28kiss me twice, because you know it's going to be alright

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-veronica's pov-

Chris and the boys leave for tour today. I don't want them to go, but this is an amazing opportunity for them. The bus pulls up at six am. The girls are crying. As soon as Chris gets them from my arms, they stop crying. I say "they really are daddy's girls." Chris smiles, and tears fill his eyes. He says "i'm gonna miss my little angels. And i'm gonna miss my princess." I say " I'm gonna miss you more." we kiss. Vinny and Ricky run over and get Chloe, and Juliet from Chris. I giggle at the look Chris gives them.  Chris comes over and hugs me. He says "don't spoil them too much without me." I say "never. But if you come home and see half a dozen princess related things, it was Ricky." Ricky says "hey, no! I spoil them with love!" Chris and I start dying from laughter.

I get the twins from Ricky and Vinny. Chris gives them a dozen kisses each, and gives me two long sweet kisses. They leave and it feels like a piece of me left with them. I go in and feed them. And they fall asleep, not without a struggle. Chris calls me when I'm fixing their bottles around noon. I answer and when I see Chris' face I smile.  I say "the girls are about to wake up from their nap, they will be excited to see daddy." Chris says "i think mommy was more excited." I giggled and heard the twins start to cry. I rush upstairs, bottle and my phone in hand.

I sit my phone down and get the girls, sitting down in the rocking chair Vinny and Ricky had made for us. I feed them while Chris watches. Chris says "look at my two little angels."  and they looked around to see where their dad's voice was coming from. We get off the phone soon after that.

-chris' pov-

I was on the phone with Veronica trying to talk to my daughters. We got off the phone and I just looked at Geoff and  he said "what the hell man?" I just stared at him for a minute before I spoke.

"I was talking to my kids. What's up?"I spoke and he  just took another deep breath.

"I'm a good person so I'm going to be nice about this, but there are people trying to fucking sleep, and I swear on my grandmothers grave if these phone calls wake them up I'll beat you to a pulp. I'm surprised crying children didn't startle Aria awake. You're lucky" he spoke and I just looked at him.

"Okay then" I spoke and got up and walked to my bunk. I got a message from veronica, a picture of the girls trying to play with some toys. I tear up a bit. I miss my wife and kids so much. Who decided that three bands sharing one bus was a good idea.  I decided to step off the bus for a minute when we got to the venue. I just stare at the picture of the twins. When I hear someone step off the bus. I quickly wipe my tears away. I see Aria sit down next to me. And she says "I can tell you have been crying." i say "i just miss them you know, it's the first successful pregnancy we have had. And I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you." she says "it's ok i understand. Geoff can be a dick sometimes. I know it isn't easy. But it isn't easy on Ronnie either. She doesn't show how much she misses you guys. And her postpartum depression is bad."

I say "why didn't she tell me?" Aria says "she knew you guys wouldn't want to come if she did. And she wanted you guys to have the chance to tour."  she got a text and told me to give her a second. She called whoever texted her. When she got off the phone she came back over and said "sorry that was chloe." I asked "is everything ok?"

"Yes and no. I'm hoping it'll all turn out okay but this is the second time now that this has happened" she spoke and just sighed, placing her head in her hands. I got up and went to get Otto and Geoff.  I got a text from my mom. Saying 'you need to call me it's about Ronnie.' I go somewhere I know I won't disturb anyone and call my mom. She answers and I say "what's wrong mom?" She takes a deep breath and says " I was over at your guys house, helping her and spending time with Juliet and Chloe. When I noticed fresh scars on her arms. I also noticed they had reopened and she was bleeding. She passed out and hit the ground hard. We're at the hospital now, and your dad is helping me watch the twins."

I started balling so hard, I was gasping for air. I guess I was crying a little too loud because Ricky came to where I was and saud "dude why are you crying?" i barely get out "Ronnie, hurt herself." And Ricky wakes up the rest of the band. My mom gets off the phone and he band comes to comfort me.  We make it through today's show. We all got back to the bus and Aria got a call.  The boys and I let them have that time to themselves. I was just waiting for news about veronica. We go back when Awsten calls us back in there. As soon as I do Aria asks us to go outside for a minute "So now that everyone's here. I need one of the two openers to have a longer set tomorrow" she  spoke and they all just looked at me for  a minute before I spoke up.

"We'll do it... but if you don't mind me asking, why?" I spoke and her eyes started to water. Geoff came and stood next to me, holding me.

"We have to go back to LA.... to say goodbye to Gracie" I spoke and De'Wayne looked like he saw a ghost. We go back onto the bus. My heart was hurting for Aria and Awsten when I got a call from my mom. I go to the back room and answer it. I say "any updates?" she says "ronnie is going to be fine, she had to have stitches. And had to have a blood transfusion. She lost a lot of blood." I sighed and felt tears streaming down my face. I didn't want to do this. I wanted to be by Ronnie's side. I told the boys not to say anything especially not to Aria, she's going through alot right now.

They left and i got a call from Ronnie. I step outside and take it. We talk for awhile before i had to go and get ready.

Eternally yours// Chris CerulliWhere stories live. Discover now