Chapter 4.2

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Chapter 4.2

Waiting was to not take forever but it soon started to seem so. One minute i was looking forward to hear the phone ring, the next one i was peeping through the windows after hearing sounds of cars that seemed to be stopping and the other i was back on the mirror trying to clean up the mess i had done on myself even though i wasn't finding any.

As a way of trying to pass time i got back to the kitchen to deal with the consequence of forgetting Eddie.

"Oh no!" I exclaimed in shock. It was not Eddie i was worried about; he was human to understand what had happened. It was the food in the microwave that had me worried. I had set time for an automatic countdown microwaves do before shutting themselves and somehow along my panics i had forgotten that i had done that.

Without a safety procedure i opened the microwave and pulled out a plate of food i had put in it. Damn! It was hot like hell. Instead of saving the food, i was to sweep it off the floor.

The doorbell saved me as the night continued to get hectic for me. It rang. Annika had arrived to share her movie tickets with me. It felt absurd thinking that it was a girl who had come to pick me up instead of that happening the other way around but i let that slide by. What was there to lose? Pride? It was dark for anyone to realize what was really going on.

"Coming" i squealed when the doorbell had rang once more and made a little run to the door. I didn't want to keep the lady waiting. I had learnt from many movies that keeping a lady waiting is such a bad idea.

Annika welcomed me outside with a sharp cheerful 'hi'."Hello" i responded, smiling. Her outfit didn't differ that much from mine. If it wasn't for her bowler and red shoes we could have been mistaken for being twins or a couple.

"So, you ready?" she asked, staring at me.

"Mm, ready for what?" i replied, a question for a question. Crazy thing was that i was so nervous that i had forgotten that she was taking me out for a movie so suddenly.

"For a movie as i said on the phone, remember?" she answered and showed me two tickets, frowning at me. "You have already forgotten?"

"No, just trying to flatter you" i said, lying. "Let me just lock the house and we will be free to go after."

"Okay" she agreed. I invited her in and had her waiting for me on the couch in the living room as i cleaned the mess i had created in the kitchen. I was done in a blink and we were off, walking to her car, the VW Beetle. This was the first date i had been on and i couldn't believe it was happening. It seemed so unreal but yet so beautiful.

"Hope you would fit in it" Annika said jokingly as she got into the VW Beetle. I got into it too and became her passenger.

"I am not that much of a human to not fit in it" i said, fastening my seatbelt. She made a quick giggle and then we were officially off to watch a movie. The cinema was in town. It took us 30 minutes to get there.

Getting there came handy but going into the cinema didn't due to the huge mass of people that were there. We had to join a big queue to get our pass in.

"So what's the title of the movie we will be watching?" i asked Annika as we moved at the pace the queue was moving.

"Jersey girl" she answered excitedly.

To the moon and backTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon