Element Animals: (Book one) L...

By FlamingVulpix

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5 kids living in secrets.... Sora, Amber,Dark,Claw, and LIght all are special. There all half animal and half... More

Author's note
Chapter 1: Wake up call
Chapter 2: Ice Cream
Chapter 2 1/2 (Not in Sora's prospective)
Chapter 3: A Wild Enemy Appeared
Chapter 5: Legend of time
Chapter 6: The Plan
Chapter 7: A Change Of Plans
Chapter 8: Water and Electricity Don't Mix
Chapter 9: Dream or Nightmare
Chapter 10: Wounded
Chapter 11: Leaving
Chapter 12: Kidnaping
Chapter 13: Orgnization Number xx7
Chapter 14 Getting Help
Chapter 15: Long Time No See
Chapter 16: That First Kiss
Chapter 17: Hero
Chapter 18: The Fox in Elm Town
Chapter 19: School
Chapter 20: Blood (final chapter)
Author's After Note

Chapter 4: Tough Love

92 4 2
By FlamingVulpix

"WHAT??!!,"I said in shock and i could tell Dark was just as confused. My jaw had felt like it had hit the floor. "Y-you like him!!!! HE TRIED TO KILL US AND YOU THINK HE'S CUTE!!!???," i yelled and started to shake her. She pushed me off and stepped back a bit.

    "Ok i will say he did try to kill you guys but still,'' Amber said and again she got that dreamy look on her face. Dark came up and slapped her back into reality and i sat down and took a look at my arm. Rubbing it i tried to get the stinging away but no matter how hard i tried it still hurt. " What happend! Did you two USE your MAGIC! I thought we said we wouldn't use it," said a voice.

  I spun around to see Light with his hands crossed. Me and Dark looked at each other knowing that we where going to get in trouble and he wasn't going to believe us if we told him. "It's not thier fault a guy named Shadow came and tried to kill Sora," Amber said trying to get Light to calm down. He huffed and shook his head. " Liked i'd believe that!," Light said and ran into the woods. Thought so.

   "Thanks Amber for trying. Claw will have my head," I sighed. Dark looked at me with 'I know right' look and i chuckled. " HOW DARE HE SAY SHADOW DOESN'T EXSIST! IMA GONNA KILL HIM!!!," Amber yelled and charged after Light. "Well bye Light,'' Dark said and she chased after Amber. I followed even though my arm still hurt like hell.

   Well as i thought Light went to Claw's house to tell him we used our magic. The door was wide open when i made it meaning Light was probably telling Claw we broke our rule and how we should be punished and all that shit. I walked into Claw's place to hear Claw and Light yelling at each other like crazy.

  "Dark would never break the rules and neither would Sora so just back off Light!," Claw yelled as i walked into the room. I started to feel tingly in my face. He's going to know i used my magic as soon as he sees me, I thought as the tingly sensation stopped. See there are side affects for using magic. For me one of my eyes stays the normal blue color while the other one becomes brown.

   "They did! They probably had a fight with one another! I can prove it! The side affects must have kicked in by now!," Light yelled and then noticed me in the door way. He instantly noticed my two different eye colors because he went back to his fight. "SEE!!! I TOLD YOU!!! Look at Sora's eyes." Claw looked at me and with a gasp he saw that i HAD used my magic.

"Sora... I thought you of all people would never break that rule...,"Claw said with a disapointed look on his face. I took a deep breath. He'll belive me.... He's got to or me and Dark are in hot water, I thought. " We had to! There was this guy named Shadow and 12 other men. They tried to kill me and Dark! If we didn't we'd be toast," I said hoping he'd believe me.

   ''Nothing like this has ever happend before... Are you sure?,"Claw asked with a worried look. Light was completely shocked. " You believe her!" Claw ignored him and focused on me. I nodded. Claw went into a thinking stance and stayed quiet for a minute. He turned back to me and said, '' tomorrow we're going to have a meeting. Tell Dark and Amber for me please. Me and light are going to have a 'chat',"He told me.

  "To late. We're already here," Dark said as her and Amber entered the room. The side affects had taken thier toll on her too. She and everthing she was wearing was purple and see threw just like the bubble she made to protect me. "LIGHT HOW DARE YOU SAY SHADOW DOESN'T EXSIST!!!!," Amber yelled at Light.

   "What its not like you like him or anything," Light commented and then Amber started to blush. "WHAT??!! DIDN'T HE TRY TO KILL SORA AND DARK!!!??? WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?????," Light exclaimed. Amber sighed. " Ok, meeting tomorrow at the 'fork' at 9:00. Deal?, Amber asked. We all nodded in agreement and left to go home.

    Me ,Amber, and Dark said nothing on the way home. It was only noon and i needed sleep so bad. We made it back to the 'fork' in about 20mins. "See you guys tomorrow?," I said tierdly. Amber nodded and Dark did nothing.

    And as i said before nothing good lasts forever....

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