Valerie and the Legends of Os...

بواسطة Rhodes_the_writer

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Heroes don't really seem like heroes at first. They're probably just some kid nextdoor and all of a sudden, "... المزيد

Before You Read...
Chapter One: The Beginning, Obviously.
Chapter Two: Strange Words From a Stalker Book.
Chapter Three: The Stalker Book.
Chapter Four: Oscavia.
Chapter Five: What Really Happened?
Chapter Six: Wings?!
Chapter Seven: Lightening.
Chapter Eight: Blue.
Chapter Nine: This is Really Bad.
Chapter Ten: Totally Stressed Out
Chapter Eleven: Getting the Hang of It.
Chapter Twelve: Getting the Hang of it 2
Not a Chapter. Meet the Cast/ Glossary.
Chapter Thirteen: Piip Jump
Chapter Fourteen: The First Attack.
Chapter Fifteen: Surprise.
Chapter Sixteen: Girl Talk.
Chapter Seventeen: Giant Spiders, No Problem.
Chapter Eighteen: The Hall and the Mysterious Art.
Chapter Nineteen: Diaz is Captured.
Fan Art!!!
Chapter Twenty: The Unknown Quest.
Chapter Twenty-one: Camp Out.
Chapter Twenty-three: Tijan's Story.
Chapter Twenty-three: Flying Lessons Gone Sour.
Chapter Twenty-four: The City of Crazy People.
Chapter Twenty-five: Reverse Mermaids From the Underwater Kingdom .
Chapter Twenty-six: The City of Party Freaks.
Chapter Twenty-seven: Oh, Hello Stranger!
Chapter Twenty-eight: Compliments and Tiny Confessions.
Chapter Twenty-nine: Awkward.
Chapter Thirty: The Mood swinger.
One Thousand Reads!!!
Chapter Thirty-one: That One Jon Bellion Song.
Chapter Thirty-two: Levi
Chapter Thirty-three: Never Overdose on Potions.
Chapter Thirty-four: Tijan the Wedding Crasher.
Chapter Thirty-five : Best Friends No Matter What.
Chapter Thirty-six: Running Towards Danger.
Chapter Thirty-seven: The Kingdom of Darkness.
Chapter Thirty-eight: The Dark Man On The Throne.
Chapter Thirty-nine: It Comes Down To This.
Chapter Forty: Victory To The Oscavian Legends.
Chapter Forty-one: Home Time.
Chapter Forty-Two: The New Prophecy.
Chapter Forty-three: The New Prophecy.
Chapter Forty-four: Saying Goodbye.
Epilogue: A Shocking Discovery.

The Christmas Special.

27 5 9
بواسطة Rhodes_the_writer

All these events didn't actually happen but it's Christmas Day! So I just wanted to give you beautiful people something new 🙋🏾‍♀️🙋🏾‍♀️

Hope you like this!

An Oscavian Christmas.

Levi sat on the roof of the tallest tower of the palace, waiting patiently for Valerie to come to meet him.

It was dark when she finally swooped over his head a bit too fast.

"Oops!" She said with a little excitement and anxiety as she held her wings out to slow down. "I'm still getting the hang of this flying thing."

"You're doing great" Levi said with a small chuckle as she finally maneuvered herself to stand next to him.

"Hi Levi, hi Tio" she said breezily as she sat down and used both hands to try and keep her hair from blowing into her face.

Levi smiled and helped her out. "I would braid your hair, but I'm not skilled in that area"

"I'll braid her hair, keep your hands off her" Blue snapped, saucily.

"Alright, alright" Levi said and did as she asked.

"How did your day go? Did you pass the border alright?" Valerie asked, smoothing out a sheet of paper she had in her hand.

"It was fine, but I think those guys are already getting suspicious, I saw some powder bombs in the...hey what's that?" He pointed at the paper and took it from her, curiously.

"Oh, nothing, I just managed to paint this after my busy day today" Valerie sighed. She cast a small spell to make a ball of light.

It was a painting of a wingless girl staring through the window of a house. People were inside the house wrapped up in warm clothes, gathered around a decorated tree and looking cheerful as they smiled at each other.

"It's beautiful" Levi said and Tio nodded in agreement. "What's this about?"

"That's me" Valerie said, pointing at the lonely girl outside, staring into the warm house full of happy people. "And that is Sophie's house. During Christmas, this is pretty much how it looks like"

"What's a Christmas?" Levi asked "like a festival?"

"Something like that," Valerie chuckled "to some people it's the best time of the year where everyone gathers around, friends and family, even enemies sometimes make peace and they all enjoy the cheerful spirit together, share gifts, sing Christmas songs, talk about the Baby Jesus, the whole whatever..."

"What about your family?" Levi asked.

"Oh, Nicole has never been a Christmas person" Valerie said, rubbing the back of her head. "So Christmas at my place is like any other winter day."

Levi watched her stare at the picture for a few moments before smiling.
"I sneak out on the night before Christmas and Christmas day to Sophie's house though, just so I can watch through the window. Nicole would go crazy of she found out and Sophie's mom always calls for permission for me to stay so..."

"You are not allowed to partake in the celebration?"

"Sort of, I'm fine with just staring at them. Although it would have been awesome to actually have a real Christmas Eve with the gigantic tree and the millions of presents and the lights.
You know if you actually count the months I've been in Oscavia it would be about New year by now...too bad Oscavia doesn't do Christmas. My friends don't even like the idea of a sneaky old man squeezing through your chimney to eat cookies and milk in exchange for presents. They totally freaked out when I told them about it" She laughed and took the painting back from Levi.

"I hope you have a great Christmas someday" Levi said, giving her a slightly concerned look.

"Thanks but it really isn't that much of a big deal" Valerie said with a careless shrug. "So! Tell me about your day, what trouble did you get yourself into this time?"

Levi laughed as she rest her head on his shoulder and listened to him.

Much later into the night, after she had slept off and he had put her in her bed, he was walking around the palace.
He was invisible and very careful not to get caught.

"Why are you so silent?" Tio asked, "usually you would have been gushing about how awesome she is or asking if I saw her hair or how bright her eyes were tonight"

"I don't do that" Levi said with a playful frown. Only him and his duanti could see and hear each other. "But she looked amazing like always."

"There you go"

"I was actually wondering about her sad painting though. In a way it is kind of sad" He said, thoughtfully. He was in the royal kitchen now and was helping himself to some food, watching the busy chefs and cooks hustle and bustle.
They didn't notice that a plate was floating in the air loading itself with delicious things.

"There is nothing you can do about it" Tio said "you cannot create a Christmas for Valerie. Do you know how much it takes to make one perfect Christmas day?! That is a lot of hard work"

"That is an awesome idea!" Levi exclaimed "you are so smart Tio, duanti know everything about everything, right? So I can just get her friends to make a perfect Christmas for her"

"Immediately they see you, you will be dead" Tio deadpanned.

"I always escape," Levi said with a big grin "I'll just hypnotize all of them at the same time and it will go perfectly"

"This is a bad idea!" Tio argued "anytime you hypnotize many at once, you have bad luck for a day!"

"Just because it's happened five times already doesn't make it true" Levi scoffed "it is still a superstition"

"I warned you" Tio said with a pout.

"Thanks for that, I appreciate the warning" Levi said and winked at his black duanti.

Later, he found the whole gang hanging out in a common room.

He swaggered right into the center of the room and stood there.
They couldn't see him now because he was still invisible.

The blonde one was doting on her partner, brushing his white hair. The girl that looked like Xhena was in a conversation with the man with blonde dreadlocks and Tijan- whom could never be forgotten- was working on another one of his numerous drawings with Diaz who wasn't ready to sleep yet.

Levi turned visible and cleared his throat, casually.
Immediately, they all jumped into action, transformed their weapons and aimed them at him.

"Jeez, can you all chill?" Levi asked, with a chuckle.

"You!" Tijan growled.

"That's it, look at me" Levi whispered and his violet eyes glowed brighter.

They all stared at him, their eyes glowing purple as well. They were all trapped now.

"Good, now here's what we're going to do...."


"Hey, hey wake up!" Levi whispered and nudged Valerie slightly. He turned invisible as she stirred in her sleep with messy bed hair.

Then she rolled off the bed and landed on the floor with a yelp.

"I'm awake!" Blue yelled as she jumped out of sleep.

"Ow, my elbow" Valerie groaned as she looked out the window. She froze when she noticed something unusual.

"Um..." She muttered "it definitely wasn't snowing yesterday."

The entire place as far as her eyes could see was covered in snow! It was winter!

"Can you hear that?" Blue asked and they both listened to the sounds of bells and tambourines.

"Sounds like... Christmas bells" Valerie murmured with a confused expression.

Suddenly the walls to her room slid open and Diaz bounded in wearing a sweater with white, red and green colors.
"Valerie it's Christmas!" He yelled excitedly.

"How come?" Valerie asked, confused "Oscavia doesn't have a Christmas day"

"Merry Christmas, Valerie!" A group of voices called. Dansé, Athen and Kyoh walked in also wearing cheesy Christmas sweaters.

"Oh my goodness" Valerie said, with a laugh.

"We heard you speak of Christmas day yesterday with so much longing and we realized it would be a wonderful thing if we could do something amazing for you for today" Dansé said, holding her hands.

"A Christmas day just for me?" Valerie asked.

"Why not? You deserve it!" Athen said, with a smile.

"Mayi is fixing the decorations, Diaz's tree is still growing, your clothes are ready and we have so much planned for today, so what do you say?" Kyoh asked.

"Heck yeah!" Valerie screamed and grabbed the clothes Dansé held out to her.

A minute later, she was ready to go. She ran out the room with excitement but fell flat on her face when she tripped.

"Are you okay?" Blue asked, giggling.

"Ouch, bad luck I guess" Valerie said with a grin and jumped back to her feet. She exclaimed for joy when she saw the decorations Mayi and the other fashion designing light creatures had made in the hallways.

Colorful lights, beautiful patterns and designs, bells and the whole deal decorated the entire place! The Christmas spirit was strong here alone.

"I've never felt so excited in my life!" Valerie squealed and happily grabbed Diaz's hand so they could slide down the slippery floors of the hallway in their socks.

"Woohoo!" They screamed together as they went.

Just as they reached the end of the hall, Tijan came out of a room and they all crashed into each other and landed on the freshly polished floor.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry" Valerie said, laughing at his dazed expression. "I'm super clumsy today"

She and Diaz had managed to land in his lap. Tijan just shook his head and smiled.
"Merry Christmas to you too" he said, then he pulled at the collar of his sweater uncomfortably "I just want this day to go by quickly so I can take off this thing!"

"Don't be so dramatic, it's Christmas!" Valerie said and got up to her feet.

"Oh I think the tree is ready now!" Diaz said "you are going to love it, moma!"

"Wait for us!" Jags called and followed them outside.

"Merry Christmas, Chosen One!" The palace servants called just as she stepped outside. Someone handed her a scarf and a dark blue beanie for her head.

"Thanks so much" she replied "merry Christmas to you all. Oh my goodness Kyoh you outdid yourself"

Kyoh pulled up the front of the palace stairs with a sleigh made out of ice and it was pulled by four blue Pegasuses.
"Thank you, it took me about five minutes though" he replied.

"Let us ride to see my tree!" Diaz said and got in beside Kyoh.

"Are you coming?" She asked Tijan who was still standing next to the stairs.

"I am anti-ice" he simply replied. Now that he mentioned it, it became obvious that snowflakes melted whenever they touched his skin, they evaporated with a hiss each time.

"Alright, see you there then" Valerie replied.

"Bye, Mister Poopy!" Diaz added, waving frantically just as Kyoh snapped the reins, signifying to the Pegasuses that it was time to move.

"Ho ho ho!" Valerie called, giggling as the sleigh took to the sky.

She looked over the edge and "wowed" with Diaz at the lovely sight of snow on the roofs of the city, reflecting sunlight and shimmering brightly.

"This is so nice" Valerie said and looked up to see where they were headed.

"Whoooaaa!" She exclaimed, eyes and mouth wide open "oh my goodness, Diaz! You are amazing!!"

The tree. The evergreen tree was massive and standing right in the center of a field covered in snow. It was as high as a three storey building and absolutely mind-blowing.

"I did not know it would be this big" Diaz said but blushed anyways at her compliment.

"So many people are here" Kyoh said as he landed the sleigh right next to the crowd of happy people who were under the tree. They were all holding boxes or bags of decorations for the tree.

"Oh I'm so excited" Blue gushed.

"Merry Christmas!" They all chorused and applauded as Valerie got down from the ice sleigh.

"Hi everyone! Thanks so much!" Valerie greeted, waving and hugging and giving high fives to the people of Olaw.

"Merry Christmas, Valerie" Prince Artemas said as he came over to hug her with Susanne "your realm holds the most astonishing celebrations but good all the same. Your friends pestered me till I agreed to celebrate with you"

"Thank you" Valerie said, unable to stop grinning. "This is a dream come true for me, you know."

"Valerie" Susanne greeted icily, even colder than the weather.

"Susanne" Valerie replied with a warm smile.

"Iilore!" Diaz squealed with excitement as he pointed at his best friend who was flying after something and trying to catch it.

"I caught it!" She squealed when she captured the thing in her little hands.

"Look out for flying Mistletoes everyone!" Em called.

"Iilore bewitched them and now they have a mind of their own" Mayi said as she walked up to Valerie and hugged her "I hope your day is going well so far"

"Well duh! Your decorations are out of this realm!" Valerie said, giggling.

"Oh look!" Diaz said and pointed at something over Valerie's head.

Valerie who was still standing next to the Prince looked up and saw a mistletoe dancing over their heads.

"Oh, my first mistletoe today!" Valerie said and pulled Prince Artemas down for a noisy kiss on the cheek "muah!"

Susanne gasped and Valerie took off running while laughing like a maniac.

"Let the decorating begin" The Prince called, laughing.

Meanwhile, Levi watched all the fun from a spot under the huge tree, he was still invisible to everyone else.
"You see, nothing like bad luck has happened so far"

"Perhaps you were right" Tio said with a shrug "apart from her falling twice, everything seems fine"

Levi smiled when Valerie came his way to hang an ornament on the lowest branch. She couldn't see him so he was free to stare at her long hair which was now in one long braid and her pink nose and cheeks.
Her eyes were squinted in concentration as she tried to hang the ornament.

"Um...look out!" Tio warned, pointing up above her.

Someone had hung a decoration that was too heavy for that particular branch and it was about to land on her.

"I'm on it" Levi said and swooped over her head to catch the heavy items before it was too late.

"Perfect" Valerie said and smiled at the decoration she had fixed before walking away, unaware that she had just narrowly missed a head injury.

"Not so bad, I can do this all day" Levi said to his duanti with a cocky grin.

Next, they went ice skating on a frozen pond. Valerie was busy trying to get Tijan to ice-skate with her.

"Come on it's just this once you killjoy!" She said as she tugged on his arm, it was hard though, since she had ice-skates on.

"Uughhhh!" Tijan groaned in frustration as she kept pulling him. Mayi decided to make her job easier by making a pair of ice skates appear on his feet.

"Whoa!" He exclaimed as he slid forward suddenly and sent them both falling onto the hard ice.

"Haha, yes!" Valerie squealed excitedly. "But you really need to get off of me, you're going to squash me!"

"That would be nice" He replied with a small smirk as he looked down at her flushed face.

From his spot on the far side of the pond, Levi noticed the crack they had left behind in the ice as they got up.

"I will bet a hundred faramas that Valerie would be the one to fall through the ice" Tio said.

"You're probably right, again" Levi said "alright, me to the rescue"

"Watch me make an eight with my ice skates" Valerie said to Tijan and skated around him in circles.
"Okay here it goes" She said and started to skate around in a perfect eight but she was just getting dangerously close to the cracked ice when she felt someone push her suddenly.

With a yelp, she slid backwards and fell into the pile of snow at the bank of the pond.

"That was close" Levi sighed with relief, but then the ice beneath his feet cracked and gave way suddenly, submerging him in ice cold water.

"Still think you can do this all day?" Tio asked his owner who was shivering with cold.

Levi wiped his eyes and spluttered, "I will never...ever want to be a s-spirit guide in any l-l-life...aitchoo!"

"Are you okay?" Tijan asked Valerie who was partially buried in the snow. He knelt next to her as she sat up.

He was laughing, the maniac.

"I fell pretty hard but I'm fine" Valerie replied dusting off snow from herself.

"Here, let me help" Tijan murmured and wiped off her cheeks with his hands.

"Ooh, you're so warm" Valerie sighed with a small shudder before going in for a hug.

"Um... thank you" He replied slowly. She was literally squeezing the life out of him.

Someone suggested going inside and they all thought it was a good idea.

Valerie got herself some cookies and milk and sat on one of the numerous couches in a common room.

There was a smaller Christmas tree and stockings decorating the place apart from the pretty lights and all the rest.

The room was very warm and cozy, thanks to the millions of pillows Mayi put in there.
And lucky for Levi, it was enough for him to warm up while watching them from his seat on one of the high windows.

They just entertained themselves as they hung out, chatting, sharing jokes having a quiet moment basically.

Tijan wasn't sure how he ended up laying down with his head in Valerie's lap but he wasn't complaining, it was actually really comfortable.

"Why would you ever wish to be a Kari or a god, jeez all they do is look down from up all the time" Valerie said, running her fingers through Tijan's short hair.

"Look down from up with the power to create life and destroy and all in all, rule over every single realm" Kyoh said, his arm was around Dansé who was snuggled up to him

"I see it as extra responsibilities" Prince Artemas said, sipping from his mug of....something Oscavian.

"Exactly" Mayi added.

"I am sure Tijan would love to be one of the Karis" Dansé said with a smirk. On cue, everyone turned to look at Tijan.

He was sleeping. Apparently, Valerie's hand running through his hair made him sleep off.

"Dude, wake up!" Valerie hissed, poking his face, but he only turned on his side and wrapped an arm around her middle like she was some kind of pillow!

"Oh my goodness I bet she is so embarrassed" Levi said, watching everything with a huge grin.

Tio gave him a confused expression.

Dansé had her memory ball out and was recording all the cuteness.

"Alright, enough" Valerie deadpanned and pushed him off her lap. He rolled onto the floor with a thud.

"Aii!" He exclaimed as he jolted awake. By then, pretty much everyone else was laughing.

Like the situation wasn't bad enough, a mistletoe came dancing between the both of them.

"YES!" Dansé screamed and jumped to her feet like her country won the Football World Cup. "Vashte Karis, vashte! I have been waiting for this since you both met each other!"

Valerie looked at Tijan who had also turned to look at her. He nodded at her and she nodded too.

Ten seconds later Dansé tackled the both of them to the ground like an angry bear and the mistletoe was nothing but a pile of ashes on the floor.
Because they had burned it.

" these guys literally changed it from Christmas Spirit to the fighting spirit" Levi commented "I literally just can't do anything about this right now"

"Hey Val-val!" Diaz called as he ran into the common room. "The tree is ready!"

The fighting stopped immediately

"Really? That's awesome!" Valerie said, getting up from the floor. She looked like she spent the night in a barn yard.

"I cannot believe that just happened" Tijan groaned before glaring at Dansé "just so you know, I do not hit women"

"Good for you" Kyoh said to him as he came to pull Dansé out of the room with him.

"Come on, enough fighting" Valerie said with a cheerful smile. "I bet the tree looks amazing"

And it did.
Since it was night now, the lights glowed brightly and Valerie could see the lovely glow even before she stepped out.

She could also hear the people singing.
"O Christmas tree
O Christmas tree,
How are they leaves so vibrant..."

"Oh my gosh" Valerie said as she stepped out to see all the people standing at the bottom of the stairs, each of them holding a candle in their hands. It had to be the most beautiful thing she had ever seen.

"Dansé and I taught them the song" Em said to Valerie.

"And me too!" Vanity added with a grin.

"It's amazing" Valerie said, wiping a tear from her cheek. "You guys are the best friends I could ever have. This is much better than watching through a window."

Then the tree glowed much brighter all of a sudden and everyone turned to look at it.
A bright star was beaming right at the top of the tree, shining into the night with a beautiful silver glow.

"There we go, I knew something was missing" Levi said as he tapped the star he had fixed and turned to look at everyone's awed expression.
For a moment, he thought Valerie was looking up at him. But he was invisible so...

With a lot of interest, he watched as everyone went to exchange presents which were arranged under the tree.

Valerie had found the time to make a lot of paintings and those were what she had for her friends.

"I just thought you'd like a painting of the Senior Guard Medal" Valerie said, as Tijan opened his present "just until you get a real one which I'm pretty sure you will, one day."

He stared at it and held the painting to the light. The kind of paint she used for it made it reflect and shine, just like a real medal.

"Do you like it?" Valerie asked, wondering why he was so quiet.

He still didn't say anything, he just turned to stare at her with burning eyes before hooking a finger under her chin to pull her in for a kiss. On the CHEEK.

Valerie blinked twice before blushing hotly and looking away to hide her smile.

"Here," Tijan said, handing her a small box with red wrapping paper.

She took it and opened it eagerly to find a small burning rose.
Not literally though. It was more like a glass rose which looked like actual fire was trapped in its dainty petals.
"Wow, Tijan..." Valerie said, staring at the little thing.

He shrugged, "It was last minute, it should be bigger than this but I..."

"Its perfect, and warm" Valerie said turning it around to stare some more. "I love it! You have some really amazing talents you know"

"Yes, I am aware" Tijan said with a proud smirk.

Valerie giggled and nudged his shoulder.

As the night passed, she got more and more presents and it seemed like the entire city had gotten her something.

"This is so amazing" Blue said as she and her owner watched everyone have fun. Someone was sharing out some snacks but Valerie didn't want to regret any choices tonight.

"Yeah, this night is perfect. Nothing could literally go wrong" Valerie said.

"Oh No!" Levi exclaimed once he heard those words. "Those words are a bad luck magnet!"

Suddenly, thunder rumbled in the sky and lightening struck. If it was just a regular lightening strike, it would have been fine, but it wasn't regular so it went straight for the Christmas tree which was as high as a three storey building.

"Oh no!" Valerie gasped as she and everyone else watched the perfect Christmas tree split vertically, right through the middle and break open. The entire place went quiet.

"My tree, my present!" She called, her voice ringing in the dead silence as she ran towards the destroyed evergreen tree.

She had left her glass rose in a box under there and it was probably ruined. That didn't stop her from trying to find it though.

"Valerie, it is destroyed, there is no point" Tijan said, coming to kneel next to her in the snow. Mayi, Dansé and the rest of the gang came to join them.

"Of course there's a point, you made it" She said but she was slowing down her frantic search.

"I can make another one..."

"It's not the same!" She said, her voice breaking.

Levi sighed and threw up his hands "I can't do this, I'm done"

"You did your best" Tio said.

"Yet look out that turned out. I shouldn't have even done this in the first place, I just..."
Not finding words, he simply turned to fly away.

"Um..." Diaz murmured "Maybe I can still..."

Not allowing him to finish his sentence, the tree erupted in flames and they all moved backwards in shock.

Valerie watched the fire burn for a while and heard Sapphire's quiet voice of comfort.
"The day isn't over yet" she said "so Christmas is still on for now. The cheer and joy isn't from the Christmas tree..."

Valerie just sighed and tossed a snowball into the fire. It kinda looked like a marshmallow before it got all melted.

"Hmm" She said and took out the Wish Farama from her pocket. "I just had the craziest idea"

Much later into the night, Levi sat on the roof of the highest tower of the palace with his hands in his face.

"Bad day?" He heard Valerie ask as she walked up and sat right next to him. He looked up slowly and saw her looking at him with a small smile.

"The worst, I even have a headache" he replied with utter disappointment.
"Tried to do something nice for someone but it just blew up in my face"

"Blew up or...caught fire?" Valerie asked with a grin.

He paused for a second before chuckling "how did you know I was there?"

"I have my ways" she replied, proudly "plus I saw you fall through the ice after you pushed me. Your invisibility went off for a second."

"Oh, damn" he said and laughed a short laugh. "I'm sorry, I really shouldn't be butting into your private life."

"Are you kidding? I had the best day ever!" Valerie said and stood up before tugging him up too. "Come and see this!"

They walked to the far side of the roof and sat at the edge together. "Thought it would be a nice way to make use of the tree now that it's timber." Valerie said with a giggle as she showed Levi how they had converted the Christmas tree into a bonfire.

Some people were even roasting s'mores on a stick on it.

Levi had a great laugh.
"That is awfully creative"

"I know, so how did you get my friends to celebrate Christmas with me?"

"Partial hypnosis" Levi stated, pushing his hair out of his eyes. "They still know what they're doing and will remember all of it by tomorrow" After that, he went on to explain everything else that went down.

"Wow, Levi." Valerie said "you've given me an awesome present. You have no idea how happy you made me today. You're... amazing!"

"Oh it's nothing" He said "I just wanted to give you something special and I probably should have just gotten you a pet or something"

Valerie giggled and handed him a flat box with black wrapping paper."Merry Christmas, Levi"

He took it and unwrapped the box which held another one of her famous paintings. Only that this one was of both of them.

They were sitting in a red sofa with Christmas hats on and mugs of hot chocolate in their hands. In the painting, Valerie was leaned over and pressing a kiss on a smiling Levi's cheek.

Underneath, she had written a message.

"To my funky Santa, Merry Christmas" Levi read out. "Funky Santa?"

"It says 'hunky' you dummy" Valerie said, laughing.

"Oh... now that I like" Levi said with a grin "ugh! I love this so much I could just...explode! Or barf sugar and sprinkles and all that. I will cherish this forever."

"I'm glad you like it" Valerie replied, tucking some hair behind her ear "I had to use super speed while painting's a bit futuristic"

"How?" Levi asked and she leaned over and pressed a kiss on his cheek.
"Oh, I get it now" he added with a huge smile.

"Thanks so much for today, it was perfect" Valerie added.

He just smiled and took her hand in his.

They both looked up at the same time when a mistletoe found its way over their heads.
"You want me to kill this one too?" Valerie asked, lightening sparking between her fingers.

"Goodness no" Levi said and brushed a thumb over her cheek as he leaned closer "I have a better idea"

Valerie smiled and put her arms around him.

Wether these two kissed, we would never know.
But we all know what happens underneath the mistletoe
That dances among the snow
Which shimmer with a moonlit glow.
Does this stupid poem make sense?
Heck yes!
But it's still a mess.
But nonetheless,
My dear readers
Have a Merry Christmas!


Minus this authors note, up there👆🏽 that's exactly 5000 words. I'm proud of myself. Now I will go and battle with my horrendous cold and use medicine.

Happy holidays my little halflings, It's 12:27 am.

(I hate catarrh!😭😭😭)

Rhodes. 🎄

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"𝑾𝒆 𝒄𝒂𝒏'𝒕 𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒔𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒑𝒂𝒔𝒕, 𝒃𝒖𝒕 𝒘𝒆 𝒄𝒂𝒏 𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒘𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒇𝒖𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒆." Everyone knew of Rapunzel. The golden-hair...