Chapter 15.2

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Chapter 15.2

Darkness of the night had just started its invasion at this time, led by a very bright moon that had been made deem by clouds. It wasn’t too late for anyone to give up on anything that they had failed at during the broad day light. Time was still available. I was one of those people who had belief that it was still on our side. Winning was my only option even though I had my doubts. Two hearts needed to connect for me to consider myself as a winner, something that was not going to be easy, and i needed to convince somebody to help me in the first place, a task very hard to do. I had the right person to give me the anchoring in my mind but there was a doubt. Nothing was promised to go my way.

I went back to the place i was unwanted, Chad and his music instruments still with me. Taking advantage of not going to be given attention because of the always populated and busy spaces that were there we walked in it confidently. To Chad I had on the way explained the reason we had went there for and he was okay with being there with me. He liked what I was there to do.

“That will be a lovely thing to do” he said of it “I hope things go your way.”

“Wow! I am impressed. Honestly" also in support of me was Doctor Maynards. He spoke to me while on his comfort office chair. We were all in his office, inside and on the second floor of klacont hospital. “I just hope things go your way because if it wasn’t a meltdown as think then what said was from the heart.”

“I understand that, I said to him.

“You get yourself set in the cafeteria and get ready” he said and jotted some words on a paper that he after gave to me. “Give it to the security personnel that you will find there. He or she will know how to assist you. I will go and get her for you and the projector.”

The cafeteria was one big hall, its doors opened to anyone in the hospital. Only patients with contagious diseases and those with health conditions that needed them to be isolated were not allowed to be there, the only cold thing that was of it. Food was served by waiters and the tables and chairs that were there were beautiful arranged as if it wasn’t a hospital the cafeteria was in. It was as perfect as any restaurant tries to be. Given the time it was, it didn’t come as an astonishing thing to find it almost fully occupied by people with demanding appetites, something i wasn’t looking forward to.

The security personnel that was keeping order at the cafeteria was a lady, an energetic one. She didn’t seem to be friendly at first. She was one of those people with a face that gives no clue of being friendly. That thinking of her came to an end after she had read the note from doctor Maynards. “You want to put up a show for us?” she asked me, a smile softening her face.

“Not really” I replied. “I want to tell my girlfriend that I love her and that she is my number one girl even though she is sick.”

“Wow! She is a very, very lucky lady” said the security personnel. “Follow me then.”

She guided me and Chad to a lifted concrete place the cafeteria had. It was on a small scale a stage, very ideal for what i had laid in my mind to do. She made the whole cafeteria aware about my presence and the noise i was to make. The reaction of the people was an okay to me. They gave me a cheering, boosting up my confidence. I connected the guitar to its amplifier under the supervision of Chad and then after just stood, waiting for the right moment for my fingers to start striking the strings of the guitar and for my lips to open up to my vocal box. I was patient and with faith, a little of it. Most eyes in there were on me while mine were on the door.  

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