Black-Leg Deku

By Wolfhunter_1225

824K 12.2K 9.8K

This is an AU of izuku being raise by the former number 2 pro hero of his time Red Leg Zeff while his time wi... More

Harem 2
Harem 3
You can become a hero
Meeting Momo and Koby
Entrance Exams
The First Day
Team A vs Team D
Class President
USJ Attack Pt 1
USJ Attack Pt 2
Escorting A Princess
White Chase Smoker
Izuku Vs Crocodile
Leaving Alabasta
The Start To The Sports Festival
Race To The Top
Battle Of Cavalry
The Two That Has Nothing Fighting For Something
The Storm Has Just Begun
Father & Son, The Vow
Half Time
The End Of The Sports Festival
Secrets & The Phone Call
Meet The Brother & Hero Names
The Touchy Mechanic
Internships Start & Power Up
Trouble Is Brewing
The First Sign Of Awakening
Recovery and returning to U.A
Back At U.A
Preparing For The Test
Training Both Mind & Body
Students vs the teachers
Second Half Of Exams
Katsumi Fears
Unwanted Meeting
To Dark For The Last Time
Day At The Pool
First Day At Camp
The League Strikes
Hero's Burning Passion
Into The Storm
Villains Victory
In Enemy Territory
Rescue Team
The Start Of The End
Rescue Complete
You Two Are Next
A New Symbol
The Dorms
Ultimate Moves
Visiting Grave
License Exam Starts
Girl From Shiketsu
Class 1A nearly there
First Half Done
Exam Rescue Time
Rescue & Fight
Let's Talk
How It Began
Izuku & Zeff First Meeting
Leaving Home
The Successor & The Devil within
Enter Overhaul & Dates ?
The Dates Begin
How Do I Compare
Arcade With Some Drama
Together At Our Route
Fancy Party
Class 1B Big Sister Has A Date
A Girly Date
Concert Tickets
I'm Sorry
Tutoring & Possible Work Studies
The Work Studies
1st Day of Work
The Truth
Trying to Say Goodbye & The Anti-quirk Drug
Time to Move in
Enies Lobby
Kirishima Unbreakable Spirit
The League's Plan
Close to Tower Top
The True Battle of Enies Lobbies Beginning
Foresight End Result
A Hero's Rage
The Devil That Descended From Heaven
Goodbye Old Friend
Wheel of Fate is Turning
#Not A Chapter
The Silent Evil
Provisional License Training
Red Coat on Halloween
Parents Day Pt. 1
Parents Day Pt.2
Preparing Cultural Festival
The Informant
The Ring & The Plan
#Not A Chapter 2
The Tour
The Festival A Month Away
Family Pretend Time
A Gentle Confrontation
Family Foes Face to Face & Nightmares return
#Not A Chapter 3
๐Ÿ‹Intense Night๐Ÿ‹
Sick Day
#Not A Chapter 4

Gentle End

1.4K 31 15
By Wolfhunter_1225

It's the day of the festival and Izuku was out just to buy a replacement rope for their equipment to pull up Aoyama, but unfortunately he ran into the criminal that's been making videos for the longest time Gentle Criminal and La Brava as they plan to sneak into U.A without being detected, but if they are caught the whole festival will be canceled and Izuku wouldn't let this happen as soon enough a battle against the time has start and currently Izuku was blind.

"I see you in that boy, neither of you are going to give up, I think it's time to use my quirk" said La Brava.

Meanwhile Izuku could only rub his eyes and feel frustrated.

'Dammit I miss my shot' Izuku thought.

This when Izuku was trying to figure out how he can catch them without the full use of his eyes.

'Calm down, calm down, if I panic it'll only make things worse than they already are' Izuku thought.

But as he was clearing his mind he thought he heard something, like a Rhythm of some sort.

"What was that?" said Izuku.

But Izuku without realizing was using his other senses, no they were going off instinct and they were increasingly way higher for an average human, Izuku could help but to step forward, but this was when he heard the Rhythm again.

"There it is again" said Izuku.

Before he knew it he could see his hands, legs and soon enough the rest of himself while his eyes were still close but continued listening.

"I'm making a Rhythm, but there's another one" said Izuku.

This was when he slowly silent to the Rhythm and before he knew it he could mentally imagine the construction site by the Rhythm it gave off.

"I can hear the Rhythm of everyone" said Izuku.

This was when as soon as the Rhythm he could hear started to make an image of everything and everyone, their movement, their noise even to their scent are all coming together to make Rhythm Izuku was hearing.

'They lost trajectory, if I use skywalk and follow their Rhythm I could catch them, I hope I'm not wrong' Izuku thought.

With a pray of hope Izuku began to skywalk towards Gentle and La Brava Rhythm, while La Brava couldn't help but see Izuku chasing them down while his eyes were closed.

"Gentle this really doesn't look good since he's tracking us down with his eyes closed" said La Brava.

"What exactly is his quirk,he has shown power, speed, levitation, fire and now a sixth sense, this lad must have come from an extraordinary family tree to be capable of all these feats" said Gentle.

"Gentle he's on our tail Gentle we have to use my quirk" said La Brava.

"La Brava, if possible I'd like to save your quirk until the side becomes more dire" said Gentle as he was passing the U.A tree leaves.

"At this rate it's highly possible your plan will fail" said La Brava as they made their landing.

"I'm well aware, this clever caper is now a race against the clock, and he's fast" said Gentle as he could see Izuku right behind them in the sky.

This when Gentle tried and used Izuku's blindness to his advantage as he created a barrier to have Izuku bounce off of when he launched after them.

'He made a barrier in front of themselves, but I'll avoid it at the last second' Izuku thought.

And like Izuku thought he dodge it last second to cause Gentle to be caught off guard, but even though he was caught off guard Gentle instinctively made another barrier to block Izuku on his side, bit Izuku could hear the Rhythm of the barrier he made now and of the ones he made on the way to U.A, like the ones in the sky as he send an air bullets from his foot to hit the barrier in the sky to hit right at Gentle in the chest as he made a rough land.

"Are you okay!" said La Brava seeing Gentle take a hit.

But Izuku didn't give them a second as he held them down, so as not to escape.

"I've got you now, I'm sorry I didn't want to cause too much harm to a lady or you, just give up and please stop resisting" said Izuku.

But La Brava could only look at Gentle and think to herself with a worried look.

'In the past Gentle would've run away as soon as he was discovered' La Brava thought.

This when she remembered all his talk and work for this plan to succeed no matter what, this scheme will make him remember through history.

'But his passion is getting him hurt, my poor Gentle' La Brava thought.

As a girl back in middle school La Brava built up the courage to confess to him through a love letter, but the results she hoped for were crushed when she overheard him talking to his friends.

"Get this, you know Aiba, that short girl in class 3, I've never even talked to her, but she sent me a love letter" said ???

"What, for real?" said ???

"It gets worse, based on the weird stuff she knew, she's been stalking me it's super creepy, there were pages and pages I've got to show you" said ???.

"Gross what a psycho" said ???.

While during all this La Brava couldn't help but stand behind the door and cry her eyes out after confessing her love, soon enough she would shut herself in and stare into her computer as she felt herself falling apart and then event began to think it might be better if she ended her life, but then she clicked on a video that caught her eye and changed her life forever.

"A good day to you dear viewers, yes it is I before you,Gentle Criminal, have you lost your passion then please put your faith in me, for I will change this wretched world" said Gentle.

This when she felt a light back in her life when she saw Gentle for the first time, La Brava soon dressed up and made herself ready, but she worried about her dark circles under her eyes and him thinking she was a weirdo when she was gonna meet him face to face, this was possible thanks to her hacking into his and to find his address, then when she was finally face to face with Gentle and telling him how she found him, but instead of calling the police or telling her to stay away from him, she took her in without reservations and was very kind to La Brava or made fun of her feelings, he accepted her fully and he went as far as to darken his own eyes with marker all in the same day he gave her, her code name.

'Gentle, my darling Gentle' La Brava thought.

"I'll hand you over to the police as soon as possible, don't try and fight back" said Izuku.

But this was when La Brava could only smile and look at Gentle as she cried.

"I love you Gentle" said La Brava.

"And I you, my La Brava" said Gentle.

But this was when Izuku loosen his grip, as suddenly a painful cough started and Izuku holding it in, but yet at the same time pink smoke and an aura surrounded Gentle, this was all thanks to La Brava quirk Love, by professing her love to the person she has feelings for, she can temporarily power up the object of her affection, the deeper the love the more boost she can give, if activated in times of crisis she can increase someone's strength tenfold, this boost caught Izuku off guard from Gentle increase of power.

"Apologies lad" said Gentle.

This is when Gentle used his new strength to get Izuku off them and get away from him as Gentle stood over Izuku holding La Brava in a far yet close distance.

"I abhor using brute force, so I usually edit out scenes of such violence, it would be best if you took a nap" said Gentle.

This when Gentle came up to Izuku and while he was still down chopped the back of his neck, looking as if the hit took down Izuku for a while now.

"He really does hate this" said La Brava to show Gentle really does hate violence.

But as they walked away this is when they heard Izuku.

"No" said Izuku.

This made Gentle turn back in disbelief.

"I've fought against stronger, faster people than you, I've even been close to facing death and I've beaten them all" said Izuku.

This when Gentle and La Brava couldn't help but feel a chill as they saw his dead serious eye.

"This isn't over, I haven't lost yet" said Izuku.

As it was 9:00AM and the school festival has officially began, with Izuku still gone some of the guys from class A are plotting a punishment for Izuku, as Hound Dog on portal for any possible villain intruders that might attempt to break into the school during the festival, but he was nowhere near Izuku, Gentle and La Brava. 

'This is impossible' Gentle thought.

"No way" said La Brava.

As she was speechless how Izuku kept coming after them, especially getting hit on the back of the neck that hard by Lover Mode.

'That was our last resort' Gentle thought.

This while Gentle was thinking, he put La Brava down just before Izuku launched himself at Gentle. 

'In the past Lover Mode always allowed us to escape, Together!' Gentle thought as he launched himself at Izuku as well.

This left La Brava speechless from Gentle action.

"Why don't you just give up already!" said Izuku.

As the two battle in the sky surprisingly unknown to anyone, while La Brava could only watch helplessly as the two fought and she couldn't do anything.

"Gentle, no I'm sorry, forgive me but it seems like my love wasn't strong enough to help" said La Brava as she fell to her knees and cried.

"Nothing's certain yet La Brava, your feelings will see us through" said Gentle.

This when Izuku came right at Gentle as he prepared an attack for Izuku, izuku dodge it but since Izuku mind was focusing on one of Gentle attacks he didn't notice the attack Gentle prepared to for Izuku to dodge and the next he couldn't.

"Gently Sandwich" said Gentle.

This attack was multiple barriers pushing Izuku down, far enough to actually make him dig into the dirt.

"The thinner the sandwich the more elegant it's considered, I do regret having to pile on so many layers, but I suppose it can't be helped, sacrifices must be made to achieve the dreams of my youth, to make certain history remember me, this is no longer an ambition I hold simply for myself" said Gentle.

This when he took his eyes off Izuku to look at La Brava when he mentioned his ambition isn't simply his.

"Unless I want my name to fade, I must persevere, my aims are not so trivial I would abandon them only because you asked" said Gentle.

But even though Izuku couldn't see him, he could hear Gentle passion for his plan, to be remembered for something, but he wasn't saying he wouldn't let them ruin the festival.

"You're a U.A student, so you must understand what it means to yearn for a goal" said Gentle.

This is when Izuku got serious as he dug into the ground with his strength to launch himself out of Gentle attack that was covering him, to jump into the air to be face to face with Gentle with his sight slowly getting better, but not enough.

"I do, if you underestimate that then why would you target the school festival, why would you ruin everything we've worked so hard for!" said Izuku.

As he went for Gentle black jacket try to drag him down with it off the barrier sandwich, but thanks to his quirk Gentle black jacket was elastic pulling Izuku back up.

"Because there's no other way" said Gentle.

But even though Izuku first attempted failed, when he got back up Izuku used Skywalk and pushed himself at Gentle to push him down.

"It's for your dream so nothing else matters, you'll get the whole event canceled and take the happiness away from a precious little girl who doesn't even know how to smile yet" said Izuku as he couldn't help but frown at the thought of Eri forever unable to smile.

Gentle could see drive behind Izuku with his face expression and then the way his voice with passion, but he wasn't giving up yet as he made a barrier from his back to save from the impact and to get Izuku off him, but the he used said barrier to launch himself at Izuku.

"I will if that's what it takes to achieve my goal" said Gentle as he was prepared to attack.

But Gentle dream yes was to be reminded in history, but his methods of being remembering were different back then as when he was still young and in highschool, he attempted to be a hero always say he will aimed to be a great hero that will be reminded in the text books, but now he's in front of the staff members of his school with his mother being 18 yet in his second year of hero school.

"My dream is to become a pro, a hero great enough to be written about in textbooks one day" said Tobita.

While his mother covered her face with a pocket towel as she knew what the staff was about to say and was ashamed.

"Yeah let's talk about that, things aren't looking good for Tobita, our school isn't exactly difficult, yet your grades are horrible and you keep getting held back, on top of that this is the fourth time you've failed the provisional licensing exam, honestly the only thing I can recommend is for you to voluntarily withdraw" said Staff.

This hit a sore spot for Gentle when he was young, it was only worse after they left Gentle mother saw one of his classmates and saying how popular and successful he is, while Gentle could only say back then not to worry and that'll he'll keep trying, but then one faithful day happen as he was at a coffee shop and then suddenly heard someone shouting call a hero this made him leave the shop to see a man hanging from elevator used for workers to clean the windows, without any hesitation Gentle thought if he made a barrier under him, he could save him, but this was when a he came try to save the now falling man, but instead bounced back due to Gentle barrier and causing the barrier go off as when the falling bounced on it, it cause the elevator to fall on top of him leaving him in critical injuries, as Gentle could only stare at the incident right in front of him, soon enough he was charged for disrupting hero duties and was given a record, it only got worse as he was treated like trash along with his parents just trying to help and soon enough even his parents turn their backs on him kicking him out, but the worse was when his 22.

"Spring is lovely, foraging is easier, hehehe" said Gentle in a daze.

But this was when he saw his former classmate that his mom compared to him, surrounded by his fans, at this point Gentle abandoned his dreams.

"Takeshita, you formed your own agency that's wonderful, you must remember me from school, we were in the same class" said Gentle excitedly.

"Um sure, what was your name again?" said Takeshita.

This when something in Gentle heart snapped as he knew he's been forgotten, as when he made it back home he tossed through his things try to find something that would be his key to be remembered forever and not forget, then finally he found his light and that was a book of super villainy his last shot to be truly remembered for something grand.

"I have time" said Gentle as he delivered an onslaught of attacks on Izuku.

"...Gentle" said La Brava.

She could only watch Gentle as the way he is using Lover Mode against Izuku.

'We use Lover Mode as a way to escape in a hurry, not like this, he usually tries so hard to avoid violence' La Brava thought.

But now Gentle is giving Izuku his everything against Izuku.

"You can mock me and say I'm weak, I care not what you think, we will prevail" said Gentle as he was about to punch Izuku again.

But Izuku was well pr as he caught Gentle fist and even though Izuku only gain back a bit of his vision he opened his eyes wide to look Gentle dead in the eyes to show Gentle that he can't help respect the strength of his will

"I won't mock you, but I can't let you go to U.A" said Izuku.

"Defeat him, you have to!" said La Brava crying.

This when even more power was surgery through Gentle and Izuku could feel said power as he connected the dots whose quirk this is.

'That girl's quirk, his power is increasing even more' Izuku thought as he caught another of Gentle hits, but could feel him push him back a bit.

"You, tell me why is it that you want to be a hero!" said Gentle.

And in this short moment Gentle completely overpowered Izuku with Lover Mode due to the strength of La Brava love and his will, making Izuku struggle for this brief moment, but Izuku slowly pushed back as he gave Gentle an answer to his question.

"I'm the same a you Gentle, my dream isn't just my own anymore, I have a goal that my body wasn't made for and everyone around me thought I was a fool for having a goal like that, I was at a point of giving up on my dream and my life, but for everyone who's cheered me on, for everyone who's acknowledged me, for my heroes" said Izuku.

This when the images of his family came to his mind and those most important two were Ace and Zeff.

"No my family, I'll become a hero for them, plenty of people in this world are hurting and so I want to become someone who can show them a bright future, like everyone has for me!" said Izuku.

"I see, ...yes" said Gentle as he couldn't help but see Izuku worthy of being a hero.

This when Gentle used his strength to toss Izuku to the side as Izuku hit a tree with his side, while La Brava started to work now that Gentle is on the winning side for now, while she started to hack into the U.A firewall.

'My love I believe with all my heart you can do this, if I can connect to U.A's internal network using this special wireless connection then I can deactivate their security system and we can get inside, this program I created has to work' La Brava thought.

But then she was denied access due to her being too far away.

'Oh, no I can't connect from this far away, I need to get closer, anything I can do to help Gentle, I have to try' La Brava thought as she began to run closer to U.A and rubbed dirt on herself to not attract Hound Dog with a possible enemy scent.

'La Brava, no it's dangerous to go alone' Gentle thought.

'I can't let her leave' Izuku thought as he attempted to catch her.

But this when Gentle intercepted and kneed Izuku in the chest, usually this would hurt Izuku as badly as it would have, but he was dealing with an internal pain that wanted to come out.

"Do you still believe me to be an unworthy opponent!?" said Gentle.

This is when Gentle used his quirk to make barriers to bounce off of in the sky to give him a boost to deal the finishing blow to Izuku.

'I will throw away my pride, honor, everything to defeat you, consider it a sign of respect lad!' Gentle thought as he was coming in for the attack.

Meanwhile as La Brava was running to get closer to gain access to U.A security, just to see the heroes closing in.

'No, they're coming' La Brava thought.

But as she was running back Izuku shot multiple air bullets at Gentle with his leg, even though missing most of the shot, one of Izuku's shots actually took hit as Gentle was for brief moment vulnerable as Izuku jumped into the air to land the finishing blow on Gentle with his kick, as Gentle fell to the ground and finally Lover Mode wore out and Izuku began to pin down Gentle when he got back down.

"You were my toughest opponent because you are someone I can understand" said Izuku in a somewhat sad voice.

This when La Brava made it back to them.

"Gentle there are heroes on the way" said La Brava.

But she was left speechless as she found Gentle pin to the ground defeated.

"Run, save yourself" said Gentle.

But La Brava could only cry and drop her laptop as she ran towards Izuku and started to hit him.

"No, stop, take your hands off of him, Let my Gentle go, get off him now, Gentle poured his whole heart into this scheme, he even forgot to take his beloved tea breaks while he worked, you want to show the world a bright future, can't you you see Gentle is my only light, don't take him from me please, I'll have nothing left" said La Brava as she cried.

As Gentle could hear her desperate cries all he could do was think about La Brava.

'La Brava, I told you to run knowing full well that you wouldn't, because that is who you are' Gentle thought.

As she remembered the day he first met La Brava after hacking to find his address she asked to help Gentle with his videos, but Gentle was against at first not wanting to drag her down, but La Brava only brought she has already did plenty enough crime with her hacking as she look at Gentle with a smile and said that she'll be okay and it will all be worth it to be with Gentle, that she'll always be happy by his side.

'Would you have found joy if you'd escape alone, would have you found a new life, no' Gentle thought.

"I'll die before I'll let anyone take you from me" said La Brava with tears in her eyes.

'I'm sure you would've gone on to commit crimes far more heinous than we have, but this is my fault, I'm the one who brought you here, who accepted you and made you my partner, who got you involved, La Brava I hope you know that I am happy with you' Gentle thought.


And with Izuku now able to see all this now thanks to his eyes life fully recovered, he couldn't help but feel like he truly didn't win as Gentle defeated and La Brava crying her eyes out and now seeing the pros moving in his heart couldn't take as before the pros could see any of them he used second gear as he quickly swung his fist and grab a tight hold of both Gentle and La Brava and with only trace of dust they were gone as the pros made it.

"There's nobody here you are certain you heard people" said Ectoplasm.

"I'm certain, I can smell people were once here" said Hound Dog.

Meanwhile Izuku stopped at the very bottom of the forest and let both Gentle and La go gently as Izuku could only point away from the school.

"Please just leave, I just can't with you, so please leave my school alone" said Izuku.

"Gentle?" said La Brava.

"...Why are you letting us go lad?" said Gentle.

"… you reminded me of myself when I was kid, I'm quirkless and I was an orphan and the thing that hurt the most when when my dream of being a hero was mocked, but I always kept dream and dream about about being a hero but one day something in my life nearly wanted it just to end I wanted my life to end back at the rock" said Izuku.

This when he was so willing to die but remember his hunger got to him when he saw Zeff's bag he thought was filled with food, but in truth was only money he was assigned to protect and the food he did have was all given to Izuku.

"Then I lucked out with a hero coming into my life, so please stop all this and change your life for the better it's never too late as long as you try, cause you have each as support like my hero was for me when I gave it my all to even take the exam even if I had to work harder than anyone, so please listen to me you can be remembered because I will never forget you two,... goodbye" said Izuku.

But when Izuku tried to leave he couldn't help but fall to his knees and cover his mouth.

"… lad" said Gentle.

This when Izuku blood spilled from the gap from his hand.

'Damnit, this disease is taking more damage to me than the fight' Izuku thought.

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