Chapter 12.1

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Chapter 12.1

Thoughts were in my head. None was a regret of anything. I had switched off everything in the kitchen, freeing myself from worrying about setting a house on fire. As for Bennis i had a firm feeling that she was to soon realize that i had escaped her seduction. It was obvious to me that she was going to feel deceived, be heartbroken and ashamed. All those mattered less to me. To me what mattered the most at that time was seeing and talking to Annika as soon as possible. For her i was back on the road with my scooter, speeding like never before, overtaking cars and taking shortcuts i knew. I was somehow out of my mind, not thinking of the dangers of being on the road and that people get arrested for violating road's regulations. Annika being in my head had made me lose fear for anything. She had drove me insane.

Three months before i couldn't have been doing all that i had done at that moment and that i was about to do. Games, having a boys talk with Eddie, watching music and movies, being the man figure at my home and thinking about the future i wanted was all i was about. A month later plus the ones next to it i was just a sad 18 years old man with a sister battling cancer in a hospital until when Annika had come to my rescue and won from me the best thing God installed in me, my heart. She definitely just had to own it. At first i wasn't sure of how i was to tell her that. Fortunately, time and circumstances had taught me how to do it.

Ten streets passed and a few minutes later i was off the scooter, standing on a porch, knocking on a door expecting Annika to answer and come out to see me. I had never been faithful to my heart like on this night; i was doing exactly what it wanted me to do for it. I had so much faith that nothing was going to go wrong. Like in my imaginations it was Annika who answered me and opened the door. She was surprised to see me and i was glad to see her. The way she had dressed and was looking someone could have assumed that she was an angel that had come from heaven to earth for a visit had she met them on the road.

"Nigel," she called me, breathily. "What are -"

Before she had said anything complete, I grabbed her, wrapped my arms around her waist and silenced her with a kiss. She gave in to it without hesitating. It was brief.

"What's that all about?" she beamed nervously, my arms still around her waist.

"And - i love you. I swear before God, i really do" i said to her heartily. "Bennis is at my home right now. She seduced me to have sex with her -"

"Wait! What?" she frowned disgustedly and pushed herself out of my hands. "Bennis as in X your co-worker?"

"Yes, her" i replied. "But nothing happened. I was going to do it with her but as i was about to do it i realized that i love you and lost my interest. If it is doing that the only girl i have to do it with its you because i love you."

Annika requested for an explanation of how it had come to for Bennis to be at my home and that i explained to her, vividly. Continuation of confessing my love for her carried on after. I didn't know how to quit.

"I know you got other boys you like but i want me to be the one you like the most and think about even when i am not around you. I -"

"Nigel -"

"Just let me finish. I know trusting someone like me scares you since i haven't being around you since your first day of breathing. On that i want you to know that you can believe in me. You can put your trust in me. I am so into you. I so love you. Cut my heart out and you will be breathless of how it is behaving because of -"

"Nigel, Please! You can stop now. You have said enough" giggling, Annika told me strongly. "I love you too."

Butterflies flew in my stomach. The feeling that was in me i couldn't be without a smile. I was extremely happy. I planted another kiss on Annika, this time feeling comfortable to do anything with her that lovers do.

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