12: daddy issues

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"D-dad? What are you doing here? ''I say. He says "mejia i wanted to come see you after i got out but I couldn't fly."  I look at him with tears in my eyes and say "you let those men do things to me that took years to recover from. So what makes you think i want to see you. Because of you I hated myself for years. Nothing I did was ever good enough for you! When I finally found someone who actually loved me for me, and was the happiest I have ever been, you show up! No , you had your chance. You lost it, i don't ever want to see you or hear from you again!" I scream the last part and slam the door in his face.

The guys come running in as I start having a panic attack. They surround me but it only gets worse. I back up against the door and slide down it.they back up and i reach up and grab Chris' hand. He kneels down, and reassures me that everything is going to be okay. I put my arms around his neck, and he picks me up, carrying me upstairs into our bedroom. He sits with me until I calm down. We head back downstairs and see everyone still there. I say "you guys stayed." Ricky says "of course we are worried about you Ronnie." i say "my dad showed up, that's why i was screaming. And I started to panic when I closed the door."

They stay for a few more hours. We clean up and go sit on the couch. I turned the t.v to the news and saw the main story was about my dad, and how he got out today. I turn to Chris and get an idea. I look at Chris "you want to piss my dad off?" I ask. He says "isn't he in the mob?" i say "trust me if he knew what was good for him, he'd leave me alone." Chris says "you know people don't you." I nod my head and say "a lot of people from gangs and stuff helped me out after he got arrested. One call to them, especially the one he ratted out, and he's a goner." CHris says "i fucking love you, but youre not in that type of stuff?" i say "no they all know i didn't want any part of it. And respected it. He says "then lets piss him off. But how?" I say "let's cover partners in crime by set it off." He says "i love it." we run to go record it.

Eternally yours// Chris CerulliNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ