Chapter 6.1

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Chapter 6.1

It seemed as if another day was to not come. It took so long for seconds to make a minute and even longer for minutes to turn into hours. The night was in no hurry to blossom into a day. It had no idea of what was to unfold for me with it gone and that got me bored.

Sitting on a chair that was behind the counter table of the shop i worked i looked at some magazines as a way of wasting time while sipping a hot cup of coffee. That wasn't of much help, Bennis my co-worker was. Her Discman had run out of power. For doing that she cursed it as if it was human before she came to me for my services.

"You have a customer" she said to me, looking at me as if i was the one who had drained her Discman's power. Drawing down the magazine i was seeing i inquired from her, "How can i be at your service X?"

She put her Discman's on the counter table and then slammed a $5 note on it.

"I need cells that fit in it" she said, staring at me rudely. "Four of them."

I got up, took a pack of four cells from a shelf behind me and passed it to her. As i was working out her change on the till machine she asked me, "Why is it that we don't talk?"

I gazed at her and replied, "because you are always listening to your music and moreover, you always sit far away from me."

"For being a man i thought you're supposed to chase after me for being a woman?"

I gave her her change and said, "mm, when i am here i am your co-worker and not a man."

"How old are you?"

"I am old enough to not mention my age."

"Geez! Can you just put that into digits please" she said in annoyance.

"I am 18" i said. "Happy?"

"Yap" she said warmly. "You could be of help without worrying about breaking the law."

"What do you mean?"

"Honestly, i thought you are a miner" Bennis stated frankly.

"No, i am not. I am an adult."

"That's great then. Can i seat next to you. The chair i sit on its not at all comfortable. You can't catch a nap on it."

"Make yourself comfortable. You had me wondering why you made it difficult for yourself by sitting on that chair when there is enough space for two here."

"I love being alone" said Bennis, seriously. "Embrace this moment."

She didn't get to use her new cells until when the knock off time had come in the morning. I kept her company throughout the working hours and so did she keep me, making the night go by a little quicker for me. Her all black outfit was the opposite of her i learnt. Inside her was this beautiful lady with a lot about herself, her view on things and most of the day to day activities to talk about. The one most thing that made her not seem the type to have fun with was her no smiling policy. She never smiled no matter how interesting what we talked about got.

"See you tonight" she said to me as she left for where she stayed, seeming to be sneering at me.

"Until then" i said while going towards my scooter.

For maybe an hour i slept when i had gotten home. I missed having a sip of juice from the bottle on this morning. I was so tired to a point that the bed was all i thought about. My stay on the bed was brief. I was driven up from it by a doorbell. Thinking that it was again the courier serviceman at the door i didn't mind checking what i had on. My memory had a picture of what i was in, a pair of red socks and a white short. I was topless and that i didn't mind. If i had known who was on the door i could have cared and wouldn't have gone out of my room like that.
While yawning i opened the door and hello! A young lady that made me realize i was half naked and made me to wish i had at least worn a vest was now standing in front of me.

To the moon and backNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ