So what?- Jaden Hossler

By fallinlovewithim

22.3K 361 207

Sophie is an Italian girl that is doing an exchange year in the US. She is living with the Richard family. Wi... More

LA here I am! -1
Sway LA babyy-2
Wait what? -3
I just met him-5
Who is she? -6
Cops -7
You can't come -8
Thank you Jae -9
Madison? -10
Eat pizza and go public -11
Childish -13
Not an update
Ruined it -14
2 months with a little of emotion-15
The tables have turned-16
Talking -17
Not an update
Hype house-18

That escalated really fast -12

996 16 7
By fallinlovewithim

"Ready?" Jaden asks looking at me and I simply nod.
We sit on the couch, I'm sitting between josh and jaden, Bryce is sitting on Josh's right.

"So we'll just talk about Random drama but I'll introduce you first ok?" Josh asks me.
"Sounds good." I say, I'm a little bit nervous, tomorrow I'll be public.

"SBSIEJEBEUEB WELCOME BACK TO TEATOK" the boys scream and I add my self to them.
"Look at Sophie already being like us" Bryce says with a proud look.
"Oh yeah, we have a new friend here today!" Josh says.

"This is Sophie, she is 17 and she is from italy, she is an exchange student and she is staying with my family, let's say her exchange year will be a little different from what she expected" Josh explains and I just smile at the camera.

"Hi everyone! I'm sorry for my accent but as Joshy was saying I'm Italian. I decided to go public just to be a little more free around the boys without anyone assuming anything. I didn't even know who those boys were before Josh introduced me to them" I say still smiling.

"Little italy right here is the sweetest! She even cooked pizza for all of us, she's our little sister" Bryce says.
"PERIOD" Jaden says and I'm laughing.

"Let's get into the teaaa" Josh says.
"So there was a petition to ban Perez Hilton from tiktok and Ant's girl, Avani, commented asking where she could sign" Josh says and the boys laugh.
"Who is Perez Hilton?" I whisper in Jaden's hear.
"It's like a middle aged man who makes fun and pick up on kids on tiktok" he explains and I have a disgusted expression on my face that makes him giggle.

"So Perez said that Avani was mad because he didn't follow her" Bryce says.
"Woah such a shame, because Avani really needs his follow" I mumble.
"Whoaaa Sophie is doing this better than us" Bryce screams and I laugh.

"Well I love Avani, Ant introduced me to her and she is stunning and so talented, I don't think she cries herself to sleep because she doesn't have the follow of a Middle Aged man" I explain and the boys agree.

Then they keep talking about other drama, I don't really know those people. So I get lost in my thoughts.
What if people will hate on me? I'm ugly compared to all the girls that people are used to see hanging out with the boys. How will people react at school?

Jaden notice it and looks at me.
"Hey you good?" He whispers in my hear.
"Yeah just thinking about the whole situation" I explain whispering back.
"Are you still sure on going public?" He asks looking at me in the eyes catching what I was thinking about.
"Yeah just a little scared and nervous" as I say this he hugs me whispering not to get worried.

Teatok is filmed and I'm now changing in a bikini Mads gave me, to film Hot tub confessions.
Last night I slept in "my room", but not before talking with Jaden until 3am.

"Ready?" Griff asks and I nod following him to the hot tub.
Jaden, Bryce, And Josh are already in the tub. I take my shorts and my shirt off and I follow Griff into the hut tub.

The bikini is simple and black.
"Woah" jaden whispers but I hear him so I blush a little.
The intro to the video is kind of similar to Josh's one. I'm kinda hiding behind Jaden's and Bryce's backs.

"So we have a little surprise for you. She is kind of our little sister so we'll not accept any of you to hate on her, also because I assure you that there is not anything to hate since she is the sweetest..... soooo.... let's give a warm welcome to sophie!!!"
Griffin screams and everyone follows him, while jaden and Bryce push me in front of the camera.

"Hi" I say smiling at the camera.
"So the video of today is hot tub confessions, so maybe we'll get to know a little more of Sophie.. if you have any questions for her leave them down here!" Griffin explains.

"The first question is ... how long have you liked the girl, or the boy, you like right now" Josh asks. The boys don't seem to like this question.
Wait I don't like anyone. Ok maybe I have a little crush on jaden, but does that count? Shit I don't know.

"Ok ok I'll start... the girl I like right now, I liked her for like four months" Josh says.
"Aw that's cute" I say, we all know he is talking about Nessa.

"Uh I liked the girl I like now, maybe for a month now? Kind of. Wait it's September 15th today? Yeah a month or little over" Jaden says. Who is he talking about? Why didn't he tell meee?

I look at him with a confused face and he just smiles.
Griffin says for like 3/4 weeks.
Bryce says for about two months, but he also said it's Addison so that makes sense.

"What about you little Italy?" Bryce asks to shift the attention on me.
"Ehm, I don't really know, like I think I like someone but I'm not so sure about it, like I don't know if I have actual feelings for this person or it's just a friend, but anyways I think I liked him for like a month?" I say.
"Who who who?" The boys start saying.
"That's a secret I'll never tell, xoxo gossip girl" I say imitating the voice of gossip girl and winking.
Jaden looks at me. If only he knew.

"When was your first kiss" Josh says than motioning like a make out(?), I start laughing.
Griffin's was a girl named Kylie in like seventh grade. Bryce was eleven... wow this boys are quick. Jaden's was with some girl named Mallory at a party.

"I pled the fifth" I say as soon as they look at me.
"No you can't, you are not even american" Jaden says pointing at me.
"Ok ok... I never made out with anyone, please don't make fun of me, I know I'm 17 but you know never had a boyfriend so never even had the occasion" I say and all the boys wide their eyes.

"That is not possible" Bryce says and I blush.
"It izzz what it izzz" I say, it kinda sucks sometimes.
"Ok ok let's move on" jaden says seeing that I feel uncomfortable and I smile at him.

"When did you all lose your V-card" Josh says.
Well I think mine is obvious.
They all lost it at 16. They don't even ask me to answer since after the last question it was kinda obvious I'm a virgin.

"This is for Sophie, what was the first impression of the boys" Josh says.
"Ok, first I started texting Josh as soon as I got my placement, and I was kinda sad he didn't live at home because we have a lot of things in common, he really is my brother now... for the boys, Josh told me they were crazy, and they are but I love them. Griff and Bryce are like my older brothers, and Jaden is literally my best friend" I say.
"But now I want to know your first impression of me".

"As Sophie said we started texting in like, what was it, April? and I immediately started considering her my little sister, she is really amazing" Josh says.

"When she first came to sway I thought she was really shy, and I don't really am the shy person type, so I was unsure, but little Italy is the craziest and she is also really sweet and nice, also all the girls love her" Bryce says.

"When she first arrived here with Josh, it was a movie night and we thought she was his girl or something and we all got pissed. But when they explained who she was it changed everything. She is our little sister and we all want to protect her at all costs" griff says.

"So the first impression was not good, she didn't even say anything but I thought she was some girl hanging with josh for clout. Turns out she didn't even know who we where. She came here by night and she slept over, but at 5am she was in the kitchen because she couldn't sleep and the same for me and we started talking and we immediately clicked.  We have a really great friendship and we talk about everything. We all can't really stay far from her" jaden says looking at me.

"Aww guys I love you" I say to hug them.
"Ok guys it was all for today's video" Josh says but I cut him off.
"Make sure to like and subscribe, and follow all of them on all socials! Cop the merch on, if you have any questions for me leave them under here, love you" I say blowing a kiss to the camera.
"Whoa she really stole your brand uh?" Jaden says and josh pouts. I go and hug him.

The boys go inside and me and Jaden stay in the hot tub.
"Soo who's this girl?" I ask Jaden.
"You'll tell me who the boy is?" He says
"I guess we have two secrets each now" he says winking.

"So it wasn't just my impression the fact that you didn't like me at first uh?" I say, I remember him being really pissed off.
He scratches the back of his neck.
"Yeah as I said before, I really thought you were just hanging out with him for clout, some people have done it in the past but some of the boys never noticed it, I was kinda pissed off thinking you were using my friends" he explains.

"Yeah that makes sense, I'm happy I made you change idea on me." I say.
He smiles.
"You know, I think you are the person I clicked with quicker than anyone, at 10.00pm I was so pissed at you, and at 5am I brought you to the studio with me" he says, thinking about it it's actually kinda funny.

"I wonder why" I say.
"Maybe it was because I saw you with my sweatshirt on, no but in total seriousness, after the movie Josh told me that I was a dickhead and thinking about it I was, it was your first day in the US and you actually didn't even know who we were" he says.
"What? The sweatshirt was yours?!" I say, I have tried to figure that out for so long.
He nods.

"Yup" he says splashing me.
"YOU DIDN'T" I scream, splashing him back.
We start a splash fight, until he blocks me to the edge of the hot tub putting his arms to my sides. I'm like trapped.

We look each other in the eyes. Is blu eyes are staring into my soul. He starts to lean forward.
Shit it's happening again. I want this. I close my eyes, this time we are about to kiss.

"Fuck" Jaden whispers when my phone starts to go off. Yeah fuck.
He un traps me and sits in the other side of the hot tub. He looks frustrated. I'm too.
I look at the phone, it's Travis.

"Hey trav what's up?" I say answering the phone. I see jaden looking at me.
"Hey soph are you free?" He asks, I look back  at jaden and I sigh.
"Yeah tell me"

"I talked with my friend, he loved the lyrics and your voice is angelic. We want to produce it. I know you are not american and you have a study visa so I cannot sign you with my label, also if I immediately would. But one thing we can do is producing the song, are you down to do that?" Whoa that was a lot to take in. I start tearing up for the excitement. Jaden is still staring at me and looks really confused.

"Wow, that was unexpected, Trav I don't want you to do this just because I'm Jaden's friend tho" I say.
"I wouldn't do that, at the end we are talking about business, and this song needs to be on the market" he says.
"Wow ok, can we meet up in like an hour?" I ask
"Yeah just come to the studio, I'm here with my friend too" he says.

"Can I ask jaden to come? I think it's time to tell him what's happening, he is right here and you should see the look on his face trying to figure out what's going on" I say.
"Sure, it's still Jaden's studio too, why you two are all alone? Was I right when I met you?" Travis ask, I could see him smirking.
"Shut up, it's not what you think, bye trav see you in an hour" I say hanging up.

"Ok I wanna know what's going on" jaden says.
"Can you promise you won't get mad, or that you won't think I used you, because that's not absolutely true?" I ask him
He looks me with a confused and worried look and motions me to keep talking.

"So, before I came to the US, you know what my mental state was, I started writing down some verses and strophes, and I sometime sing too" I say.
"Why you never told me this?" He asks.
"Because you are so talented and it would have been ridiculous" I say.
"By the was, when we were at the studio the other time, I finished writing a potential song and I had Travis checked it out, he talked with a friend and now they want to produce it" I explain.
"Wow that is huge!" He says hugging me.

"Aren't you mad?" I ask.
"Are you kidding me soso? I am so happy for you!" He says hugging me again.
"Ok I have to meet with Travis and this listeriosis friend of him in an hour, would you like to come with?" I ask him.
"Are you kidding me? Of course I am!" He says, he is so excited that is actually cute.

"Ok so we need to shower, then I need permission of Ellis to do it, and I'll call my mom later, and then we go to the studio.. oh and Jae, pls don't tell this to anyone" I say and he nods. I go to my rooms bathroom while Jaden goes in his.

Mads gave me a pair of jeans and I just took one of Jaden's hoodies.
We drive to "my' house.

"Hey darling how are you?" Ellis greats me.
"Hi I'm good! Thanks for letting me stay at Josh's for the weekend!" I say.
"Of course I want you to have fun, oh hi jaden! What are you guys doing together?" She says noticing Jaden.

"We actually need to talk to you about a thing, but you can't feel neither Josh nor Megan not anyone else" I say.
"Are you two guys dating? Because I totally ship" she says. I instantly blush and then me and Jaden laugh.

"Nothing like that Ellis" Jaden says.
"No actially is something else, I have been spending some time with jaden at the studio, and Travis Barker wants to produce one of my songs, but I need your approval first" I explain.
"Aw darling I'm so happy for you! Of course you can! You just need to be aware that a lot of things will change" she says hugging me.

"Yeah I know, but I'm already going public for the guys videos so I thought that if I have to go public I might as well do it for something I do" I say and both her and Jaden's nod.
"You have my approval and all my support. Oh and if you two end up dating, you have my approval also on that" she says and me and Jaden just laugh. If she knew what was about to happen before Travis called.

"Can't believe this is happening" I say while Jaden drives to the studio.
"You know I might get used to you wear my sweatshirts" jaden says.
"I know I'm cute" I say, this is more a tease that something I really believe.
"Hell right you are" he mumbles, ok shit I'm blushing hard.

"Do you know Travis's friend?" I ask.
"Might have an idea but I'm not gonna tell you, but I'll tell you that you probably know him too" he says.
"Thanks Hossler, now I'm even more curious"

"We are here" he says.
I hop off the car and walk through the studio.
"Trav I'm here" I say.

"Oh you must be Sophie" someone says and I drop what I had in my hands.

"AAAAAHH" I scream.
"Soso what happened" jaden rushes up the stairs.
"Oh you met Colson" he says giggling.
"H-hi" I smile and wave at Colson aka MGK.
He simply hugs me and my inner fan girl is screaming.

I turn around to face jaden.
"You need to stop, or I'll end up fainting if you do something like this again ok? But I'm pretty sure you don't personally know my fav celebrity in the whole world, that I would actually faint for, so I think we all good" I ramble to Jaden and he simply laughs.

"I heard screaming, did Sophie met colson?" Travis says coming into the studio.
"You could have told me who your friend was! I would have avoided to look crazy in front of him" I say pointing to MGK.
Travis simply laugh.

"Jaden did you read the lyrics?"  Colson asks.
"No he didn't and he won't" I say.
"What why?" Jaden says.
"Until I don't read pray" I says.

"What? She knows about pray?" Colson says.
"Yeah she heard all his songs, but jaden doesn't want her to hear, or read the lyrics of pray" Travis explains while me and Jaden are doing a pouting contest.

"Are you two dating?" Colton asks.
"You are the second, if we count Travis that already knows the answer, third to ask the question today, no we are not" I say.

"Why did you bring me with you if you didn't want me to hear it?" He says.
"I could ask the same question" I say back.

"Yeah sure ok, bye" Jaden says grabbing his jacket.
"What? Are you leaving? Are you fucking serious right now?" I shout at him.
"Yes I am, why do you have to be such a kid, there is a reason that I don't want you to hear pray, why can't you just accept that" he shouts back.
"Because there is a reason I don't want you to listen to my song, I appreciate you being here and supporting me, and I thought you wanted to be here while I produce my first song with Travis, that I met only thanks to you! You can't just go away right now! Especially after what was about to happen in the hot tub! And don't pull a confused face because you know what I am talking about!" I shout back again.
"Oh I can't? Watch me!" He says and shouts the door behind him.

"Well that escalated fast" Colson mumbles.
"Ok can we just work on the song?" I ask Travis and Colson wiping off a solitary tear on my cheek.
"Yeah let's start" Travis says.

"You know I had the lyrics but not the title, let's call it 'empty'" I say.
"I like that" the two guys says.

"Thanks Travis for the ride." I say.
"Of course, just so you know, also if I would have done it anyway, jaden texted me asking me to bring you home" he says and I just nod.

We worked to the song for all day and Travis just brought me home. I am so mad at jaden and I'm also really sad. His reaction was just... aaaaahh.
I know I have feelings for him, because I do, but right now I would just want to punch him. Thank goodness tomorrow a week of school starts, and I won't have time to see the guys.

Shit tomorrow I'll also be public to millions of people. I doubt I'll even have Jaden's support through this.
I say hi to everyone and I run up to my room and launch myself on the bed.

"Well, fuck" I say staring at the ceiling.

Authors note
Eheh, another long ass chapter.
Don't hate me please.
The song is in fact empty by Olivia O'Brien.
If you have any suggestions for the story feel free to message me!
Leave a ⭐️ and a comment!!

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