haute monde. || nct jaehyun f...

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kwon bora is in a partner ship with jung jaehyun. both business and bed. [12/15/2020 - ] Більше

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Saturday, 7:12 pm - Moon Manor

"Ugh." Bora was on her 2nd glass of champagne when the party was in full swing. The rest of the Kangs have yet to arrive but Kang Iseul is definitely enjoying this party with her cousin. Well, at least someone's having fun. Certainly not her. She's secluded herself at a table at the corner of the main hall

"You might wanna slow down on that." Jaehyun siddled by her side; helping himself to some wine. As if it hasn't led him to a few drunken mistakes. Twice.

"Leave me alone. I'm trying to get by this gala for my brother." Bora groaned out, taking another sip. It's true. This annual foundation is the one thing Taeil was always proud of. With his absence, Johnny and her had to step in to be proud for him in this place.

"Yeah, I'm sure he'll appreciate all the alcohol you drank for him," Jaehyun teased, earning a glare from her. He stifled a laugh, downing his wine in one go. "You know, it wouldn't hurt to leave a note."

Bora rolled her eyes, sending him a look of disbelief. "And say what? Good sex, TTYL?" she humored him.

"A five star-rating would be nice." Jaehyun pouted, knowing Bora would just be annoyed by his childishness. And there it is; her infamous Moon glare.

"Five star? Don't flatter yourself." Bora mocked judgingly. "You're 3.5 at best."

"I like a challenge. You know I'm very competitive. I'll show you." he suggested but Bora raised up her palms to halt their bickering.

"Can we just - Take a break from this? You know this is gonna be the last time, right?"

"You also said that last time and look what happened." Jaehyun helpfully reminded her, pulling his lips to the side. "Look, I don't dig this hot n' cold thing so let's just go straight to the point."

"And what is that?" Bora crossed her arms, intrigued about what he's going to say. She's pleased to know Jaehyun isn't just a pretty face.

"You're hot and I'm hot." Not what Bora expected from him as a start but then again; Jaehyun was kind of an odd ball. She nodded in agreement, though. "We're both frustrated workaholics who has no time for our personal lives."

Again, true. Now that Bora's COO she barely had time for her own hobbies. It would take months for her to catch a movie at an actual theater. She's so outdated on latest film releases. She doesn't trust Netflix to include her favorite films in their site either.

"We can use each other as human forms of stress release. You know, like just another hobby we can both... do."

That urged out a wheeze from Bora which made Jaehyun a bit proud of himself. He made her laugh!

"So here's my proposal."

Bora found that extremely attractive. Who knew presenting why they should have sex like a business proposal was this sexy.

"Business partners in bed. No strings attached. Purely business. And when I say business: literal business and fucking, you know?"

Bora scoffed out a laugh at his straightforwardness. "No strings attached? So I'm not gonna hear you vent out about when your Mom made you give up raising a puppy because of her allergies?" she cocked an eyebrow.

"It was actually a kitten but yeah, pretty much." Jaehyun confirms. He held out his hand to her. "So? Deal?"

Bora eyed his hand before meeting his gaze firmly. "I'll think about it." she smiled evilly before walking past him to get another glass of champagne.

Meanwhile, Iseul has found herself back in Johnny's room. The two have been inseparable since the gala started; ignoring the curious glances from everyone in the room. Iseul has mastered the art of avoiding her mother and Taeyong's glare... She couldn't care less.

"A-Ah!" Iseul felt a shiver run down her body as she arched her body with Johnny on top of her. They collapse under the sheets; naked and exhausted from their long overdue make-up sex.

"I missed the sounds you make," Johnny whispered as he planted a soft kiss on her shoulder.

Iseul hummed contentedly, stroking the back of his hair. "I'll make sure to be vocal next time," she said seductively.

Johnny smiled down at her, giving her another kiss. "You know your fiancé's just downstairs, right?" he reminded.

Iseul rolled her eyes with a hint of smile. "As if that stopped you from coming onto me. Practically flaunted at his face that we're back together," she told him.

Johnny's heart fluttered at the words 'back together.' It felt surreal to have Iseul in his arms again. It's like the rest of the world doesn't matter.

"Anyway, I don't care about Taeyong," Iseul continued, staring up at him. She caressed his face, making the most of their intimacy. "I only care about you, Johnny."

Johnny felt like his chest was gonna explode. He loved Kang Iseul so much it's too painful.

"Me too," Johnny choked out, diving for another kiss. This time his lips lingered on hers, with Iseul letting out a contented moan.

Their moment was interrupted when Yuta came banging at their door. "Not to disturb you love birds!" he yelled as if he doesn't have the risk of being heard by Lee Taeyong or Iseul's mom. "But the guests are starting to look for the host and the heart of this event, Dr. Kang!"

"So if you two could just get dressed right now that'd be great thanks!" With that, they heard Yuta's loud footsteps stomp their way back to the party.

Johnny let out an annoyed groan before getting off Iseul. She laughed at her boyfriend's reaction, and sat up, not without wincing sorely.

"You okay?" Johnny asked softly, acting as if he wasn't responsible for how rough things got.

"Nothing I can't handle," Iseul assured him. She slid her legs off the bed, looking for her underwear. "I almost forgot how intense you get in bed."

"You like me though," Johnny singsonged cheekily. Iseul shook his head at him, starting to dress herself.

Johnny watched her slip on her panties and bra from the bed; forgetting he was still naked as well.

Iseul looked around for her dress. "Where did you throw my dress - Ah, here it is." she found her clothing as soon as she asked. "I hope you didn't rip it this time. I didn't bring an extra dress."

"You can borrow from Bora," Johnny suggested. He finally snapped out of his stupor and started looking for his clothes.

"I don't think your cousin likes me." Iseul frowned, remembering her first encounter with the female Moon. Bora studied at a different university from Taeil and Johnny that's why Iseul and her never met.

"She doesn't like a lot of people. Don't take it personally." Johnny chuckled, putting on his shirt. He slipped on his pants after, tucking in his shirt and zipping up.

"Mm." Iseul hummed thoughtfully. "You go out first. To not look suspicious."

"They already saw me drag you up here, Seul." Johnny deadpanned, in the middle of buttoning his shirt.

Iseul finished up first so she walked over to Johnny to fix his tie. He stared at her lovingly, eager to kiss her again.

"There." Iseul patted his chest; meeting his gaze. She leaned in for a tender kiss; Johnny's hands feeling warm on her hips.

Johnny was the first to leave the room, telling Iseul to follow after 5 minutes. As he descended the stairs, he was ambushed — he exaggerated — by the devil himself.

"Had fun fucking my fiancé?" Taeyong walked by his side, whiskey in hand.

Johnny scoffed at him, shaking his head. "That's not true, Taeyong," he corrected. "She's not your fiancé."

"Right, what was I thinking? Iseul only knew me as her medical mission fling." Taeyong sighed condescendingly. When Johnny halted on his steps, he smirked.

Johnny turned out to give Taeyong a hard stare. He was taken aback by the sudden information.

"What, she didn't tell you?" Taeyong chuckled. "Going on medical missions can be so lonely, you know?"

Johnny clenched his jaw, trying to control his emotions. Taeyong could be lying for all he know. He's a little bitch like that.

"When I went to visit Iseul in her first month, she was miserable, Johnny. Because of you." Taeyong goaded.

Of course he didn't miss the news of Johnny and Iseul's breakup. He had to know the second he gets a chance to be with Iseul. Thanks to her mother, Taeyong was able to know their itinerary and where their destinations were.

"So you know, because I love her so much - I was there for her. I comforted her. I gave her what she needed that time."

Taeyong took a step closer, locking gazes with Johnny. "You will never love her more than I do," he promised. And he actually believed that.

When Iseul got down, she caught the two staring contest. Worried, she hurriedly ran over to them, pushing them away from each other.

"What's going on?" she questioned them.

Taeyong smiled sweetly at her. "I was just telling Johnny our sweet memories in Thailand during your medical mission dear." his tone was too soft and disturbing. It made her shiver.

"No—" Iseul's eyes widened like she has been caught committing a crime. Johnny's face fell dejectedly.

"It's true?" he asked hesitantly.

"Johnny, let me explain—" Iseul tried but she was cut off by Yuta standing at the platform in the middle of the room.

"Mic test, yes, can Mr. Johnny Suh please join us here with a welcoming speech?" Yuta spoke into the mic, gathering their guests by the stage.

Johnny's sad eyes broke away from staring at Iseul as he approached his cousin to the platform.

"Johnny!" Iseul called again but he was gone. She then heard Taeyong snickering to himself as he sipped on his drink. "You..."

"Yes, dear?" Taeyong tilted his head to the side. "See, Iseul? I would never walk out on you like that. He isn't the man for you."

"And you think you are?" Iseul scoffed, shaking her head at him. "The only thing you are to me, Taeyong, is a mistake. You were a mistake."

"You may think that for now. But you'll soon realize we're meant for each other." Taeyong cups Iseul's face before excusing himself to grab another drink.

Iseul glared at his retreating figure but soon focused her attention on Johnny.

"Thank you everyone for coming." Johnny started off his speech. He felt cold sweat run down his neck which was weird. As head of PR, he's supposed to be used to situations like this.

Johnny met Iseul's gaze from the stage that helped him remember why he hosted this gala in the first place. "As you all know, my cousin, Taeil, is on sabbatical right now. That's why I'm taking over as the head of the Moon-Kang foundation for now."

"Thank god I've had good training from frat parties that I was able to plan such an important event tonight." There was a chorus of laughter and clapping from the crowd. There was even howling but Johnny pretended he didn't know that was Yuta.

"This foundation is very important to our family. To the Kang family. It's our way of giving back to the community being filthy rich and all."

"And that's why I know my cousin Taeil poured all his heart and soul into this project. Alongside his best friend, Dr. Kang over there."

Iseul was surprised Johnny addressed her. Everyone looked and clapped for her. She smiled shyly and bowed to them.

"I hope I can do good as much as my cousin did." Johnny continued, his eyes never leaving Iseul. "Because it's important to me... and to the community. So I want to pour all my heart and soul into it too."

Iseul stared at him adoringly, raising her hands to clap for him as he finished his speech.

Johnny thanked the crowd and stepped out of the stage. He headed towards the back exit of the room, with Iseul chasing after him.

Iseul managed to catch him at the hallway, when they were a few feet away from the party room.

"Johnny please listen." Iseul begged, holding onto his wrist. Johnny turned around silently. He waited for her to continue. "I'm sorry, alright? I'm sorry I didn't tell you about Taeyong, I just—I didn't think it mattered because it was over before I returned."

Iseul lowered her gaze in shame. "I was—I wasn't thinking back then. We were just broken up and I was—I was lonely." she confessed guiltily.

Johnny stared down at her hand. "I was lonely too," he admitted. "And I'm sorry too. For not following after you. For not fighting harder."

"What? No! Johnny, you have nothing to be sorry for."

"I mean—I'd be hypocrite if I got mad at you when I had some flings myself." Johnny winced at the numerous women Yuta tried to set him up with. They were all lovely but he never clicked with any of them. "I was trying to get over you but I couldn't as well."

"It's always you, Johnny."

"It's always you too, Iseul."


Bora watched her brother walked off te stage from her own high table. After him, Dr. Kang followed through hurriedly. Bora still has no idea what the hell goes on with those two but she doesn't care.

"He's getting good at that." Yuta appeared by her side, holding a juice box.

Bora spared him a glance and was about to walk away when her brother called her back.

"Look, I'm sorry Bora, okay?" Yuta apologized. Bora stopped on her tracks and turned around. "What I said to you this morning... It was out of line. I never should have said that. I'm sorry, Bora."

If Bora was being honest, Yuta looked like an abandoned kitten. He looked guilty and pitiful so Bora had no choice but to forgive him.

"I'm sorry too," she said. "For giving up on Taeil. I should've fought for him harder."

"Hey, it's not your fault. You were right. We should respect Taeil's choice to leave." Yuta comforted her. "And for the record, you were always the ones who fought her damn hardest in the family. And I respect that."

Bora smiled warmly at him. It felt like a heavy weight was lifted off her chest. She tugged Yuta into a tight hug, happy that she still has him at least. She can't afford to lose another sibling.

Then they notice some of their house helpers descending down the stairs with suitcases. Their father soon followed, who was instructing the staff to call their chauffeur.

The two siblings shared a look before walking towards the front door, where their father waited for a car.

"Dad," Bora called out to him. "Where are you going?"

"Ah, Bora. So nice of you to finally show yourself." Moon Hajoon greeted mockingly. He then gave her a hard glare. "Where were you when I summoned you?"

Bora's eyes widened as she recalled Johnny mentioning that their father wanted to talk to them. She recalled goinf over to Moon Corp. "I was at Moon Corp. Mina called me to go over a few files," she lied smoothly. "I'm sorry, Father."

Hajoon scoffed, turning away from her. "Glad to know you haven't forgotten your COO duties. Or are you that comfortable with the position that you didn't bother to bring your brother back when you came to visit him?" he spat.

Bora's eyes widened at that. Their Father knew. She glanced back at Yuta fearfully, who held her hand as support.

"I can explain." she faced her Father again.

"Don't bother." Hajoon clicked his tongue. "I'll fix this mess myself." Ironic how he doesn't know he's the major cause of this circus.

"Dad, no—Taeil's—" Bora tried to stop him. He doesn't know about Taeil running away with his little boyfriend. She was afraid he'll use her brother's weakness to bring him back here. "Dad, you can't go."

"And why not?" Hajoon yelled, causing the two to flinch. He directed a finger at his two children. "I sacrificed a lot of things so I can raise the three of you properly and this is the thanks I get?! You ungrateful little brats!"

"I'm going to drag Taeil by the neck if I have to. He can't just runaway and abandon all his responsibilities like this. Moon Corp will suffer without him."

Hearing that from her father broke something inside of Bora. Of course, Taeil's the only one that can hold Moon Corp together. It's not like it's Bora that's been working twice as hard ever since he left. Like she didn't shoulder all the work he abandoned. Like she doesn't matter.

"You're the ones who's been holding him by the neck!" Bora snapped. "You're the reason why he left! You're the reason why we lost our brother! Why can't you see that you're the problem here!"

"Dad!" Yuta screamed as he watched in shock how their father slapped Bora across the cheek.

It stung a little bit but Bora expected that. She turned to face back at her father with a hard stare. "You know what? I quit." she walked off, ignoring Yuta's calls for her.

Yuta gave their father one last stare before following after his sister.

Bora headed to their basement, where the winery was. She grabbed herself two bottles of red wine and found herself an empty room.

Her chest hurt way more than her cheek. She was holding back sobs as she poured herself a glads of wine. She was glad the party upstairs was still on full swing so they couldn't hear her cry to herself.

Her phone was filled with worried text from Yuta and Jeongyeon, whom her brother had contacted. She opted to ignore them and clicked on Jaehyun's name instead.

From: Jung Jaehyun

are you okay?
i saw you storm off
where are you?
your brother's looking for you. he's really worried

From: Kwon Bora

I thought about your offer.
And I propose a counteroffer.
I'm at the winery room at the basement. Don't tell anyone.

While waiting for him, Bora calmed herself and cleaned up her tear stained face to look decent. She must always be presentable in front of a client after all.

Five minutes later, there was a knock at the door and Bora told them to come on. Jaehyun entered the room with a bucket of ice, approaching her at the couch carefully.

"Hey." he greeted. He showed her the bucket in his hand. "I, um, brought this for you."

Bora cocked an eyebrow at him. "Never really tried ice play before but sure." she shrugged.

"Oh, no. That's not—" Jaehyun chuckled, taking the seat next to her. He placed the bucket on the coffe table near the couch, pulling out an icebag from underneath all the ice. "May I?"

Bora blinked at him; a confused frown on her face. Jaehyun used his index finger to tilt her chin to the right. Gently, he placed the icebag on her cheek, where she was slapped by her father.

"Oh." she realized, staring into Jaehyun's eyes.

"Yeah, just—" Jaehyn whispered softly, brushing his thumb against her other cheek. "So it won't swell."

"I could've just asked the doctors upstairs for this." Bora choked out, feeling touched.

"Dr. Kang is preoccupied with something." Jaehyun hummed.

There was a short silence in between them while Bora racked her brain on what to say. "About your proposal," she brings up. "I'm in."

"You sure?" Jaehyun asked. "You can take your time, you know."

"No — I've made up my mind. I'm in." Bora stated firmly. "Though, I do have another offer like I said."

"Oh? Do tell."

Bora smirked as she removed Jaehyun's hand from her face. "How would you like to be one of the very first investors in Kwon Co.?"

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