Chapter 1.1

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Chapter 1.1

How we met? ........ People may say or think it was just some luck, a mutual friend had set us up or I was lying about it just to make my experience to sound awesome. My best friend even thought it was a coincidence.

He did not see me hooking up with a person of the opposite sex until when I was 30 0r 40 and that was after someone had done the wooing part for me for the sake of saving me from the embarrassment people face at that age when they are unmarried and worse without a kid.

Me? I had my own version of story of what meeting her meant to me and the miserable life i had at that time. I chose to call her coming into my life the best thing that has ever happened to me, a miracle my heart had been craving to treasure for my whole entire breathing life. Maybe also in the afterlife.

Getting to know her did not occur the way it happens in fairytale stories, a prince charming saving a beautiful princess from a dungeon of dragons. It was far away from being like that. At least maybe the opposite of that with the fairies excluded.

It was not my first time seeing her or I should say seeing each other for we had shared a lot of quick eye glances moments before. We just had never being so close to each other for a conversation to be possible between us.

Sadly, that was before she had completely vanished from school, from the roads and from everywhere I used to see her. That was when I was 12 years old, six years behind the life I had lived by then. I had never forgotten about her black curly natural hair and her name, my late grandmother had the same name like hers. It was her surname and face which were completely erased from my memory.

I do not blame my brain for the lost memories, six years was a long time. I remember my dog died of old age soon after it had turned six and so I guess that happened to some of my memories. We just can't remember everything and everyone in life.

The place we met was just so ridiculous and on top of that, I was totally devastated and confused during this magical moment that I almost switched off the spark that was destined to sparkle. My best friend, Eddie, saying that it was just a coincidence was somehow quite true but I still hold on to my instincts because I believe that it was not some luck one gets after tossing a coin.

I wasn't really expecting anything colorful like it to happen. As already stated, we did not meet at an ideal place. Fantasizing about it could have been a bad idea because it was not where people go to have fun like at cinemas, the lakes or music concerts. It had been a while since my feet had stepped into such places due to what I and my family were going through at that time.

Having fun was not on any of my options. It just did not feel right to do so. I had become that unsociable odd person because my heart was way too broken into many pieces to endure other people's presence as they were in their happiness. It was only Eddie who could understand me then apart from my mother and sister.

Just like the way there is a date for everything, it all began in a day like in any of the days in a year, on 1 August 2004 to be specific, during the early evening hours of the eve of a monday.

I had sat on a couch, my feet lazily rested on a coffee table, I catching anything catchy the channels on the television had to offer. I was home alone. Nobody, not even a pet, was in the house except me. I was not scared though.

I was old enough to take care of myself and beside that, I lived in one of the safest neighborhood of Weca, a little town in the city of Klacont, the smallest city in the country of Delemia. I recall I had sat in the house buried in a pit of sadness, wondering what the next day was going to bring to me. Home was silent and not sweet with the loved ones not around.

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