Our happily ever after? (Rema...

By fullmoon858

16K 302 273

The war is over and the Lupins family is facing many changes. But are they all good or are they bad? Will the... More

Let's go back to home
Something more than a Werewolf
Grown stronger
Species that do not have rights for a family
Building a new life
Lydia Lupin
Love that can only be experienced by family
Two unexpected visits
An extraordinary meeting of the Order
Forgotten children
Don't call him "Master"
Pack Always Sticks Together
Professor R.J. Lupin
A new way of life
White Swan
Lupin's farm
Welcome back, Auror Tonks
Lost in the Hogwarts
Teddy's first Christmas
Fallen Angel
Million Mistakes
Just another day at work
The beast

Now i'm waiting for you

2K 33 12
By fullmoon858

Hospital. This bitter smell of medicine, the bad food, and the kingdom of discomfort. Absolutely no one can feel at home there, but after a week and a half, you will start to endure it. Tonks sat on her hospital bed, staring blankly at the white wall in front of her. For a week and a half, she had been forced to wear these narrow light blue pajamas, her only activity was a book she had already read three times. Although she was in a ward with three of Britain's funniest men, it was all completely frustrating. She cheered a ward with Fred, Sirius, and Remus. Fred slept most of the time because he couldn't do anything else. He could not walk and after a week and a half of treatment, his hands were barely strong enough to hold a cookie between his fingers. He was often visited by his family, they made Fred laugh, but as soon as they left, the young man sank into black depression again.

,,I feel so useless, "he had told Tonks one night," I'm like a vegetable, I can't do anything without needing anyone's help. I should have died, it would have been better, "

Tonks was so sorry for him. She herself suffered only a few broken ribs and a broken left arm, she could do anything if she wanted to, but Fred couldn't do anything.

Her secondary companion, Sirius, had had only a few days with them, after which he went home, but still visited them every day, bringing Tonks new flowers each time and also bringing a bar of chocolate, which he placed on the table of Remus' bed.

Remus...all this time, he had never shown any signs of life. He never moved. For the first few days, Tonks couldn't sleep, She was up all night watching Remus who lay at the next bed. One night she had even gone to his bed and had been crying all night in his arms, in the morning the doctors were annoyed with her and said that she should give her husband more space, otherwise he might not wake up. Fearing that the doctor's words were true, Tonks kept her distance. Trying to keep her senses away from it all. Her favorite moments in the hospital were when the Weasleys visited and Molly brought Teddy with her each time. Since Andromeda had volunteered at the hospital to help the injured fighters, Teddy was under the care of Molly and Arthur at all that time. 

Tonks murmured to herself, her eyes fixed on Remus in a coma. When she got bored again, she checked her surroundings, when she was sure that no healer was in the room, she rolled quietly out of her bed and sat on the edge of Remus' bed. With a slight smile, she let her thin and short fingers smooth Remus's cheek. The wounds on his face and the bruises were almost healed, and he looked like her Remus again.

,,The violator of the rules, "a slightly laughing voice came from a distance.

Tonks looked over her shoulder at Fred's bed, the young man smiled gently, his head wrapped in white bandages, completely covering his red hair.

,,Don't tell the doctors, "Tonks smiled as she put her pointing finger at her lips.

,,I would do the same in response to you if I could move my hand. By the way, be ready to visitors, Tonksy, it's almost two o'clock. They'll be here soon, "

Tonks' eyes shone, she turned her head back to Remus and whispered to him, "Did you hear that, honey, our son will be here soon," she leaned forward to kiss Remus on the cheek again.

She smiled at Remus, then headed back to her bed to comb her hair before the guests arrived. Combing her hair with one hand was a little difficult, but she tried to do it as well as she could. When she had finished, she went back to Remus and let her comb gently go through his hair.

,,Let's make you look even more handsome than you already are, then Teddy can see how nice looking a father he has, "she put the comb back in the closet next to the bed and then sat back on Remus' bed, holding his hand," Do you want to read the book, Wolfy? We still got some time, "she took the book from her bed and began to read it.

,,Wouldn't you like a new book in the meantime? "Fred asked, frowning," I think we all have it literally in our heads, "

,,Your father offered to bring me a new book, but I turned down his offer. Muggle construction books aren't very my jam, "

,,Sounds like Dad, "laughed Fred.

After a few minutes, the door opened, and Molly stepped in with a wide smile, along with the whole clan of Weasleys, including Flure, who may also be called Weasley, in addition to them, there was Hermione. 

,,Hi, dearlings, how are you? I brought pies! "Molly went to her son's bed and kissed him on the forehead," I brought you your favorite juice. You don't know how hard it was to hide it from Ron so he wouldn't drink it all, "

,,I imagine, "Fred replied as Molly began to lift various things out of the basket.

,,We brought you something, Tonks, "said Arthur, raising the cradle of the portable baby.

,,My baby!" Tonks shouted happily, reaching out, she rushed to Arthur and took Teddy in her arms, "Mommy missed you so much, honey pie," she smiled broadly, looking straight into the eyes of her one-month-old son, Teddy's eyes were golden, they became so every time he felt happy, Tonks sat on the edge of Remus's bed again, swaying her son in her arms, "Have you grown even bigger? I can swear you were half as big yesterday. "

,,You've gone soft, Tonks, "Bill said.

,,And what if I am. I'm proud of that, "Tonks replied, rubbing Teddy's belly with her nose.

,,How is Remus? "Hermione asked anxiously.

,,He's doing better. Healers said his wounds have healed almost completely, and soon he might even wake up."

Molly smiled broadly and shouted happily, "That's wonderful news, honey. How are you feeling?"

,,Normally, the hand is still as if Giant had stepped on it, but otherwise, it's okay, "replied Tonks, looking still at Teddy, who was now trying to catch his mother's dark pink hair with his tiny clumsy hands.

But suddenly Teddy's mood got bad, and he started crying, Tonks started to swing him again, and asked Molly, "What time did you feed him, Molly?"

,,Just before we left the house. Maybe he's crying because he hasn't slept since this morning, he hasn't wanted to sleep at all lately. He's up all night and he doesn't want to sleep in the morning either, "Molly replied a little worried, she adjusted Fred's pillow.

,,Sorry for the trouble, Molly. Honestly, if necessary, he can stay here. "

,,Oh, no, honey. This is not a problem. Besides, you have to rest. Believe me, I'm used to it. "

,,I would be surprised if you weren't, "said George, who was sitting in a chair next to his brother's bed.

Tonks swung Teddy gently, but it didn't help him fall asleep. She put the pacifier in Teddy's mouth, but the little boy pushed it out of his mouth again with his tongue so that it fell to the floor. Fleur picked it up from the ground and walked to the sink to wash it clean before returning it to Tonks. Tonks smiled gratefully, put it in Teddy's mouth again, but he pushed it away again. As a last resort, Tonks decided to put Teddy into Remus's arms. She lifted the boy to Remus' chest, and then she climbed out of bed, kneeling next to the bed, staying at the same height as her son.

,,Shh," she quietly soothed the boy, stroking his hair and back, then she began to hum quietly, and sing in a soft voice," My little baby, don't you cry, mama is here to watch your sleep. Hush, now my baby, let's play a game, winner is the one who falls asleep. And when you wake up, I'm here by your side. Taking care of your little mess. So Hush, little baby, and fall asleep, and maybe when you wake your daddy is here too. Hush, my baby, fall asleep..." Tonks sang to her son, not even noticing that everyone else was also listening to her song.

They watched Tonks quietly, just listening to her sing to her son. Ron lay down on the free bed, put his hands under his head, and closed his eyes. Charlie and Bill moved their hands along in the rhythm of the lullaby. Molly smiled, sitting on the edge of Fred's bed.

Teddy's eyes closed, and a calm gasp came from his mouth. When Tonks was convinced that Teddy was asleep, she stopped singing, and then kissed his little forehead.

,,Hold him for me, darling," she whispered to Remus and rose from the ground.

She walked to the sink and filled herself with a glass of water.

,,You have a very pretty voice, Tonks, "commented Ginny, who was sitting at the windowsill.

,,Thank you, Gin. Remus and I sang a lot to Teddy while we were still home and he didn't want to fall asleep. Remus could always put him to sleep, "Tonks replied, smiling at the memories.

She drank her glass empty and put the empty cup back on the edge of the sink. As she walked back to the bed, she felt her faulty hand begin to ache again from holding Teddy earlier. She sat on her bed, trying to move her hand lightly. It still hurt like hell. She slowly lay down on the bed, turning on her side so she could look at her two dear boys. Teddy slept on his stomach, on his still unconscious father's chest. His little fingers were intertwined into his father's light blue hospital shirt. The boy breathed lightly, a little saliva dripping from his mouth.

,,Tonks, we have to go, visit time is over. "Molly said in a quiet voice, trying not to wake Teddy.

,,I don't want to wake him, "Tonks replied tenderly.

Molly thought for a moment, then said, "Maybe he can stay here tonight then."

Tonks' smile rose to her ears, "Really? I'd love it!"

,,All right, honey, "Molly took a small cloth bag out of the basket and handed it to Tonks," Here are some diapers and cleaning cloths. And ... oh cookie, I only brought him one bottle of milk, maybe I'll be able to bring more ... "

,,No need, Molly, "Tonks said quickly," Our milk factory is still working. It's good, I really feel like my breasts could explode because they are full that bloody milk." Tonks giggled quietly as she noticed how Ron and the twins' faces turning red.

Soon the guests had left and the ward was again owned by three patients and little Teddy. Tonks sat on the edge of her bed, waving her legs slightly and eating Molly's meat pie. She watched tirelessly as her son slept on his father's chest, and she was filled with the warm feeling that everything was left exactly as it had been before the battle. Although the sight seemed unparalleled, the tears in Tonks' eyes came from the thought that it wasn't real. Remus was in a coma, he wasn't really here, he had no idea that Teddy was sleeping on his chest right now. Without Tonks being able to stop herself, bitter tears began to leak from her eyes. She wiped her eyes in her pajamas, then lay down on the bed again, still looking at her husband and son.

It seemed so unfair. They had fought so hard, they had lost so much, and even now that everything was finally over, fate did not allow them to be happy. Tonks missed him very much, she missed absolutely everything related to Remus. 

,,I'm waiting for you, honey. When you wake up, I'll be here, "Tonks said before her eyes closed and she fell asleep.

A few hours later, Tonks heard a soft voice from a woman, "Mrs. Lupin, you must take your medicine and have dinner." Tonks shook her head sleepily, burying her head back in the pillow, "Please, ma'am,"

Tonks sighed and opened her eyes. The room was much darker than it had been before. Fred had disappeared from his bed, probably to undergo a new procedure that should help him move better. Tonks took a bottle from the healer and drank it with a sip.

,,Eww, it tastes like bad cheese, wrapped in baby napkins, "she said, frowning her nose with disgust.

,,It sure is, "replied the healer, placing a plate full of steaming soup on Tonks' table," As I can see, we have a small guest tonight. Should I bring a cradle? "

,,No need, he seems very happy next to his father. And if necessary, I can take him to sleep with me."

The healer nodded, took a syringe from her medicine cart, and then walked over to Remus. Carefully, without waking Teddy, she cleaned one spot of Remus' right hand and injected the contents of the syringe into it. Tonks watched the healer's every move with a very critical eye. The healer put the syringe back on the cart and then grabbed her wand. She cast a spell that controlled Remus' condition. She nodded lightly and mumbled to herself before putting the wand back, and rolled down the sleeve of Remus' shirt again.

,,What are the results? "Tonks asked anxiously, her hands tightly pressed into the blanket, squeezing it hard.

,,Unchanged, "replied the Healer," everything seems to be fine. His internal wounds have healed and no external wounds are life-threatening. The chief doctor has discussed the possibility that he has still not awakened due to his ... condition, it weakens his body, and he is unable to wake up because of it, "

,,What do you mean by that? "

,,Your husband is a werewolf, isn't he? There is a possibility that his curse will not allow him to wake up. There is not enough strength in his body as the approaching full moon weakens him. Unfortunately, we only have a week and a half left, if he doesn't wake up by then, it's likely that his own curse will tear his body to pieces. "

,,What? "

,,I mean, if he hasn't woken up before a full moon, there's no hope that he'll live through that full moon being in coma. "Tonks's mouth sank and a melancholy look appeared on her face," I'm sorry, Mrs. Lupin, I shouldn't have said that. I just thought you should know that."

Tonks nodded without saying anything. She sank back on the bed, her dinner stayed untouched. When the healer left, she climbed out of her bed again and sat on the edge of Remus' bed. She raised her hand to Remus' cheek, stroking one of his old scars with her thumb. Squeezing her eyes tightly, she held back the painful tears.

,,That's not fair, "she cried softly," that's not right. You should be here ... with us, not fighting for your life...again. But don't give up, Wolfy. As you once waited for me by next to the hospital bed, I am now waiting for you. We both are, "she moved her injured left hand lightly to caress Teddy's turquoise blue hair," Please don't give up the fight." she tilted her head down and kissed Remus on the nose before she got up and went to the bathroom.

She closed the door, washed her face, and continued her business when she suddenly heard Teddy's cry. Swearing softly, she cried to her son, "Mommy is coming, honey. Wait a minute, please." 

A minute later, she came out of the toilet and walked quickly to the bed. Teddy cried loudly, probably because he was hungry.

,,All right, Teddy-bear, Mommy's here. I'm here, "she held out her arms to take Teddy in her arms, but she was stopped by the two larger hands that grabbed her hand," Ahh..." she growled in shock but fell silent as soon as she began to understand what was going on.

,,Dora, is that you? "A troubled voice came from Remus

,,Remus? You ... you ... oh god, "Tonks fell to her knees, tilting her body over her husband, hugging him, as she could," Are you really awake?"

,,I...I think so, yeah..." Remus's hands moved slightly so he could hug her while holding Teddy safely in his chest, "Why is he crying, Dora?" he asked a little anxiously.

,,He's probably hungry, "Tonks replied, crying with joy," You can't imagine how worried I was about you. I was so scared you would die. "

Remus smiled wearily, "I think I can imagine that. I've been in your situation many times."

,,Not a week and a half, "Tonks reluctantly pulled away from Remus to bring a bottle of Teddy's milk from Molly's bag, she warmed it with her wand, and went back to Remus' bed," Can you feed him? I should go and call the healers to review you. "

,,Of course, Dora, "Remus replied, reaching out to take a bottle of warm milk from Tonks.

Tonks kissed him on the lips and whispered, "I can't believe you're awake. Please, don't make me think I'm crazy when I come back and find out you're still in a coma and I just imagined it all."

,,I would never do that, "they put their foreheads together, and then Tonks went to the door," Dora? "Tonks looked over her shoulder to saw Remus feeding Teddy, and he looked at her, looking slightly subdued," Was...was I really gone for a week and a half?" Tonks smiled gently and nodded, making Remus sigh painfully," Forgive me, "

,,It wasn't your fault. I'll be right back, "and then she stepped out of the room.

She could not believe that Remus had awakened from the coma, and to prove it, she walked over to the first healer she saw and asked her to pinch her. Convinced that the doctor's pinch had hurt her, she explained the situation to the healer and went back to the ward to find her two boys together, both of them alive, awake, and happy.


So how did you like the first chapter of this story?

NB! If you are reading my stories for the first time, I suggest you go and read through my previous fanfiction "Our pink moon" before moving on with this story. This story is a direct sequel to my previous story and they are very much related to each other.

Good night to you all and thank you for reading.

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