Dear Love, Stay Away (Updatin...

Aenab_Shams tarafından

1.5K 351 0

Insha is the reincarnation of the phoenix while searching for her protectors. In the previous lives,the prote... Daha Fazla

The Invitation Card
The Golden Sparrow
The Queen of my heart
The Mysterious Bird
The Melemathy Technique
The Dirty Secret and Truth
Pleasure and Pain
Demonic Aura
The Mystic Gift of Black Flower
She was a Black Cat
The Black Flower
The Stalker
The Dark Knight
The Naive Girl
Rebirth of the Legend
Who was inside the cave?
An Unexpected Encounter
The Sleeping Beauty
The Dream Girl
The Shattered Hope
The Love Token
Fake Marriage Proposal
The Secret of Bracelet
Bid The Bait
Self Deception
The Rain Dance
The Black Deal
The Secret of "X Mark"
The Farewell Gift
The Magician's Pearl
The Bird's Note
The Protector or the Killer
The Gold Pendant
The Phoenix Dance
1st Birth of Phoenix
The Haunting Demon
The Wishful Niche
The Last Wish
Childhood SweetHeart
The Prophecy
The Last Heir & The Phoenix
Kidnapping Her Highness
The Lost Memories
Beauty Secret
The Black Thief
The Bitter Vengeance
The Black Bracelet
The Prisoners of Lust
The Tragic Predicament
The Lurking Innocence

The Birthmark

16 7 0
Aenab_Shams tarafından

His highness Khalil was moving around. He thought that her only child was dead.

For years he had been waiting for his only child.
Years by years he changed the country. He left the leadership of Shuman kingdom just to protect his only child....but his only child was lost..

He then put his letter in Black Market....The Black Hole received his application because its bid was very high.. "The secret of phoenix flower." Nothing in the world was more than this ..Black Hole thought so he accepted the offer at once.. Just after matching the DNA that he brought along with him a hair strand of Insha...The kingdom of Shemod was modern so he did it formally...but he got the result in no time..

"what other secrets were the nature hiding? " He thought and then ge delivered the letter and location to his highness's Khalil

He cursed the time when he decided to leave the castle but the regret what could he do to surpass the regret.

The regret of losing his lover, the regret of losing his wife ...No doubt their marriage was just a contract but he carried the responsibility on his shoulder...he still remembered the day back then when he took fantasy on Natalia but unaware of the fact that Natalia could be cunning.. ...First there was once his lover (Natalia) for with whom he dreamt of spending his joyous day but Natalia deceived him in the end.

Nothing but my innocent wife and child were the victims of her scheming...he thought.

"Now I will see who dare to hurt and lay a finger on my child." He thought   ..He then went to see her only child ..whom he was going to see after 20 years ..


Her highness Insha was lying in the bed... His highness Khalil saw her face ..he then glared at her eyes.. His eyes moved to his ears and her hand.

He was burst into tears...
"My daughter.  My Little Masha.." He was weeping ..Insha woke up when she heard some noise..

"Who are you?" Insha did fear him and then she pushed herself against the back wall.

She gazed at the room. The room was dark but decorated luxuriously. Each and everything there was decent. The furniture and clothing all were neat. She did not notice anything strange there .

"Give me your hand." His highness Khalil asked  .Insha first feared him but then she looked at him..A little bit   long face with white beard and white hair...Insha thought him as an old saint..

His highness Khalil then held her hand and drew a few words on her bracelet.

The bracelet did glow a little . He then said a few words  . It started talking.
Insha was stunned..

"What is happening ?" Insha asked .

His highness Khalil held her hand and asked her to touch the back of her neck ..

Insha knew but she posed she did not know about the mark  So, she touched it..

The mark glow a little  . His highness Khalil was in utter joy and in sadness.

"My daughter little  Masha ..I am sorry for abandoning you ." His highness Khalil was crying constantly.

"Who are you? Why are you calling me little Masha? My name is Insha." Insha screamed ..

" So Haider had not told you anything about us.  What could he told you about us? When there was nothing to say?" He said  while glaring at her constantly   ..

"You are mine and Masha' s daughter. I am Khalil ...Khalil the first and former ruler of Shuman kingdom.. the second son of King Abdullah..." The truth he said was enough to take away Insha' sleep. She had enough time to swallow this truth

Okumaya devam et

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