I Don't Understand you pt. 2...

By sexy_crouton

110K 7.7K 4.7K

Cover by @spicysuzy This is part two of my Tsukishima story, just head over to my profile to read the first b... More

Ha, you thought it was over
Classy bougie ratchet
I watch lots of cartoons
Boiled lettuce guts served with a side of goldfish sashimi
Go and watch "Sweet Home" on Netflix
Pov me and my gang pull up
I have something half of you don't lmao
My brother brought home a Christmas tree today. So I tore it down out of rage.
🍋The Holy Gospel according to Luke🍋
Guess whos back
Have y'all ever seen me and Shakira in a room together? Exactly.
There are so many chapters yet I don't even know how I want to finish the story
Guess who's still here
I am pretty drippy
Brought to you by my phone
Noah Beck, why does everyone make fun of your neck?
"Uselessly hot-blooded people irritate me..." -Tsukishima Kei
My brain hurts
I have a problem with buying clothing and accessories, also I saw another...
I finally got my nails done, I feel joy right now
I ate your dad's moms uncles brothers kid
My God complex is starting to get a bit out of hand
I got 100 on my English final essay
sfvbfwosini3ir0wij09308fhn 0qefn
I love this man so much, I need him to make another appearance in the story asap
Untitled Part 28
Untitled Part 29
I got my title privileges back
This was fun to write
Brought to you from my religion class
I still haven't done the rest of my school work
Another humorous chapter for you guys
I used to be a music nerd, playing the violin, piano and clarinet
I love my cat
I totally promise that Y/n won't hook up with anyone
Ito Haru that's another name you'll need to remember for this story
Chain smoker life
My brother keeps calling himself a gang-banger
Haru does not look like but this is his personality, does that make sense?
Y/n won't get lung cancer, she's built different
Chapter 243
Lovely Peaches is my mom
Haru kinda looks like Shinya Kogami from psycho pass
Yeah I know, Haru is hot asf
Haru or Roxanne?
My phone is racist
My cat is also racist
Powerschool is also racist
To the pole it goes
One of my cats is a republican
Since y'all were getting pressed about Y/n being depressed and rude
Ushijima really has that nen
My addiction to this video is ungodly
Surprise shawty
Toenails filled with crust
Don't clown me for playing GTA5, it's a lifestyle
I'd kill someone for some coco bread right now
I'm so close to committing a crime against Catholics
My religion teacher said that she has to make a conscious effort to talk...
This song was playing on repeat as I wrote this
All those weird things Y/n bought last chapter are actually real lol
The yodelling pickle is real
This is what I was watching while I was writing this...
I can't sleep lol
It pains me that this song kinda slaps
This is how I cope lol
Chapter 69
The note at the end of this chapter is very important
Snowhite and the seven penises -My dear brother
This slaps so hard
Kakashi 69
Ayo this is what Christopher looks like, but his hairs a bit longer
I keep getting ads for engagement rings while I read I read through the fic...
Please step on me Jean
🍋Bible study🍋
This was the full pic but I cropped it because there was a pest
Ayo the note at the end is important like actually this time
Christopher acting real sus

Yeah, I had a stroke writing this.

1.8K 124 57
By sexy_crouton

Y/n's pov

"Y/n, you need to wear a winter jacket," Wakatoshi says. "You'll catch a cold like that."

"No, I won't," I shake my head. "It'll be perfectly fine, it's not that cold."

"But you will be staying out late," he says. "So then it will be cold."

"I'll be fine, I'm a bad bitch," I say. "And I'm basically an adult now."

"Then do the dishes," he says.

"No thank you," I say. "You must be crazy if you think I'm about to do some chores like you are clinically insane."

"At least bring gloves with you," he says. "And maybe a scarf."

"Wakatoshi, adults wear scarves and gloves," I say. "Only adults care about their own well being. And last time I checked you wanted me to stay your kid sister."

"I-..." he pauses. "That's not fair."

"Yes it is because I snorted a line of pop rocks," I say.

"I'm not following," he says confused. "What does snorting candy have to do with fairness?"

"Because I am god, so what I say goes," I nod my head. "Make sense now?"

"No that does not make sense," he says.

"That's great because good strippers make dollars," I say. "Dolla dolla bills y'all."

"Are you feeling alright?" he asks. "Because if you aren't maybe you should rest, I'm sure Tsukishima would understand."

"I'm not cancelling plans," I say. "I would never."

"Well then at least please out on winter boots instead of your sandals," he says.

"No, crocs," I say.

"Rain boots then," he says.

"Crocs with socks," I say. "Nothing more."

"Sneakers please," he says.

"Ew no," I shake my head. "I don't want to wear my sneakers."

"Wear the twinkle toes and I'll order that candy you like off of amazon," he says. "Okay?"

"Fine," I sigh. "Guess it's a deal."

"Okay good, and take the crocs out of your bag also," he says. "I know you'll change into them."

"I promise that I won't," I say.

"No candy then," he says.

"Okay, okay," I put my bag down. "I won't."

"Good, now do you need a ride anywhere?" he asks.

"The park," I say. "I forget which one though, I can't quite make out the words on my hand."

"Oh," he nods his head. "I know which one that is."

"So do you was new years plans?" I ask. "Any special plans?"

"Yes, after I drop you off I'll go and hang out with Tendo," he says. "Do you have any special plans?"

"Nope," I say. "Just playing in the snow and whatever."

"Is that slang or is that literal?" he asks.

"Wait what kind of slang is that?" I ask.

"Tendo explained it to me the other day," he says.

"Lemme check this," I say as I pull out my phone.

Never would I have thought that I'd be looking up slang... And I would not like to know how they got on the topic of this specific slang.

"Wakatoshi what the hell is this!?" I question waving my phone in his face. "This is ugh, oh my god just why would you ask me if it's literal or not? Kei is Japanese I would never do this. Have you even read this?"

"Becoming intimate with or involved with someone of the caucasian race-" I interrupt his reading.

"Playing in the snow," I shake my head. "Literally, I mean it literally."

"Okay then," he nods his head. "Now let's go."

"Yeah, let's go before I execute myself."


"Kei!" I yell. "Did you miss me?"

"Why the hell would I miss you, I saw you one day ago-" he stops. "Yes, I missed you."

"Well, I didn't miss you," I say. "Because you're ugly and... and yeah. You look like you like toes all day, yeah you suck toes."

"I do not," he rolls his eyes. "What's wrong with you?"

"Many things," I say. "But we done did knew that."

"Yeah I kinda figured when I first met you," he mutters. "Don't know why it still shocks me."

"Can I have my hot chocolate now?" I ask.

"What makes you think I brought you hot chocolate?" he asks. "I'm not a servant."

"So you didn't bring me any?" I ask.

"Here," he shoves a thermos into my hand. "Don't make a fuss."

"Wow Kei, you really outdid yourself today," I laugh.

"Go and play in the snow or something," he says. "That's what you wanted to do right?"

"Yeah, but don't you think that's boring?" I ask.

"Well we rarely get this much snow here at his time," he says. "So you mind as well enjoy it now."

"You wanna go to the shrine tomorrow too?" I ask.

"Do you want to go?" he asks.

Not really.

"Everybody is going," I shrug. "That's what all the hip teenagers do nowadays."

"If you ever say hip again, I'll leave," he says.

"You're just mad I'm hot as shit," I say. "You're welcome for my presence."

"Just go and play of whatever," he says. "We've got something to do after."

"You said that weren't gonna do anything special for new years," I say. "What's that all about."

"Yeah well it was just going to be something from my house but since you were so persistent about going outside I listened," he says. "And it's not for you, just something."

"Fine, but come and make a snowman with me," I grab his hand. "Please."

"Ugh, fine," he sighs.

Someone is in a good mood today.


"Kei, I'm cold now," I say.

"Well we'll leave after this, my mom is home making food. And don't ask why she's cooking at this time," he says. "Also, I don't know why you were rolling around in the snow."

"Because it's gonna melt soon," I say. "And what if it doesn't snow this much next year?"

"Then I'll thank whatever god is up there," he mutters. "Can you see the top of that house over there?"

"Which house?" I ask. "You think I can read your mind or something?"

"The one with the blue roof," he says. "Can you?"

"No, chicken dick," I say. "I'm not a skyscraper."

"Stand on that bench then," he says. "Can you see it now?"

"No Kei," I say. "I'm built like a child-sized matres."

"Fine, get one my shoulders," he grumbles leaning over. "Hurry up."

"Um chile, I'll fall," I say. "Can't I just go on your back?"

"No, you'll get a better view like this," he says. "Come on, I won't drop you."

"You better not," I mutter as I get on. "Is this what it feels like to fly?"

"I'm not going to drop you," he says. "You're crushing my head again."

"Yeah, well I don't want to die," I say.

"FIne just be quiet and look," he says. "Of you miss it it's your own fault."

"Miss what-?" I start, but I'm abruptly interrupted by a rather loud pop and a bright light.


"Fireworks!" I yell looking down at him. "It's fireworks! Do you see Kei!"

"You're pulling my hair," he says loud enough so I could hear him over the noise. "Watch, it won't be long. There's not that much."

He was right, they didn't last long but they were still wonderful. There weren't ever really fireworks here, and I usually indulged in short clips on youtube, as one does.

"Kei that was amazing!" I yell. "Where did they come from!?"

"Stop yelling," he says. "They weren't even that good."

"Happy new years!" I yell, almost falling off of his shoulders.

"Happy New Years," he mutters.

"Where did they come from?" I ask. "Wait, new years kiss first."

"Y/n I can't hold onto yourself when you lean over like this," he says.

"Shh, I'm kissing you spiderman style," I say before kissing him.

"You're gonna bite my tongue," he says pulling away.

"I'm cold, not my fault," I say.

"Then let's go home, my mom is making food," he says.

"Hey, where gig you get the fireworks?" I ask. "Did you use voodoo or something?"

"Karasuno's Neighborhood Association," he says. "I asked them."

"Kei you silly goose," I hug his head. "I love you."

"Don't call me that," he mutters.

"I'll call you whatever I want," I say. "I give the orders here."

"Sure you do," he says.

"I don't listen to nobody," I say. "And nobody tells me what to do."

"Keep telling yourself that," he says. "Keep telling yourself that."

It's 2 am and I rushed through a whole bunch of chapters to fit the next one into the storyline. I have an issue but the next chapter is a gift for the one and only. Pay no mind to the emojis in the next chapter's title, not suspicious at all.


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