Chapter 3.1

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Chapter 3.1

Waking up had never felt the same like before. Learning of the seriousness of the illness of Jennifer, Eddie's movement plus remembering about the chaos I had caused at the office of doctor Maynards was giving me headaches and a pain in my heart.

A couple of times I saw myself in the doctor's office with my mother the way we had been there that past night I had cornered him up only that on these times I didn't get angry and run out of it. I was quiet and listening to him, holding my mother as she got emotional but then, that was all in my head and not the reality, just imaginations. What happened had had happened, my mind couldn't change that and life had to go on that way.

The best thing I needed to do was to accept the reality which I did, and get things right with doctor Maynards and on that I just didn't know how. Apologizing seemed to be the hardest thing to do even though I could see a restoration of our friendship with that done.

To run away from the dilemmas I rushed to my work. I reached there before 6:50 A.M, setting up a record that I had not accomplished since the first two weeks I had been recruited to work for the station's shop. For being punctual I received a handshake for a greeting from the supervisor that monitored the place. His handshake was not for anybody. It was only for one who had impressed him for reporting for work early. I was on a day shift that had me knocking off at 5:45 P.M it was a shift I liked so much.

The night one needed me to take a lot of coffee and that I hated, especially when I would go through it to the morning hours without having anything sold.

Company was always available but it wasn't quite one with comfort zone, careless talking or anything friendly. It was just business. My co-worker was a tough lady in her early 20's. She on daily basis wore a heavy black make up all over her face and a complete black outfit that had me questioning myself that was she a cartoon character kind that only has one costume. Her name was Bennis but dare call her that instead of X she would give you a wild stare and not talk to you for days. Gosh! She was another definition of a lady.

Upon sitting on the chair that drew me close to the counter table, right after I had changed into the uniform of the shop, Bennis slammed a $20 note on the counter table.

"Geez, X!" I exclaimed. She had taken me by surprise. "You want to kill me with a heart attack now?"

"No. I just need changed money" she said, not a smile on her face. "And don't give me old notes."

There was enough change in the till machine to please her. For being her she received it without a "thank you" said, not even a forced smile.

Her attitude and the customers that walked in and out of the shop from that morning to the 45th minute of 5 P.M took me out of the reality that was of me. I couldn't think of anything else deeply with them around. That's how the days were going by for me. It was good that way, stress was less.

Back in the outfit I had worn at home that morning, I left the gas station, off duty until 13 hours later. There was nowhere I wanted to be than the hospital, right by the side of Jennifer. Not for that long had I being on the road, the gas station was not far away from the hospital compared to my home.

Nothing like flowers had I gotten and walking in the hospital had me feeling small. I was afraid of running into doctor Maynards and further more I was nervous. I thought anyone had known what I had done that previous night.

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