5: Will you turn off bill withers?

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-veronica's pov-

It's the end of the tour, and I was driving Vinny's Jeep back to Chris' house.  Vinny, and Chris was riding with me,I was going too fast, and I got pulled over. I put on Billy joel. When the officer came up he said "license and reg- will you turn off Bill Withers." I turn it off and I hear Vinny dying in the background. I handed him my license and Vinny's registration. And when he headed back to the police car, I turned to Vinny and shouted "knock it off!  Vinny then proceeded to laugh harder. The cop came back and said " which one of you is vinny?" i say "the idiot sitting in the back laughing." he pulls him out of the car and fucks with him a bit. Vinny was scared shitless.

By the end of it Chris and I were laughing. He lets us off with a warning. Vinny gets back in after the cop pulls off. And Vinny says "that wasn't funny guys." Chris says "that was pretty fucking funny." we make it back to Chris' house and Vinny tells the guys what happened. I sit down at chris' table and start editing the photos I didn't get to, I put my headphones in, and play my motionless in white playlist. I guess i got carried away, cause the next thing i knew the guys were rocking out around me. I take my headphones out and say "sorry i get carried away when i listen to you guys." Chris says "we don't mind baby, you're amazing. How come you never told us you could sing?" I look at him and say "I never thought I was any good." Ricky says "you two should do a song together!"

Ryan says "that's a song I'd be legit excited to work on." i look at them and say "I'll think about it." The guys left and I finished editing all the photos. I sent them over to their management. I shut my laptop, and go find Chris, only to see him passed out on the couch. I go grab his cover from his room, and lay my head in his lap. I cover both of us up.

-chris' pov-

I woke up the next morning and looked down to see not only was I covered up but Ronnie had her head on my lap. I take a few pictures of her sleeping. I kiss her neck to wake her up. She gets up and yawns and stretches. She looks over at me and cuddles into my side. She says "can't we just stay here all day?" i brush the hair out of her face, and say "i wish we could love, but Management wants to  have a meeting with the band today. But you can stay here, it won't take more than a few hours." she says "i'll have to go get some clothes and shower." i look at her and say "nonsense you can wear my clothes, and we can shower together." she looks at me and smiles. She blurts out "Ariana Grande tried to get me fired at my first gig." i look at her and say "wait what? How?" she says "i was her photographer for her, her album Dangerous woman. And she hated every photo i took, it got to a point where i was almost fired, and she was on the verge of a nervous breakdown. She is such a drama queen." I started dying from her story. I say "you could honestly be a comedian with all of your stories babe." she says "yeah i definitely could." she checks her phone and shouts "god no pete why!" I look at her confused. She reads the text to me "hey Ronnie i wanted to let you know that i'm dating Ariana grande now, and I'm beyond happy." I looked at her shocked. She texts him back, and gets up and drags me upstairs to my closet.

When she finally picked out my comfiest clothes, we hopped in the shower. We stayed in there a bit longer than I would have liked, but Ronnie and I had a little too much fun. When we got out we helped each other dry off, and I helped her get dressed. She sprays her favorite cologne of mine. I chuckle. I say "i should have bought you some of that for your birthday." she smiles and says "and it would have been my favorite gift, besides the  expensive ass laptop you got me." i walk over and kiss her passionately. We were interrupted by my phone going off. I answer it and Ricky says "bro you two are late! Hurry up!" I say "Us two?" he says "you and Ronnie they want you both down here asap."

I tell Ronnie and we rush to the meeting. We go in and sit down. Kris looks at us and immediately goes "Ricky you owe me two hundred." Ricky mumbles something under his breath. We discuss the album, and they offer Ronnie a deal to photograph it, which she takes. After the meeting Ronnie and i go back to my place.

Eternally yours// Chris CerulliWhere stories live. Discover now