looked pathetic.

"Oooh let's make it a girls night." Alice chirps


The girls place blankets and pillows onto the floor.

Anna smiles as the girls laugh and push each other around. "Okay okay enough fooling around, this night is about Anna." Lily announces, lifting her glass of wine.

"Too Anna." The girls cheer

Anna giggles, sipping her wine. "Thanks guys, this means a lot, I know that all I brought to this friendship is drama but I do care about you all." Anna says

"Oh Anna, we're teenagers and Lily has a boyfriend with the maturity of a 12 year old, our life is filled with drama, and we got a good friend out of it." Dorcas says

The girls giggle. "Okay I completely agree with Dorcas but not the part of the boyfriend. Your our friend Anna, now enough talking about drama and more drinking." Lily cheers

Anna smiles.


Hours later.

Anna was sloshed.

"Okay I will marry James, kill Peter and fuck Lily, in that order." Anna slurs

The girls laugh. "Well I am flattered, but why not marry me and fuck James." Lily ask

"I heard that Potter is rich and mum has always pushed me to getting a sugar daddy." Anna slurs

The girls break out laughing.

"Oh Merlins tits." Marlene yells, holding her stomach from laughter.

"Oooh who's tits?" Came a voice from the door.

The girls burst out screaming, scrambling together.

There was laughter from the door. "Wow you girls are absolutely sloshed." Peter says, holding a bottle of fire whiskey.

"Oh what are you, my father?! Because if you are, bugger off!" Dorcas slurs "yeah, this is a no adult zone." Mary sneers, stumbling over to them, snatching the whiskey from Peters grip.

James chuckles. "Nope, we're not your dads, we heard that you girls are having a little party in your dorm, we decided to join you." James says, shrugging off his coat.

"Who the hell told you!" Alice ask, her voice high pitched and scolding.

Suddenly everyone turns to Dorcas who looks like she was caught in headlights. "Dorcas!" Anna scolds

"Okay in my defence, it just slipped out." Dorcas says, stumbling to her feet.

Anna giggles, bringing her Pajama covered legs up to her chest. "What are you girls doing anyways." Remus asks, he wore a flannel pair of sweats with a plain white T-shirt. All of them wore their pajamas.

"Fuck, Marry, Kill, it was Anna's turn." Mary says

"Oooh, was I one of the options." Sirius teases, making his way over to a flushed face Anna.

"Nope, sorry pads but you've never came up." Alice teases, making Sirius pout.

"What was the options." Peter ask "I don't want hurt your feelings." Anna slurs

Everyone oohh's while Peter pouts. "She said marry James, kill Peter and fuck Lily." Marlene says

"Why marry James." Remus asks, amused as he seats himself down besides Anna, who offers him a droopy smile. Remus smiles at her fondly.

"Money." The girls all say

"Hey!! I am more then my parents money." James jokes "Ahh yes your a sugar baby, your mother did the same and got with papa Potter because he was loaded." Sirius jokes

"Watch it pal." James warns playfully

"I'm a sugar baby, my mum got with my dad because of money and power and my dad got with my mother because he wanted a baby with extremely good looks and here I am." Anna announces, arms wide open, she was literally swaying in her seat.

"Wow you are really conceited when your drunk." Lily jokes, playfully pushing Anna.

"And a little perverted, I'm feeling a little dirty just standing here." Sirius jokes, his eyes hooded as he stares her down.

"Hey it's not my fault that your wearing those pants." Anna leers, tilting her head a bit to get a better view.

Everyone gapes at Anna, while Sirius slowly covers his front, blushing.

Anna giggles, sending him a wink.

"You should've seen her a few drinks ago, she wasn't shy when flirting with Dorcas." Alice says

"Weirdest and oddly flattering five minutes of my life." Dorcas says, giggling when Anna sends her a kiss. "We are really learning so much about her." Lily says

"You know if you weren't so into that weird looking kid, we would make a rocking couple, imagine the babies we could have, they would just take over the world." Anna slurs

"Okay first of all who's this kid your talking about and secondly you do know your both girls." James says

Anna shakes her head.

"Okay don't answer either of those questions your too sloshed." Lily says, yanking the bottle from Anna's hand.

"Don't worry Lily, even if we can't have babies, it doesn't mean we can't enjoy the process." Anna teases, pouting at Lily.

"Yeah she really is perverted when she's drunk, come on Annabelle, let's get you too bed before you drink anymore and start throwing up." Remus says, standing up and guiding her up as well.

"Oh Remi, I love it when you talk dirty to me." Anna jokes, letting Remus lead her to a bed.

"I like this side of Bella." Sirius says

"Aww does that mean the party is over, we just got here." James pouts "no he's right, we all drank a little to much tonight." Dorcas says, shaking her head, only to gag, bile rising in her throat.

Everyone turns and look at her in concern. Dorcas grimaces and swallows.

"I just threw up in my mouth." Dorcas says

"Okay yeah, party is over." Marlene says, looking concerned for Dorcas. Dorcas let's her lead her into the bathroom.

"Wait for me!" Lily yells, bolting into the bathroom, she was holding back the bile from rising.

James suddenly runs after her. "Wait! Let me hold your hair back!" James yells

"He concerns me sometimes." Sirius says, shaking his head, walking over to a tucked in Anna.


Anna smooths down her bed covers, looking up at Remus and Sirius, lifting up an eyebrow.

"What? Are you going to read me a bedtime story?" Anna snarks

Remus chuckles and he shakes his head. "No, your just cute all tucked in." Remus says

"Wow Moony, keep it in your pants already." Sirius says sarcastically, right up to Remus's ear, startling the werewolf.

"Jesus pads!" Remus exclaims, he didn't hear Sirius come up behind him.

Sirius chuckles.

"You guys are really cute, sucks though." Anna slurs

The boys turn to Anna, smiling/smirking to themselves. "What sucks." Remus ask

"I swore off boys so I can't ask either of you to help with my pants problem." Anna says, not in the right mind to think her words clearly.

Remus and Sirius look at each other quickly. Sirius clears his throat. "W-what pants situation." Sirius ask

Anna blinks slowly. "I haven't had sex in 34 years boys and I am really horny." Anna says, her mind not catching up with her words.

Remus couldn't help but laugh, despite his own pants situation. "34 years?" Remus asks "right, right! Not 34 years, it just feels that long." Anna says, scrambling for a excuse.

Sirius chuckles. "Your cute Anna, go to sleep." Sirius says

"Ha! You said my first name, that's a strike for you pal!" Anna yells, pointing to Sirius.

Sirius smiles fondly. She really was cute.

And Sirius was going to be incredibly luck one day. Because what he didn't know in that moment was.........

he was going to marry that girl.

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