Stay with me

By iliqblack

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This story is about hope and devotion. About loyalty to yourself and your feelings. About true friendship and... More

Chapter 1 When dreams come true
Chapter 2 - When dreams come true. Omer
Chapter 3 - Bring back life
Chapter 4 Reach the Heart
Chapter 5 - How to bring back happiness
Chapter 6 Give me a chance
Chapter 7 - Let the Past Go to Hell
Chapter 8 - Farewell
Chapter 9 Loneliness
Chapter 10 Confrontation
Chapter 11 - I choose you
Chapter 12 I love
Chapter 13 Theorems and Axioms
Chapter 14 - Why?
Chapter 15 - While I'm breathing!
Chapter 16 - The Road to Happiness
Chapter 17 - Day of Open Hearts
Chapter 18 - Dreams
Chapter 19 - Jackals and Falcons
Chapter 20 - Life goes on
Chapter 21 - Healing
Chapter 22 - You are the Best!
Chapter 23 - Fulfillment of desires
Chapter 24 - A roller coaster
Chapter 25 - Endless love
Chapter 26 - Angels and Demons
Chapter 27 - Prelude to the miracle
Chapter 28 - A Miracle
Chapter 29 Light and Darkness
Chapter 30 - Think About Me
Chapter 31 - Windows
Chapter 32 - Above the clouds
Chapter 33 - Old Secrets, New Hopes
Chapter 34 - Redemption
Chapter 35 Fate
Chapter 36 - Loved ones are always forgiven
Chapter 37 - We will call her Emine
Chapter 38 - Because of you
Chapter 39 - Sapphire's birthday
Chapter 40 - Necklace of fiery opals
Chapter 41 - Paradise Island
Chapter 42 - Happiness in the hands
Chapter 43 - At the edge of the abyss
Chapter 44 - Storm in Paradise
Chapter 45 - Kinship not by blood or cuckoo and Madonna
Chapter 46 - Serpent in paradise
Chapter 47 - You are my breath
Chapter 48 Time for Change
Chapter 49 - You are my medicine
Chapter 50 - Angels on guard
Chapter 51 - Doubt
Chapter 52 - Love and pride
Chapter 53 - Watchful eye
Chapter 54 - We are crazy
Chapter 55 - Big tragedies and small mischief
Chapter 56 - Exposure
Chapter 57 - Trust
Chapter 58 - Treachery
Chapter 59 - I love you, Mom
Chapter 60 Surprises - pleasant and not so
Chapter 61 - Turn upside down
Chapter 62 - Dreams Come True
Chapter 64 - I will be with you
Chapter 65 - What the coming day tells us
Chapter 66 - Almost a detective story
Chapter 67 - A Miracle is born
Chapter 68 - Emine Diana Iplikci
Chapter 69 - The Gift
Chapter 70 - How happiness begins
Chapter 71 - Prophetic dream
Chapter 72 - A stranger
Chapter 73 - Such different fathers
Chapter 74 - One for all and all for one!
Chapter 75 - And in sorrow and joy
Chapter 76 - Wolf Laws
Chapter 77 - Playing without rules
Chapter 78 - Through hardship to the stars
Chapter 79 - Blood relationship
Chapter 80 - God works in mysterious ways
Chapter 81 - Epilogue
Note from the writer Marina Victoria
84 Taming the stubborn ( Тhe story of Jansu and Niko)
85 Taming the stubborn
86 Taming the stubborn
87 Taming the stubborn
88 Taming the stubborn
89 Taming the stubborn
90 Taming the stubborn
91 Taming the stubborn
92 Taming the stubborn
93 Taming the stubborn
94 Taming the stubborn
95 Taming the stubborn
96 Taming the stubborn
97 Taming the stubborn
98 Taming the stubborn

Chapter 63 - Best Day of Life

1.8K 74 19
By iliqblack

Omer, with great care, helped Defne down the ladder to the pier. The belly made her awkward, and she was afraid that she would slip and harm Emine. Omer confidently held her hands and his eyes said: "Don't be afraid! I will never let you fall! "And she believed. She completely trusted in his strong hands, and in a minute she felt solid ground under her feet.

- Hurrah! - She exclaimed with relief. "I got here safe and sound. Allah, almost two months before giving birth. If I'm so big and clumsy now, what will happen next?

- And you are not big at all, - objected Omer and carefully supported his wife by the waist. - You are sweet and beautiful.

- Ay, you just say what I want to hear, - Defne dismissed his words.

"Nothing of the sort," he said patiently, and reminded her, "I hate lies if you remember."

- I remember, - Defne grumbled and looked around. Her eyes widened in surprise. Looking at the upward path lined with stones, the garden, the roof of the house visible behind it, Defne involuntarily gasped. Today the trees were dressed in green leaves instead of crimson, but other than that, there was no difference. Omer brought her to the very house where their secret wedding and two happy days away from Istanbul took place. - Omer! You rented the same house! - Defne exclaimed happily and hugged her husband. Omer happily clasped his arms around her and slyly objected:

- Didn't rent it.

Defne pulled away and looked incredulously into his sly face.

- What do you mean by "did not rent it"?

"That is what it means," Omer put his arm around her waist and led her up the path. "This is our home now."

- You bought the house?! Defne breathed enthusiastically. - The same one?

"But you wanted a house on the island," he reminded her. - If we buy, then why not the one with which wonderful memories are associated.

- Yes! Yes! Yes! - Stopping in front of the wide terrace, she exclaimed. - Darling, what a romantic you are! I'll probably never get used to your overwhelming surprises!

Omer hugged her from the back, covered her stomach with his palms, and whispered in her ear:

"It's easy to be romantic with you. And make surprises. To please you is the best that can be in the world.

- True? - Defne turned in his arms and threw her arms around his neck. Rubbing her nose against his nose, she said in a hoarse whisper: "I love you to infinity."

- And I love you, - Omer answered in the same hoarse way and pressed his lips to hers in a gentle kiss.

A door creaked, and Nihan's loud voice burst into the magic.

- Hey! They kiss! Later you'll kiss! We are waiting for you, by the way, for breakfast! Everyone is hungry!

Defne pulled away from her husband and looked in surprise at the terrace. The whole Topal family stood there: Serdar with Nihan and baby Iso, a tenderly smiling grandmother Turkan and radiant Esra. And behind, Omer's grandfather leaned on a cane.

- Why are you here? - Defne was surprised.

- How why? Nihan exclaimed. "Sinan and Seda invited us to the wedding. Where should we stay if not at the house of our beloved son-in-law?

Defne looked at her husband and asked:

- Did my family find out about the house before I did?

He shrugged apologetically and replied:

- It happened so.

- It turned out great! - Defne exclaimed and hobbled briskly to hug her family.

The old house came to life, filled with ringing laughter, bustling, and cheerful voices. After breakfast, the large family began to prepare for the wedding ceremony. Grandmother with Nihan scurried about with irons, curling irons, and other attributes to induce beauty. Esra put on a pink dress with a fluffy tulle skirt, spun in front of the mirror, and ran out into the street. Serdar, in a black suit and white shirt with a tie, was so exhausted to carry out his wife's commands that, picking up his son in his arms, he rushed after his sister. Behind him, almost not leaning on the cane, mister Hulusi walked briskly. Left alone, the women occupied one mirror for two and began to make themselves beautiful.

But in Iplikci's room, calm and grace reigned. Defne took her time to style her hair, Omer, admiring her, unhurriedly buttoned up his shirt and slipped cufflinks into the cuffs of the sleeves. Defne helped him to tie a bow tie, kissed him on the cheek, and also reached for her dress. Blue-green silk slipped over the body and enveloped the rounded figure well. Omer turned his wife back to him and closed the zipper with a smooth movement. After kissing the sweet-smelling neck, he took hold of the tuxedo and slipped his hands into the sleeves. Defne put a gloss on her lips, turned to her husband, and, taking a critical look at his slender figure, straightened his collar and bow tie.

- Ready? - Omer asked her and she nodded in agreement. - Then let's go. The carriages are waiting for us.

- Carriage? - Defne asked in surprise.

- Well, we need to somehow get to the hotel, - Omer smiled and joked: - There are no cars here, and your condition and our clothes are not suitable for bicycles.

- Ay, exactly! - laughing, she agreed. - And I did not even think about how we will get to the place of the ceremony. It's so good that you always think about everything in advance.

"This is my duty," Omer said, hiding a satisfied smile.

- And what is my duty? - Defne asked coquettishly.

"To be happy and love me," he answered without hesitation.

Defne laughed and pressed her head against a strong shoulder.

- What wonderful responsibilities! I never get tired of doing them.

With a wink, Omer gave her a bent arm at the elbow and led her out into the street. Near the gate stood three lacquer carriages drawn by bay horses. Omer put Esra and his wife in the first. In the second, Serdar sat down with Nihan and baby Iso, and in the third - grandmother Turkan and grandfather Hulusi. The small procession rolled towards the luxurious, whitewashed hotel in the distance. Wisteria has blossomed on both sides of the road. Its long branches intertwined, forming a picturesque tunnel. Long, lush bunches of sweet-smelling white and lilac flowers dangled from the branches. The scenery was so beautiful that it was breathtaking.

- Are we in a fairy tale? Esra asked admiringly.

"We're on an island," Defne replied laughing. - It's better here than in a fairy tale.

"When I grow up, I will come here every spring and admire the wisteria blossoms," the girl said.

- Why to wait so long? - Omer smiled at her. - We can still come here every spring.

- True? - the girl was delighted.

"True," he confirmed.

- Brother Omer, you are the best! Esra exclaimed sincerely.

- The best! - Defne supported her and smiled at her husband happily.

The final preparations were in full swing at the hotel. On the site near the sea, an arch entwined with flowers was installed. Beneath it stood a table covered with white lace tablecloth and chairs with high, carved backs. A path decorated with flowers led to it. There were rows of chairs on either side of it. On the lawn, there were round tables covered with white tablecloths with chairs around and long, tiered buffets. They were still empty. But the waiters were already preparing to fill the space with a variety of dishes, snacks, and desserts. On one of the tables, crystal glasses were displayed in even rows. Champagne was cooling in ice buckets. The hotel was expecting guests for the wedding of the year.

Iplikci and Topal climbed the wide marble staircase to the hotel. The huge hall was crowded and noisy. Having yielded to the bride in choosing a wedding venue, otherwise, Sinan remained firm and two hundred guests came to the celebration, most of whom Seda had never seen. But this did not bother her. The beautiful bride in a white silk dress with bare shoulders and lace shoes shone with a dazzling smile and basked in general admiration. Defne hugged her and whispered words of congratulations in her ear. And then she took her hand, pressed it to her stomach and, winking conspiratorially, said:

- I'm infecting you! Let it happen to you.

Laura also went up to her friends and put Seda's other hand on her still flat stomach.

- I'm infecting you! - said cheerfully and looked sideways at Sinan, dumbfounded by such rituals.

Seda laughed loudly and said:

- At this rate, we get twins at once!

- I agree! - Sinan came out of his stupor and enthusiastically supported the bride. - Let there be twins, and I will immediately bypass all these smug donkeys! - He looked down at the ironically grinning Omer, Ahtem, and Deniz.

- My Sinosh! My Sedosh! Oh, what a beautiful couple! I'm going to die from an excess of feelings! - to the groom and the bride, holding on to the chest with both hands, Koray rushed. - Oh, my heart! Nero! Nero! Have you brought my drops? - He began to look around in search of the girlfriend and part-time driver.

Neriman, stretching her lips in a smile and nodding to her many acquaintances, rather impolitely pushed her friend in the back and hissed:

- Got it, Korish! I have them! Only quieter, I beg you, quieter!

Waving his hand at her, he bumped into Seda, kissed her on both cheeks, and began to sob, wiping nonexistent tears with his index fingers.

- Oh, what a beauty you are! You are getting married! Who are you leaving us at?!

"Koray," Sinan tugged at his sleeve. - Calm down. Seda does not leave anyone.

- Ay, you know a lot! - forgetting about tears, he said, but then clapped his hands enthusiastically. - Oh, Sinosh, my lop-eared bucket! Wear a tuxedo! - He looked thoughtfully. - Of course, you did! The groom! What is the groom without a tuxedo? Ay, Allah! What I'm talking about! - Koray squeezed Sinan in a bear hug and loudly began to chatter near the long-suffering ear: - Ai, congratulations! Be happy! Give birth to many children! Lop-eared buckets!

- Koray, I beg you, shut up! Sinan groaned.

The unfortunate groom was rescued by Nisa, Kumru, and Dila. Koray saw them a little to the side and shouting: - My birds! - rushed to them. Sinan breathed a sigh of relief and gently touched his ear.

- Didn't fall off! - muttered, which caused the laughter of his friends.

A wedding planner approached the company. Smiling sweetly, she announced that the municipal employee had arrived and it was time to go to the place of the ceremony. The guests reached for the exit and began to take seats near the arch entwined with flowers. Omer and Defne walked to the table, where a man in a red robe was already standing. When everyone took their places, solemn music sounded and the bride and groom appeared on the hotel terrace. Seda held Sinan by the arm, and he walked proudly and beaming with happiness. To music and thunderous applause, the bride and groom approached the table and took their places. The sounds of music died down and the guests froze in anticipation. Taking a long look at the guests, the registrar began the ceremony. The bride and groom answered the questions and confirmed their consent. Omer and Defne witnessed their will. Finally, the registrar, having handed the bride a little red book, declared the couple husband and wife.

"You can kiss the bride," he said to Sinan.

He joyfully, having forgotten about the tradition of chastely kissing the bride on the forehead, dug into her lips. The guests roared approvingly. There were applause and laughter. Blushing Seda imperceptibly pushed the groom in the side. He pulled away and looked at her in bewilderment.

- On the forehead! She whispered.

- A-ah! - Sinan exclaimed and assumed a pious look. Gently clasping the bride's face with his palms, he kissed her forehead and quietly asked:

- And now can I kiss you again on the lips?

- Later, - Seda whispered with one lip.

He, expressing his disappointment, groaned inaudibly, but obeyed. From the outside, it seemed like a sweet conversation, and only Omer and Defne, hearing every word, heroically tried to restrain their laughter.

And then the fun began. After the first dance of the young couple, dancing the happy bride and groom could not take their eyes off each other, an incendiary melody sounded, and the guests began to dance. Defne, leaning her shoulder against the column entwined with flowers, watched the fun from the side and only stomped to the beat of the music with her foot shod in a comfortable shoe. Omer was stopped by a group of classmates. He answered questions, laughed at jokes, but looked at his wife himself. When a slow melody sounded, he said goodbye to his friends and made a decisive step towards Defne. Taking her hand, he smiled a seductive smile and pulled her to the dancers.

"Mrs. Iplikci, would you do me the honor to dance with me? - asked playfully, and Defne answered him in tone:

- With pleasure, Mr. Iplikci! And I thought you, looking at such beauties, forgot to think about your wife.

- How can you say so, Mrs. Iplikci! - Omer was offended. - My eyes are looking only at you!

- Only me? - Defne asked incredulously with a sly glint in her eyes.

- Uh-huh! - He confidently confirmed. - Only for you. And I can say - you are the most beautiful woman here.

Defne burst out laughing and objected:

- Omer, I look like a haystack!

Smiling, he put her hands on his chest, hugged her, and slowly led her into a dance. And only then he answered:

- I don't see a haystack! I see a beautiful woman, in whose belly my child is growing. I love her madly, and I just adore her tummy. And if she goes on about it, then I will be very angry.

- Very? - Laughing, Defne asked.

- Very much! - confirmed Omer.

- Persuaded me! - She agreed and added with an innocent look: - I'm not a haystack at all, but just a little hippo.

- Defne! - groaned Omer, torn between the desire to laugh and scold her.

- I am silent, I am silent! - She assured him and trustingly leaned her head against his shoulder.

Two girls were sitting in a gazebo by the sea. Bowing their heads to each other, they whispered about something and laughed loudly. Esra was very glad to see Banu and grateful to the wonderful Countess Laura for taking her sister with her to the wedding. And Banu was just happy. After all, she was again able to see the guy she had secretly dreamed of for three months. Mert, unbuttoning his jacket and thrusting his hands into his pockets, slowly walked over to the gazebo and sat down next to Esra.

- Are you bored? She asked him.

"Not much," he said casually. "But this is Mr. Sinan's wedding. It was important for me to congratulate him and Seda on this day.

- Are you ready for the exams? - asked the next question Esra. Banu was silent and only glanced furtively.

Mert shrugged and replied:

- There is another month and a half before exams. I'm getting ready.

- Have you chosen a university? - Esra looked at him inquisitively.

"Both the university and the department," Mert answered proudly.

- And what, if not a secret? - did not lag behind the curious girl.

And Mert suddenly caught himself thinking that he liked this curiosity. And he likes Esra. The serious look in her beautiful eyes made his heart beat faster in his chest.

"Programming and web design," he admitted. - Mr. Omer says that the future belongs to this profession.

"If brother Omer says that, then it is," Esra confirmed authoritatively. - He's very smart.

"And kind," added Mert. - A real man and a gentleman. He took me to work, he is going to pay for my studies if I return to work at Passionis after university. And I don't want anything else. Passionis is a great company. It's interesting and fun there. The designers are so cool. They draw, tear pictures, and draw again.

- What are they drawing? Banu said timidly.

"Shoes, of course," Mert told her. - Passionis is a shoe company. Ideas and new models come up with Mr. Omer, but the designers have enough work.

Banu was quiet. A dream began to take shape in her pretty head - to learn to be a designer and come to work at Passionis. Next to Mert. She will then already be an adult, and maybe he will notice her and pay attention. Еncouraged, Banu pointed to the two twin girls who were dancing merrily next to the pretty girl and asked Mert the following question:

- Are these your sisters?

"Yes," he smiled condescendingly but warmly. - Magpies! They stuck around Kumru and do not allow her to step!

"Lovely girls," Banu said. - Who is Kumru?

"The daughter of Mr. Kartal," answered Mert. "He is the manager of Sapphire and a friend of our family. Kumru is cool. She is also finishing school this year. But it's hard for her. She missed a lot due to her illness. I help her prepare for exams.

Banu looked at the girl with short, blond hair and her heart ached for some reason. Without understanding her desires, she painfully wanted Mert not to look or talk with other girls.

- Defne said that the Kumru operation was successful and the bone marrow engrafted. I am very happy for her. Even though I don't know her, - said Esra.

- So let me introduce you! Mert suggested enthusiastically.

Esra looked at the dancing girl and nodded:

- Good, only a little later. Let's not stop her from dancing.

- You said bone marrow transplant? - turned to Esra Banu, and there was compassion in her voice. - What happened to her?

"Leukemia," Mert replied instead of Esra.

"Poor girl." Tears flashed in Banu's eyes. - Let all bad be left behind. My mom also had leukemia. She died.

"Banu," Esra hugged her. - How sad. But you never talked about it. And your other relatives ..., dad, - the girl's voice trembled, - where are they?

"There was no occasion to tell," Banu shrugged her shoulders and shook her long, blond hair, "I don't have a dad. He did not want to marry my mother. Because of this, her parents disowned her. And from me too. After my mother's death, the board of trustees asked them to pick me up, but they said they had no granddaughter. Therefore, I also say that I do not have a father and relatives, grandparents. But now I have a real grandmother. She may not be my kin, but she loves me very much. And then there is my sister Laura and brother Ahtem. They are the best in the world. And I know that I am a very happy person.

- I was also abandoned by my dad and mom, - Esra admitted and clarified: - More precisely, all of us - me, Serdar, and Defne. But we still have a grandmother. She loves us very much. And we love her and each other. I am also a very happy person.

"Then I am also a happy person," said Mert intently looking into the distance with his piercing blue eyes. - My father is a scoundrel. And grandfather too. But I have the best mom in the world. And my sisters. And then there is Mr. Omer and Carrot Defne. They helped us. They took my mother and me to work. Pulled out of poverty. Pay for my university studies. They are incredible. I want to be like Mr. Omer. Not in terms of success. Although I want to. And to be just as courageous and generous.

"Yes, brother Omer is like that," said Esra. - When Defne was in a coma and the doctors said that it was necessary to turn off the life support apparatus ... because she had no chance of recovery ... he did not allow it. He sat next to her day and night and pulled her out of her coma.

- Wow! - said Mert with admiration. - This is a story. I started to respect him even more.

Banu, forgetting about embarrassment, stared at him. And there was so much admiration in her gaze that one could swim in it like in the sea. And Mert looked at Esra. He watched with restraint. But in the depths of his eyes lurked a spark, which in the future promised to turn into a flame. And Esra looked at the dancing bride and groom. And also on Omer and Defne. And on Serdar with baby Iso in his arms. And at the sister-in-law Nihan. And, of course, to her grandmother, who has a nice conversation with Mr. Hulusi. This was her family, which she loved more than anything else. Although, to be honest, the boy next to her excited her thoughts, making her heart beat faster. But she will never tell anyone about this!

Later, Mert introduced Esra and Banu to Kumru, Nisa, and Dila. They were joined by several more young men and women, children of guests invited to the wedding. And of course Mert's twin sisters. The company turned out to be big and fun. Throwing jokes, laughing, and dancing, they did not think and did not look into the future. And they did not know that just now a fellowship was created, where they will be friends all their life. To share sorrows and joys, fall in love, quarrel, make peace, and support each other in any, the most incomprehensible and terrible situation.

Twilight fell on the ground and baby Iso began to be capricious. Mrs. Turkan stated that it was time for the child to sleep. Let the parents stay, and she will take him to the house by the sea. Mr. Hulusi volunteered to go with her. Esra, making a pleading face, persuaded her grandmother to leave her with her brother and sister. The woman shook her head disapprovingly but agreed. The girl, laughing happily, whirled her grandmother, kissed her on the cheek, sang: - Thank you !!! - and ran away to her friends.

- She is a minx! - Mrs.Turkan muttered with displeasure and strictly ordered her grandson and granddaughter:

- Look after her!

- Don't worry, grandma! Defne reassured her. - We will not take our eyes off Esra.

- Uh-huh, we will, - satisfied Serdar supported his sister. Grandma was taking Iso away and he and Nihan could have a lot of fun. No, he, of course, loves his son very much, but young parents also need to come off and relax. Moreover, а occasion falls out once a century.

- Look at her! - threatened Mrs. Turkan and majestically climbed into the carriage, where Mr. Hulusi was already waiting for her.

Serdar handed her baby Iso and the grandmother put her great-grandson on her lap. Nihan mumbled:

- He's not hungry. I fed him. And he doesn't need a bath. I bathed him in the morning. Change his diaper and put him to bed. He's already screwing up his eyes. My son wants to sleep," she cooed with the baby.

- Come on, go! - shouted at her grandmother. - She gives instructions! Everything will be fine! He stays with his grandmother.

- I am silent! - agreed on Nihan and stepped away.

- Let's go! - Mrs.Turkan royally ordered the coachman, and the carriage slowly rolled along the road. When it disappeared around the bend, Serdar jumped up and exclaimed:

- Really?! Freedom!!!

Grabbing the laughing wife by the hand, he pulled her to dance.

Omer looked after them, went up to his wife, and hugged her.

- Aren't you tired? - asked sympathetically.

Defne was tired. Her legs ached and the back ached. But she wasn't going to admit it. She wanted to live this festive evening to the fullest.

- No, I'm not tired. But let's stand that way for a minute.

Omer pressed his cheek to the top of her head and tightened his grip on her hands.

"Let's stand, my soul," he answered quietly.

Defne got goosebumps from the velvet notes of his voice. Well, how does it happen that a person utters a few words, and from the top of your head to your fingertips, you are seized by euphoria and bliss? Only Omer can do that. Only he can make her happy anywhere and at any time. Even if stones fell from the sky now, Defne would still feel in seventh heaven.

Emine caught the state of her mother and responded with a quick drum roll. Omer felt the blows and laughed. He put his hand on Defne's belly and gently turned to his daughter:

- Bead, are you happy? - The blows became stronger. - Daddy's kitten! Do you want something sweet? Now, dad will lead the mom to the table and feed you with cake. With strawberry.

"You'll spoil us," Defne rebuked him gently, although her smile told the opposite. She enjoyed her husband's care and felt like the happiest woman in the world.

From the hotel, Iz and Deniz Tranba walked up to the driveway. Seeing them, Omer reluctantly unclenched his hands and asked:

- Are you leaving already?

- Aren't you staying at the hotel? - Defne echoed him.

- No, not in the hotel, - Deniz, like a gentleman, first answered the girl's question. - I have a house on the island. We go there. She feels bad," he looked anxiously at his wife.

She looked pale and haggard. Swallowing, she complained to the friends:

- I have such strange toxicosis. No, like all normal women - in the morning, and then you feel great. I feel sick all the time. I can't look at the food. Smells are a horror. Deniz even bought unscented soaps, gels, and shampoos.

- Poor thing, - Defne sympathetically stroked her hand. - What does the doctor say?

- She took all the tests that are possible and advised me to be in the fresh air and take vitamins, - Iz answered with slight resentment. - But vitamins do not reduce nausea at all.

While the girls were talking, Deniz imperceptibly nodded to Omer, inviting him to step aside. Stopping by an old acacia, he spoke quietly:

"My security chief found out that Chatay met with the tabloid reporters and the news editor."

"I know," Omer frowned. "The private detective found that out too.

- Maybe such activity is not connected with Sapphire, - said Deniz and thoughtfully rubbed his chin, - Or maybe vice versa. How should I know what he is up to?

Omer nervously slapped himself on the back of the head and answered with barely contained anger:

- Whatever he is up to, he will not succeed. Sapphire is protected legally and technically. It's too tough for him.

- Allah grant that it was so, - drawled Deniz. A dark red lacquered carriage drove up to the hotel. Seeing it, Tranba hurried to say goodbye. - See you later! I will not detain Iz, - he looked worriedly at his wife. "She's already having a hard time.

"Take care of her," Omer shook the outstretched hand.

"If I could take her torment for myself," Deniz answered bitterly and hurried to his wife. He carefully helped her to get into the carriage, sat down next to her, and the horses, clattering their hooves, easily rolled the cart along the road.

- Poor Iz, - sympathized with her friend Defne. "Compared to her torment, I got off easy.

"Thanks to the Almighty," Omer breathed. With horror, he imagined a picture that Defne was suffering, and he could do nothing to help. It will be the end of the world! Better to let the trials fall on him. He will survive. But not on her. Not at her! He hugged his wife around the waist and directed her to the seashore, where the wedding was dancing and having fun. Smiling, he said with deliberate ease: - Let's go feed you dessert.

Near the set tables, Sinan and Seda were about to cut a cake of fabulous beauty. Numerous guests gathered around and encouraged them with jokes. Defne looked for Esra. The sister stood next to Banu and Mert. Her face was beaming with delight. Calmed down, Defne turned her gaze to the bride and groom. They were holding a silver spatula in their hands and preparing to cut the first piece from the cake. Sinan whispered something in Seda's ear, and she laughed, and in the bright light of the lanterns, her cheeks blazed with a scarlet flame. But then the spatula crashed into the snow-white upper tier, decorated with cream lace, and a triangular piece lay on a flat plate. The bride and groom fed each other with cake closed their eyes with pleasure, and when they opened them, fire sparkled in them. Omer and Defne looked at each other and he slyly whispered in her ear:

- Sinan is already mentally cursing us all.

- Why curse? - Defne raised an eyebrow slyly. - He better grabs Seda in an armful and runs away!

Omer's eyebrows curled up in amused disbelief.

- Madam Defne, so these are your secret desires! - He teased his wife with a velvet voice. - She blushed, and Omer bent down to her ear blazing with fire. - Maybe I grab you in my arms and run away?

"It will be problematic," Defne whispered insolently. - I'm too heavy for you to run fast.

- Shall I check it out? - With sparkling eyes, offered Omer and from his voice, her legs weakened.

- No! No! No! She said hastily. - Esra is in our care!

- Well, - he sighed in disappointment. - And you were so brave. Okay, I'll be patient. And now I'm going to get you a cake. And I will feed you myself.

- You what? - Defne scared. - We will become the object of close attention of all the gossips of high society! There will be talks for a year...

Omer drowned out the stream of words with a kiss and then winked.

"Do you think I care about this?"

Defne, embarrassed and worried, remained standing, and Omer, with a light, careless gait, went to get a cake for his beloved wife.


The bride and groom disappeared imperceptibly. The guests pretended not to notice this and continued to have fun. Champagne poured into the glasses, the music sounded, the men, hot with halai dance, were amicably getting rid of their tuxedos, and the women were fanning their flushed faces with their hands. Classmates several times tried to get Omer to dance, but he steadfastly refused and did not leave his wife a single step. But he took off his tuxedo too. To put it on Defne's shoulders, when a fresh wind blew from the sea and she shivered chillily.

In the best hotel room, Sinan frantically searched for a fastener on Seda's dress. One thought was beating in his brain - not to be disgraced. Nine months of abstinence is no joke! And his wife is so beautiful and desperately desirable. And innocent!

Blood pounded in his temples and whetted his impatience. But finally, fingers groped for a tiny lock on her side and frantically pulled it down. Tangled in white silk, he pulled off the branded item and threw it away.

What happened next, he vaguely remembered. The excitement was so strong that the world around him ceased to exist. The only thing he felt was his wife's slender body in his arms, her tender lips and touch.

"Don't hurt her! Don't hurt! "- he repeated and held back until his eyes darkened. Seda didn't scream. She just gasped quietly and froze.

"Do not disgrace yourself! Do not disgrace yourself! "- repeated Sinan, moving in the sweet body.

"I disgraced myself!" - Thought with horror, feeling how pleasure rolls over an avalanche that cannot be contained. And at the same moment, Seda huddled in his arms and groaned. Her inner muscles gripped his flesh tightly, and Sinan screamed in frantic pleasure and relief.

- Not disgraced! He whispered, rolling onto his side.

Seda, who hadn't come to her senses yet, burst out laughing and tried to hold back her laughter. But it was torn from her chest, and there was not the slightest chance to hold it. She laughed uncontrollably and loudly. Sinan, taken aback for a second, the next moment laughed after her.

The naked bride and groom lay on the king's bed and laughed until hiccups and colic in the stomach.

It was almost midnight when Topal and Iplikci, having said goodbye to the guests, went home. In the carriage, Esra sat down beside her sister and bent her head on her shoulder. Omer settled on the other side. He held Defne's hand and fingered her thin fingers. Serdar and Nihan sat down opposite. Both looked impossibly cheerful and happy.

"Just think," Nihan said. - I thought high society were still snobs, but it turned out - such nice people. And they know how to have fun when there are no cameras nearby.

- Indeed, - Serdar supported his wife. - I thought it would be boring. And as a result, we had so much fun! My feet are hurting from dancing!

- A head from champagne is not? His wife asked sarcastically. - Of course! I can't drink! I am breastfeeding.

"Don't be jealous," Serdar answered her without malice. - There was a holiday on your street. You were having fun even without champagne! You didn't miss a single dance.

- Ay! Is it embarrassing, I guess? - Repentantly turned to Defne and Omer Nihan. - My son is at home, and his mother comes off at the wedding!

- Iso is with grandmother, - Defne reassured her. "She's looking after him as the apple of her eye. And you got positive and it's great for everyone. And for Iso as well.

- Yes Yes! - Serdar confirmed offended. - She tortured me with her nit-picking.

- Serdar! - Nihan protested and raised her fist. - Now I'll crack you one! The martyr is found!

"I'm silent, silent," he conciliatory raised his hands and pulled out his lips in a funny way. - You are my Turkish delight!

- That's much better! - She said favorably and, taking her husband by the arm, laid her head on his shoulder.

While the Topal were quarreling and making peace, and the Iplikci laughed without malice at them, the carriage drove up to the house on the seashore. It was dark in the windows, and only the light was on on the terrace. The young people stood in the yard for a while, admired the stars, and then quietly entered the house and dispersed to their rooms. Defne quietly asked Esra if she would be afraid to sleep in a separate room. But she just looked at her reproachfully and closed the door behind her.

In the room, Defne, with a sigh of relief, got rid of her shoes and went barefoot to the bathroom. From there she returned in a nice little shirt, tight-fitting belly. Omer also had time to change into pajama pants and a T-shirt. He caught his wife, hugged, and asked:

- Tired?

She shook her head.

- No, I'm not tired. Only my legs hurt.

Omer led her to the bed and ordered:

- Lie down!

And he sat down next to her and began to massage small, but noticeably swollen feet. Defne, closing her eyes, was delighted. And she did not notice how she fell asleep. Omer carefully put her leg on the bed and stood up. Covering his wife with a blanket, he kissed her pink cheek gently and, quietly, so as not to disturb, lay down beside her. The hand covered her belly as usual. Omer managed to think that another wonderful day had passed and fell into a dream. He dreamed of a red-haired baby with black eyes and a laughing Defne. And Defne dreamed of Omer with their daughter in his arms.

Both smiled in their sleep.

In the morning, Defne was awakened by voices outside the window. The imperious voice of grandmother, cheerful Serdar, and Nihan, vibrant voice of Esra. She opened her eyes. The room was bathed in sunlight and the whole was permeated with golden light. A breeze came in through the open window and blew the translucent curtain like a sail. The air smelled like the sea and blooming wisteria. Smiling at this serene beauty, Defne got up and went to the window. Her whole family was gathered in the blooming garden. Serdar played with his son. Grandma, Nihan, and Esra were setting the table for breakfast under an old apple tree. Grandpa sat in a chair and watched them with a smile. Only Omer was missing. Before Defne had time to think about it, she felt a tingling sensation in the back of her head. Already knowing the reason, she turned around and smiled at her husband standing in the doorway with a radiant smile.

- Good morning!

- Good morning, my dear! - answered Omer and went up to her.

His kiss was slow and sweet. Defne took a deep breath and thought about the beginning of the next, best day of her life.

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