Chapter 12.2

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Chapter 12.2

Annika said that the running made her dizzy and that put me on the seat of the driver. I was responsible for getting us back to her home. We didn't go straight to it. We made a stop at the gas station i worked for a purchase i had never done before. I was to do it alone. Annika had remained in the car to catch her breath.

In the shop behind the counter table was an old man, Mr. Parker. He was the one that used to relieve me of my duties every morning or evening since day one of my working days there. We never talked that much and whenever we did it was always about work. Our age gap had made us not the best of friends. The good i wanted was right behind the counter table, among other goods on the shelf. I didn't have to roam the whole shop looking for it but coming out of the shop made it seem like i had done so and that i had gone into the shop for a shopping spree. I had bought more than what i had gone into the shop for all because i was nervous to tell Mr. Parker exactly the one thing i wanted. The brevity to do so came after making unnecessary purchases.

"Three bars of chocolate, mint bubblegum, rubber bands, lollipops and whoa! A whole pack of cigarettes and nothing like it in here" checking inside a small paper bag i had come with from the shop Annika listed to me the things i had bought. "What are all these for? I don't smoke. You don't smoke."

I breathed out loudly and cleared my throat.

"It isn't easy being a man when you are buying those things for the first time" i said and Annika laughed at me.

"Have you bought it?" she asked me. "You are not going to be welcomed into my home if you have not."

"Relax. I have not only bought it. I have bought them. They always come in a pack of free."

"Oh - well, don't get excited. We are only going to do it once and that's equal to one of them."

I giggled and told her, "relax. I am a man of my words."

Getting back into her home happened more like a cat and mouse chase. We had suddenly turned each other into animals that wanted a test of pieces of each other so bad right after we had parked the car in the garage. We were on our own kind of marathon. Shoes were off our feet by the time we had reached her room. I just topless and her just with her bra and jean left on her i with gentleness wrestled her onto her bed, our clothes scattered on the floor as if they had been thrown there by a hurricane. No vow certificates were holding us back anymore; we were two married people now, husband and wife, about to have a good time of each other's company.

"Hold on" Annika said to me. "Let me use the bathroom."

"Right now?" i asked, shattered by her.

"Yes" she panted. "Right now."

Filled with sadness inside me that i couldn't show i let her go.

"I will be right here looking at the instructions of how to use these guys so that there should be no complications" gesturing, i said to her as she walked to the bathroom.

"Please do that" she said jokingly. "You won't get a second chance if you mess up."

She stayed in the bathroom for a worrisome long time. Quiet and patiently i waited for her. The wait was painful but it didn't move me from my ground. I knew it wasn't for forever i was to wait for her. I however lost the feelings that had risen in me. They needed to be ignited to be alive once more and that wasn't meant to happen that night. Annika's mood had changed when she had come out of the bathroom and she had covered herself up with a bathrobe, a grey one. She looked bothered by something and much distanced from what we were doing.

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