The Crow

By phonywriter

71.6K 1.6K 1K

{Mature Content; viewer discretion is advised!} All characters that are not mine, rightfully belong to the au... More

{Ongoing Updates, Publishing, Warnings}
Chapter 1. Red
Chapter 2. Games
Chapter 3. Best Friend
Chapter 4. Secrets
Chapter 5. Letters
Chapter 6. Legilimency
Chapter 7. Jealousy
Chapter 8. Cries
Chapter 9. Perfection
Chapter 10. A Broken Piano
Chapter 11. New Beginnings
Chapter 12. Answers
Chapter 13. Silence I
Chapter 14. Silence II
Chapter 15. Understanding Your Enemy
Chapter 16. Live to Love
Chapter 18. Last Forever
Chapter 19. Summer
Chapter 20. Undeniable
Chapter 21. Change
Chapter 22. Bird
Chapter 23. Party I
Chapter 24. Party II
Chapter 25. Distraught
Chapter 26. Amortenia
Chapter 27. Blinded
Chapter 28. Fiery
Chapter 29. Realization
Chapter 30. Burning
Chapter 31. The Journal
Chapter 32. I'm Yours
Chapter 33. Second Love
Chapter 34. Party Crasher
Chapter 35. Deathly Burdens I
Chapter 36. Deathly Burdens II
Chapter 37. Drained
Specialty Chapter 1. Harry Potter
Specialty Chapter 2. Draco Malfoy
Chapter 38. To Stoke A Fire
Chapter 39. Compromise
Chapter 40. Lost and Found
Chapter 45. Forgotten

Chapter 17. Repetition

2.3K 61 18
By phonywriter

This chapter contains mature content such as blood and sexual material. Material is explained further, see information in "Ongoing Updates, Publishing, Warnings."

Super fun fact, I'm listening to Christmas music. Yes, I know, I'm just that fricken cool. I am also, most definitely, not trying to distract you from how long this chapter is. 

OH, also I don't know french or latin, obviously, so i use google translate. So things aren't 'accurate' per say... 

28 July 21

Neveah Crow

The following day started with Draco still in my arms. We shared a few mumbled sentences, still half asleep, before he left early in the morning. Although a promising night, we both knew we couldn't be caught by the others. 

Hermione came by a few hours later, by then I had gotten my rest. As promised, she'd help me pack my things. 

"How are you feeling today, Neveah?" She asked.

"Better." Which was true, although it didn't excuse my bruised, aching body. 

"That's really good to hear. I talked to Madam Pomfrey and she gave me a list of exercises to improve your mobility." 'Mione promptly handed me a long list of acts and potions with annotations in the margins. "You'll need to perform at least three times a week for good results."

I shouldn't have expected anything less from Hermione but I couldn't help but laugh. 

"We get it Hermione, no need to be such a show off." Ron appeared around the corner, Harry close behind with a smile.

"I am NOT a showoff, Ronald. I just want Neveah to feel better as soon as she can."

"No worries Hermione, I really appreciate it." I pinched her arm sweetly. "What are you two boys doing here?"

"Harry suggested we wake up at bloody 6 in the morning and head for London. All for some strawberries at a market in some muggle town." Ron and Harry placed two brown bags at the foot of the bed. "Longest wait in the world."

"It's not just a market, Ron. They popup throughout the month and only leave a few clues here and there as to where they'll be. They're meant to be the best in the world. I was lucky enough to have found them." Harry took out four boxes, "Amoureux des Fruit. That's what they're called. I wanted to get them for... us."

Although Harry's lips said 'us' his eyes said 'you', eyeing me intensely. I figured Hermione noticed, interrupting the tension. "What does it mean?"

"Lovers Fruit." I replied, eyes still locked with Harry's.

"Well then, let's give it taste shall we?" Ron rubbed his palms together impatiently.

Harry passed us each a box. While giving me mine, our hands touched ever so slightly. "I hope you like them." He whispered, sending shivers along my back.

Inside revealed a dozen strawberries divided in two layers. Some were candied in sugar, coated with coconut, drizzled with all types of chocolate. Both looks and smells were divine and I could only imagine the taste. 

A single bite was enough for me to know why they were the best in the world. A small groan escaped my lips in satisfaction. I watched Harry's eyes flash to mine. I felt hot, my face terribly warm. Ron and Hermione were lost in their own world, unbothered by the atmosphere we created.

"Thank you, Harry. They're absolutely incredible. You're incred-"

Harry cut me off by reaching a hand on my cheek. He was close enough so that I could feel the heat off his body. His thumb traced my cheek as he smiled at me. I held my breath as he inched  closer. Just as I thought he might've closed the space between us, he spoke.

"There's chocolate on your lips, darling." His finger gently rubbed my bottom lip. I bit my lip in embarrassment, Harry only chuckled slightly.

He cleared his throat, catching the others' attention. Ron had already finished his box before Harry had the chance to ask if they liked it. We laughed and chatted a few more minutes before the doors creaked open.

"Goodmorning, children. It's good to see you all bright and early." Dumbledore smiled with Dr. Barlaam at his side. "Now, let's give Miss Crow some rest. I'm sure she has a long day ahead."

"Goodmorning, Sir." Harry stood. "We were just on our way out."

The three of them left with a, 'see you soon,' and waved goodbye for now. The building was silent with just Professor Dumbledore, Dr. Barlaam and I.

"Neveah, we need to talk."


It's been a little over a week into break. Although I'm still in pain, I've recovered greatly. During my stay at the burrow I've worked on paperwork for the manor. Now that I've returned to decent health, I am capable of returning.

My grandparents had their week to sort out their arrangements. They were furious, but there was nothing they could do. I was kind enough to offer a decent sum of money for a place to stay. Honestly, I'd pay anything to keep them away. 

I stood at the doorsteps of my home. The dark stone walls gloomed over me. The inside was just as depressing. The dark, quiet, empty rooms taunted around me. There were no signs of life, no signs of memories or happiness.

I had plans of returning it to its former glory. A home where you'd smile just looking at it. Where the walls shined with art and the air felt welcoming to all. The home I knew as a child.

I settled myself into the master bedroom. The heavy walls and decor surrounded me. The large window that overlooked what used to be a garden, brought light inside.

Workers I hired would arrive soon. With the help of magic, this house will be a home.

Artists, construction workers, designers, etcetera. They swarmed the home, following the plan I described. While they worked inside I made my way out back.

A humongous field of land surrounded us, more or less green. I began rebuilding our garden. One that would be filled with fruits, vegetables and flowers.

After a few hours of work I found myself covered in dirt. My hair tied up in a messy bun, my overalls unrecognizable. I sat up to admire my work.

"It's looking beautiful so far." A voice startled me from behind.

I turned to see Draco Malfoy. He stood in a white collared shirt, tucked into a pair of dress pants. His hair slightly hung over his face while the wind brushed it across. He looked completely beautiful.

As he moved closer I realized he had something in his hand.

"These are for you." He handed me a bouquet of blue and white Starflowers. The same ones my mother grew in her garden when I was a child.

I used to pluck one every time Draco would come over. I'd bring them to him to admire, even though he never showed much interest. Yet, he must've remembered they were my favorite.

"I remember you telling me about your project here. I figured I would stop by and help. Plus, I missed you greatly." He continued.

I never knew Draco to stop by and help. Something felt off. The closer I looked at him the more I acknowledged his features. They drooped, leaving him restless once again.

"I'm glad you came, Draco." I smiled warmly, wrapping my arms around him. "I love the flowers by the way."

"I remember you always talking about them, they are the only flower I really know actually." He chuckled nervously. "You're looking lovely." He brushed his thumb over my cheek, dusting the dirt off of my face.

"Don't be a fool." I laughed, pushing him back. "Let's go inside, I need to wash up." I quickly began walking to the front door.

"I was being honest!" He laughed while catching up to me.

Draco followed me into my bedroom, the only quiet place in the house. I set my flowers on a desk, bathing in the sunshine from the window.

"I'm going to take a shower, you're welcome to wait here." I smiled, making my way towards the bathroom.

Draco pulled me softly. I turned to face him, confused by his actions. He was gentle, and sweet with his gaze, making me feel nervous.

"Can I kiss you?" He whispered, brushing the stray hairs off my face.

"Draco," I contemplated my decision, what it would mean. "Yes. You can kiss me."

I thought to say no. I enjoyed our friendly banter. Or just being friends in general, like the old days. But I also missed his touch so terribly. 

I stared at his chest, unable to meet his eyes. It felt romantic, rather than the aggression I was used to. The sun warmed my profile and the soft touch of his hand around my waist made me red.

He took his free hand and lifted my chin, forcing me to look into his eyes. He looked so pale, and his eyes shined blue. When his lips finally met mine, chills of heat ran from head to toe. He was soft, with subtle pressure. I never knew Draco to be gentle, but this time it felt real. It felt like real love.

Maybe that's what I wanted it to be. 

He moved away from my lips, smiling at me. His smirk made me blush intensely. I felt like a giddy kid, nervous from his presence once again.

"May I join you, in the shower?" He corked his head, still holding me close.

Instead of replying, I took his hand in mine. I led him behind me into the bathroom.

While he shut the door behind him, I started the water. I began undressing myself. My clothes fell to the floor, leaving me in just my bra and panties.

I felt a cold hand sliver around my waist, followed by soft kisses on my neck. I arched my neck, giving him more access. His hands held me steady, cradling my hips.

"You're beautiful." His words pressed into my skin, leaving me breathless.

I turned around, seeing him fully dressed. "This isn't fair." I smiled and began unbuttoning his dress shirt. He followed suit, removing his belt and pants.

We both stood in just our undergarments. Once again I felt the butterflies, warm cheeks and chills down my spine.

"We can't shower like this now can we?" He began removing what's left of the clothes on my body. I felt exposed, standing bare in front of him. 

We made our way inside the shower, the warm water poured down my body. I faced away from him, feeling too nervous to meet his eyes.

Draco must've sensed my feelings as he pulled me closer. He gently guided me around, switching places in the shower. 

The water trickled down his toned body, his hair fell messily over his head. He was at his peak, the most attractive man I've ever seen.

Draco found the bottle of shampoo and without a word he began rubbing it into my hair. We laughed as he made shapes with the soap overflowing my head.

Once we were washed up, we stayed inside, enjoying the constant heat. Steam surrounded us, fogging the room completely. The water fell at his back as I stared at him deeply.

He inched closer, cupping his hand over my cheek. His eager lips pressed against mine. They were strong and passionate, having me rock back on my heels. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer.

His tongue parted my lips, sending heat through my body. I sensed his arousal as he did mine. I suddenly felt a stiff force between my legs.

He spun me around, having me face the marble wall. My back was turned to him, leaving me blind to what he planned. He moved my wet hair away from my neck, followed by heavy kisses.

His hands trailed my back as he left marks. I did my best to quiet my moans, but I grew needy at his touch.

"Draco, I need you." I huffed. "I need you now."

He quickly answered my request as I felt his fingers moved over my most sensitive parts. Slowly, he pushed a finger inside. He curved just right, hitting my weakest point. He quickened his pace while adding another finger.

"Oh fuck,  Draco." I moaned at his touch.

My hands gripped around the handlebar gratefully installed. He moved quicker, leading me closer to climax. Before I had the chance, his fingers slid out leaving me unsatisfied.

"You're such a good girl." He turned my neck, planting a hard kiss on my lips. "But I want to watch you struggle taking me all in."

Without warning he slipped himself inside of me, our hips colliding aggressively. The sudden pressure of his large length had me shout out in pain and pleasure. My hands gripped tighter around the handlebar.

"Just like that, that's my girl." He groaned into my neck as he kissed. His hands still held me tightly at the hips.

He rocked into me faster and harder, leaving me completely in shock. It felt impossible to adjust to his size in this position, he wasn't even all the way in.

"Fuck, you feel so good." I moaned, feeling weak already. "Don't stop Draco, please."

Every gasp and moan escaped our lips as our skin pressed together harshly. He bucked his hips harder than before, causing me to tremble. My back arched against the wall, struggling to stay standing.

"Draco, I-I can't. I can't take it anymore, I'm going to- fuck..." I moaned at every stroke, my blood burst through my veins. I felt him pulsing in my core.

"Come. Come for me, Neveah." He grunted, reaching his release as well.

Together we both finished, he groaned, pulling out. I shuddered at the release, unable to hold my own.

Draco turned me around to face him, only then did I see his flush face. We both stood panting harshly. He brought me closer, kissing me deeply.

"You're so fucking gorgeous." His forehead rested against mine as we caught our breaths.


"I'm going to make some food, would you like me to make you something?" I asked while buttoning a clean blouse.

"That sounds nice." He smiled while sitting on my bed, his eyes following my every move.

We made our way into the kitchen. By now, the workers had left for the day. I began laying out food for a sandwich along the counter. Draco sat in front of me watching my handy work.

"Draco..." I said softly while working. "Will you tell me why you're here?"

"I told you, I wanted to stop by because I missed you." He said confused.

"Without a warning? You're not one to 'stop by'  Draco. We both know that."

"I wanted to surprise you, Neveah." He snapped.

"Draco," I hummed, careful not to feed into his anger. "I just want to make sure you're okay. I'm glad you're here but you have to tell me if somethings wrong." I stopped what I was doing to meet his eye.

"Jesus Christ, Neveah. You never stop with the questions, do you?" He sat up from his seat, heated with his words.

"Calm down, Draco. I'm only asking because I care about you. So, will you stop lying to me? We talked about this. I know when something is wrong." I said sternly.

"I wouldn't have to lie if you would mind your fucking business." The previous loving boy was completely gone now. Draco's coursing anger took over. "If you really cared then you'd shut the fuck up, alright? I didn't come here to fight with you."

"You have no fucking right to say that to me, Draco. Is this what I get for loving you? For letting you come back into my life over and over again?" I stepped backwards. "It's the same cycle every time, Draco. I let you in, you fuck me once or twice, then start an argument. Only for me to forgive you, letting it start all over again." My skin boiled, I couldn't let my thoughts go unheard.

"Oh for fucks sake that's not true-"

"Yes it is, Draco! You just don't want to admit it." I shouted, "why can't you just love me like you mean it? Why can't you understand everything I've done is for you?"

Draco looked taken back, processing all I've said. He made his way around the table, mere feet from me.

"Don't you understand how much I love you?" He seethed his words, his nose flared and jaw clenched harshly. "Do you really question my love for you?"

He took steps towards me, it was off putting seeing him so stern, almost frightening. With every step he took forward, I took one back. My hand rested on the counter as I stabilized myself.

"I would do anything for you, Neveah. Do you think I want to be this way? Do you think I have a choice?" He moved closer. "You couldn't possibly understand!"

His sudden increase of his voice startled me. My hand knocked the plate off the counter, having it shatter behind me. I hadn't realized how far I moved back until I realized we were at the opposite end of the counter. Draco noticed how nerve wrecked I was.

"I-I'm sorry. I won't ask anymore questions." I think it was instinct to apologize. How this all felt too familiar. "I'll clean up, you can go."

I quickly bent down and without thinking began picking up the shards of glass.

"What are you doing? You're going to hurt yourself, Neveah. Stop." He cried out behind me.

"Shit!" My hand went red but I was too stunned to process the pain.

"What the hell did I tell you Neveah?" Draco came rushing up with a towel. "Let me clean it up. I'll help you patch your hand in a second."

"I'm sorry." I stuttered, moving away while clenching the cloth around my hand.

Draco looked at me defeated. Realizing how frightened I had become. To the point where I was physically bleeding.

"Don't apologize." He stood up, walking towards me. "Did I really scare you that badly?" His face fell ill and guilty. "I'm sorry, Neveah. It's my fault for getting angry. You're right, you're right about everything."

He reached his hand for mine, but instead I moved backwards. The reality set in, his face paler than usual.

"I'm fine, I'm going to take care of this. I'll be in my room." I quickly turned around and headed towards my room.

I wanted to hug him, tell him it was okay. But the look on his face was so familiar. A reminder of my grandparents. The face I saw right before I was on the floor.

I ran my hand under the bathroom sink. The stinging pain shocked me once I realized how deep the glass had cut me. I quickly repaired my wound with a simple healing spell.

I felt drained from all the work outside, and the bickering in the kitchen. I made my way into bed and wrapped myself in the covers. Staring out the window, I couldn't help but shed silent tears.

Things never change. 

I must've fallen asleep soon after. I woke up to the squeaking noise of the door. I didn't turn around, I knew who was there.

Draco didn't say a word, whether he knew I was awake or figured I was sleeping, it made no difference. I felt the sheets lift from behind me, and his weight moved the bed. He slowly made his way under the covers, wrapping his arm around my stomach. He pulled me flush against his chest, holding me tightly.

"I don't deserve you Neveah." He whispered against my ear. "I'm grateful for everything you've done. I can't bear the thought of losing you. I hate myself for scaring you," He choked on his words, "I love you. I am so sorry for everything."

Hearing his hurt whispers broke my heart, once again small tears fell from my eyes. It's not his fault, it's not mine either. We both grew up the same, but I was able to escape. He was still trapped.

"I love you too Draco." I forced my words through my sore throat. Here I was, forgiving Draco for the... Well I lost count.

He squeezed me tightly, burying his head into my back. I felt his soft sobs he tried to hide from me. His shaking hands clasped, afraid to let go.

I finally realized why he was here, maybe not entirely but it was enough. I was Draco's escape. I was his peace from his home.

And so we laid there. With sore throats, and wet eyes. Our bodies curved perfectly around each other, never to let go.

Let me know what you think <3

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