The Crow

By phonywriter

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{Mature Content; viewer discretion is advised!} All characters that are not mine, rightfully belong to the au... More

{Ongoing Updates, Publishing, Warnings}
Chapter 1. Red
Chapter 2. Games
Chapter 3. Best Friend
Chapter 4. Secrets
Chapter 5. Letters
Chapter 6. Legilimency
Chapter 7. Jealousy
Chapter 8. Cries
Chapter 9. Perfection
Chapter 10. A Broken Piano
Chapter 11. New Beginnings
Chapter 12. Answers
Chapter 13. Silence I
Chapter 14. Silence II
Chapter 15. Understanding Your Enemy
Chapter 16. Live to Love
Chapter 17. Repetition
Chapter 19. Summer
Chapter 20. Undeniable
Chapter 21. Change
Chapter 22. Bird
Chapter 23. Party I
Chapter 24. Party II
Chapter 25. Distraught
Chapter 26. Amortenia
Chapter 27. Blinded
Chapter 28. Fiery
Chapter 29. Realization
Chapter 30. Burning
Chapter 31. The Journal
Chapter 32. I'm Yours
Chapter 33. Second Love
Chapter 34. Party Crasher
Chapter 35. Deathly Burdens I
Chapter 36. Deathly Burdens II
Chapter 37. Drained
Specialty Chapter 1. Harry Potter
Specialty Chapter 2. Draco Malfoy
Chapter 38. To Stoke A Fire
Chapter 39. Compromise
Chapter 40. Lost and Found
Chapter 45. Forgotten

Chapter 18. Last Forever

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By phonywriter

This chapter contains mature content such as sexual material. Material is explained further, see information in "Ongoing Updates, Publishing, Warnings."

Neveah Crow

The sun poured through my window, casting hues of yellow along the softest of figures. Everything was exactly how it was meant to be. There was a split second where it was perfect. 

His hand wrapped snugly around my waist, his chest rising and falling along my back. I rubbed my sleep away from my eyes, adjusting to the daylight. It felt strange to hold such meaning on a simple day. The only difference between yesterday and today was him besides me.

Memories from yesterday quickly interrupted the pleasant morning, the perfect moment disappeared. 

I turned to see his restless face laying close. He glowed in the light. Every sharp edge was softened. He looked peaceful and content right where he was. He still wore the clothes from before, disheveled and full of wrinkles.

"Look who's staring now." His raspy voice interrupted the silence, proving he must've just woken. "Good morning." He smiled.

"Good morning. I wasn't sure you'd still be here." I smiled warmly, brushing my hand across his cheek.

"I hate mornings. I hate having to get up and leave the bed." He smirked. "But I have you to look forward to today."

I blushed at his statement, so warm and full of sincerity. He quickly propped himself on his elbow, using his free hand to cup my cheek.

"I love you." He whispered.

"I love you too." I smiled.

With that, he pushed his lips onto mine. Our smiles forced at each other, fighting for one's touch. He was passionate, his kiss radiated heat through my body.

"You're stunning, you know that?" He moved his way on top, trapping me between his arms and legs. "I can't believe you're with me right now. I can't believe I get to see this right when I wake up."

He leaned in, pressing another soft kiss on my lips. He trailed kisses along my jawline, moving teasingly to my neck.

"I could do this every morning. Seeing you by my side." His lips wandered towards my chest, sending shivers down my spine. The combination of his words and touch sent me spiraling.

"Draco-" he interrupted me, putting his lips back to mine.

"Let me take care of you." He smirked.

Silently I nodded, giving him permission to do as he pleased. A sly smirk fit onto his face, only for him to rush into my lips. His tongue parted my lips softly, tangling his with mine. 

"I'm going to make you feel so fucking good, Neveah." He moved downward slowly, his hands trailing with him.

His face met in between my legs. His hands picked at the waistband of my panties. He teasingly pulled them off, followed by him tossing them to the ground. He gripped my hips tightly, holding me still.

"Tell me if you want me to stop, okay?"

His lips dove into my most sensitive parts, causing me to gasp at the sudden pleasure. His tongue twirled, hitting places I wasn't sure was possible. The more I squirmed the harder he dug his fingers into my skin.

My hands dove to his hair, gripping eagerly. My reaction only seemed to motivate him as he quickened his movements. As his tongue moved I felt his hand move downwards, slowly I felt a finger slip inside me.

"F-Fuck... Draco." I could barely mutter the words as he curled his fingers. "Don't stop... please."

After hearing my words a moan escaped his lips, sending vibrations through my body. He worked with his mouth while simultaneously adding yet another finger, causing me to grip the bed sheets. My toes curled from the intense stimulation, unable to handle it all.

"Draco... I can't. You're going to make me come." I cried out, throwing my head back.

"Fuck... you're so hot like this you know that?" He lifted his head to meet my eyes. His hand sped up, curling inside me to hit all the best spots. "Come for me."

The faster he moved, the harder it was to hold back. The combination of his words and actions made me ten times more sensitive. Chills fell down my whole body.

Suddenly I released myself, pulling the bed sheets harshly. Moans escaped my lips, panting from the buildup. Draco slowed his pace, bringing me down from my climax.

"You're incredible." Draco cleaned his hands, followed by the mess on the bed. "I love you. So much."

He dove his lips into mine, towering over me on the bed. I barely began to calm down until I felt his growing erection between my hips. My intense pleasure must've triggered his arousal, making me eager to please.

"Get on the bed, Draco." I broke the kiss, staring dead in his eyes. "I want to make you feel just as good."

Taken back by my demand, a smirk crept upon his face. As Draco fell on his back, I made sure to give him the best possible pleasure.

Afterwards, we laid in each other's arms. I rested my head on his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart. Everything was peaceful, the sound of birds flowing through the window.


"Yes, darling?" He replied.

"About what you said earlier, how you could do this every morning. Waking up next to me." I was nervous, "do you mean it?"

"Every part of it."

"Do you think we can? One day, I mean." I lifted my head to meet his gaze, only to find him staring right at me. His small smile sent me red.

"I only hope so. If only it were that easy, Neveah." He caressed my cheek in his hand. "Maybe one day..."

I sensed the hesitance in his voice, but I'd rather imagine than determine the outcome. I rest my head beside him, turning on my side to keep eye contact. His messy hair still fell on his face.

"What do you imagine?" I smiled, "our life together?"

"A cozy home, far away from anything else." He beamed at the thought. "Plenty of bedrooms for our family. Oh, and you'd have your garden, and a piano in the main room. That way we can teach our kids to play."

"Our kids?" I blushed with a large smile.

"Well- that's not...hypothetically." He stuttered. "Only if you wanted to of course." His face was bright red.

"I want three," I interrupted, "maybe four. That way the house is always full, filled with laughter and smiles. They won't grow up by themselves."

A large smile beamed across his face, a look of pure joy.

"Four. I like that, no one will ever feel lonely, or left out." He insisted. "They'll be the most talented children, wizards or not. They'll have a choice whether they want to, okay?"

In his face I could see hope. Hope that his kids won't have to go through the same experience we had. He wanted to be the best father he could be, and I knew it.

"Of course. We'll have a big yard for them to play in." I added "Most importantly, we'd wake up to see each other everyday."

"Yes, we'd be together. I'll make sure you're by my side. Always." He brushed his fingers across my face, pure love in his eyes. "It will be perfect."

We laid together for a few more minutes, putting together our imaginary lives. Honestly, there was no promise that was the life we'd get. Yet, I don't think we'd ever stop hoping. The thought of a family with Draco Malfoy sent butterflies fluttering in my stomach.

"Spend the day with me again?" I begged, "please?"

"No need to ask me twice." He smiled, pushing his lips against mine.

"I think I still have some of my grandfather's old clothes. They're clean and should fit, I'll go get you some." I sat up from the bed, only to stumble. I hadn't realized the effects from yesterday and this morning would be so strong.

"You alright?" He asked nervously, only to be followed by a laugh.

"Yes, just fine." I quickly composed myself, fighting the soreness. I grabbed the nearest pillow, throwing it at his face. "Stop smirking."


Draco and I had both finished getting ready after wasting the morning away. He wore a soft black crew neck. Being slightly larger than him, it hung loosely over his chest. His comfortable, dressed-down clothes gave him a soft and warm appearance. 

I wore one of my more subtle dresses, as the weather was perfect. Just above my ankles, a white cloth and lace tailored to fit me perfectly.

I had sent the workers home for the day, this way I was able to enjoy our time together. We made our way to the kitchen as I prepared brunch. This time, he stood on the same side of the counter.

"Teach me?" He asked, embarrassed. "I never learned to cook, the house elves always did it for me."

"Of course, Dray." I beamed at his eagerness.

I showed him how to season and prep the eggs for the omelette, followed by how to chop the vegetables. He was amused by the muggle work. His sleeves rolled past his elbows as he furrowed his brows, concentrating intensely.

Soon after, we baked dessert. It ultimately ended up in a battle. Draco had gotten frustrated, only to accidentally send flour pouring from the air. Somehow, it managed to only land on my side, covering me in white. With a gasp I grabbed a fistful for myself.

"Oh you fool!" I shouted.

"It was an accident!" He laughed, now running around the island top to avoid me. "Don't you dare, Neveah. You'll ruin my hair!"

His statement didn't stop me as I sent flour flying across the room. It landed flat in his face, leaving him covered. Laughter burst through after seeing the hilarious sight. The flour only caused him to sneeze, creating an even bigger mess.

"You'll pay for that, Crow!" He furrowed, quickly chasing me around the kitchen. "Come here!"

I ran quickly, leaving a powder trail on the floor behind me. My laughter caused my stomach to ache as I screamed for him to stop chasing me. Eventually I grew tired as he rushed to catch me.

He picked me up by the waist, lifting me up into the air.

"AHH! Draco, put me down!" I laughed as he spun me around the room.

"Only because I love you." He then set me gently onto the floor, meeting my eyes.

We both stood covered in a powdery mess, yet careless of our looks. His black shirt turned grey, and my dress turned cotton. I pulled him closer, pressing my lips warmly on his. Our smiles pressed against one another's, unable to contain our happiness.

"I want to dance." He smiled, half out of breath.

I laughed at his statement, brushing as much of the flour off of me as I could. "Oh, you're serious?" I realized once I met his eyes.

He quickly walked past me, making his way into the main room.

"I know I saw it somewhere." He mumbled, frantically looking around the room.

"Draco, what are you looking for?" I chuckled.

"Ah-ha!" He then pulled a white sheet off a covered object. "There you are." He smiled. He revealed an old record player, untouched for years. An antique from my parents. My fathers favorite muggle collectible. I remember it spinning throughout every day.

He blew the dust off the machine, while looking for a vinyl. I watched from the archway, admiring his excitement. Finally, he pulled out a song, placing it on the player.

Music filled the room, echoing through the home. He rushed towards the ginormous window, covered by yet another tarp. He yanked it downward, letting in light from the outside. Dust floated through the air as I adjusted my eyes to the sudden light. The warm sun drew shadows along the walls, making the scenery bright with shapes.

He turned towards me, a smile on his face. He reached his hand out for mine, waiting for my return.

"Dance with me." He grinned.

Rolling my eyes, I placed my hand in his. He quickly pulled me into the center of the room, letting a gasp escape my lips. He pulled my closer, wrapping one hand along my waist as the other held my hand.

Draco led me around the dance floor, sending me spinning round and round. My dress swayed along with me as we glided, the sun shining brightly on us. Looking at him felt like a dream. His golden features, his loving behavior, it all felt surreal.

Rather than finishing the waltz, he brought me closer, breaking the proper stance. My chest fell parallel against his, causing my breath to fall short. Our eyes met each other as we held one another close.

All the time we've spent together played through my head. Every laughter we shared as a child, every tear we shed for each other. All the times I fell in love with him. No matter what, I always found myself in love with Draco Malfoy.

As the song came to an end, we slowly came to a stop. Both out of words, and clinging to each other deeply.

"I'll never leave you Draco, not again." I spit out, surprising even myself. "I can't stand not being with you."

Without a word, Draco rushed his lips onto mine. I felt something wet against my cheek, a tear. Although it was not mine, I felt it deep in my heart. I held him close, making sure never to lose him.

The day was spent with nonstop playing. From the pool, to the piano, to drawing up art. It was a whole day filled with laughter and love which we both begged to last forever.

As night grew, we found ourselves by the fireplace. Both wrapped in the same blanket, we cradled each other snug. While resting on his shoulder I read a book aloud for us both.

The lovely night was interrupted by a harsh knock at the door, startling me from my seat. I hadn't been expecting anyone for a few more days, leaving me unknown to who would visit.

I sat up, making my way to the front. Carefully I opened the door, my heart sank at the sight.

"Hello, darling," Lucius smiled. "I'm here for my son."

I stood unable to speak, in shock. The audacity he had to show up on my door steps after attacking me and my friends.

"You've kept Draco distracted for quite some time, but I think it's best he returns home now. We have business to work out." He smirked.

I reached at my hip for my wand, only to remember I left it in my bedroom.

"What's with the hostility dear? Surely you're not still upset?" He quirked his head.

"Neveah? Is everything alright, who is it?" Draco's voice grew closer as he realized my ill expression. Finally he appeared behind me, realizing what left me so stunned. "What the hell are you doing here?" His mood switched dark in just a moment.

"You gave us quite a scared Draco, we looked everywhere for you." He snarled. "Running from your problems hmm? I hoped you knew better than to sleep with some filthy whore."

Before I could process his words, Draco snapped, launching himself towards his father. If it weren't for the wand Lucius brought to his neck, I'm sure I would've witnessed a nasty fight.

"Down boy." He smirked, forcing Draco to back away. "I'll meet you out front. If you know what's good for you, I'll see you out in five minutes." He turned around leaving Draco and I inside.

"Draco..." I turned towards him, worry plastered across my face. "What does he mean, business? Don't go, Draco. Please."

His eyes refused to meet mine, his face returned to the dark cold gaze he once had before today.

"I have to-"

"No! No you don't, Draco. Stay here, stay here with me." I insisted.

"I wish I could Neveah, but you and I both know I can't. We will never get our happy ending together, so it's best that we forget." His eyes locked forward as if I weren't there.

"Forget? You want me to forget all we've done today! Can you honestly tell me you want to forget this, all for your father?" I gasped, pain in my voice. "Look at me Draco. For fucks sake, please. Please look at me and tell me you want to forget all this."

"I-I can't." He stuttered.

"Look at me." I quivered, tears building up in my eyes. "Say it and you can go."

Slowly, his pained face met mine. I wish he would stay, I wish he would tell me what was going on.

"I'm sorry. I have to go." He plastered a strong face, making his way out the door.

"Don't you dare, Malfoy!" I shouted as he stood half way out the door. "You said you loved me! You said you loved me..." I sobbed, clenching the ache in my chest.

He stopped in his tracks, debating his next move. He turned around, rushing back to me. He held my face in his hands, pulling me into a pained kiss. Sparks of heat flew through my body, and I could tell he felt the same.

Unwillingly, he pulled away. He rushed out the door, closing it behind him. This was too perfect to be over, too perfect to end like this.

I wrote to him every day. Yet, he never wrote back.

Man... that sucked. 

I hope you guys enjoyed and thank you all so much for the constant interest. I would've never imagined my story would've gained the attention I have now.

Let me know what you guys think so far!


July 16, 1996


     I wanted to write you in hopes of a reply. After not receiving word after you left, I couldn't help but worry. Please, just let me know that you are okay. Without knowing so, I couldn't possibly sleep at night.

    I hope you know I'm not angry at you for leaving, I understand. I promise I won't forget our day together, as it was the most perfect I've ever had. I still love you deeply Dray and I hope you feel the same way.

    I know things are not easy for you, but don't forget I'm here. I meant it when I said I'm not leaving, and I hope you didn't mean it when you told me to forget. I trust I'll see you soon and if not, to receive a letter.

    With love,


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