Chapter 3

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A/N: It's a long set up, bare with me the whole "pet" thing is coming up.

Gunshots. I don't think I've ever heard so many, but, from what I could tell neither had the Vampires because as soon as they fired they all seemed to group up. Which told me one thing, 

The shots weren't there's someone had brought a gun. 

My brain scrambled trying to right myself until I felt a warm hand grasp my shoulders. 

"Can you stand?" The young girl was a bit taller than I asked almost silently. Everyone around us was Silent gazing off to the right where I assumed the shot must have come from. 

"I don't think so," I said a bit louder trying to steady right myself. No good my vision was still hazy and a blur. The weakness in my legs refused to subside and what was much worse was that I could feel the blood coming out of my back. 

"Alright, um.." The girl said nervously snapping her head back towards the group of Vampires.  "A-Alright I got this," The girl mumbled more for herself than me. "Um... just try and stay relaxed" 

"Alright," I laughed nervously as the girl slowly pulled me up so I could lean on her. As soon as I was upright I scanned the crowd my eyes flashing back and forth between the groups. 

Towards the other side of the area, there was a group of people in military uniforms seemingly organizing some kind of escape but we were too far away to hear them, and from what I could tell the vampires looked more amused than anything else. "Not good," said firmly attempting to take control of myself before nearly face planting into the ground.

"Oh my God stop you'll kill yourself!" the girl shrieked righting me again. "W-What now?"

That's what I'm trying to figure out blonde. "Alright," I said mustering every ounce of confidence I could. "Do you trust me?" 

"Most certainly not!" She responded quickly. 

"Okay well more towards the back now!" I nearly shouted into her ear but as if on queue a sonata of screams and cheers shut up around us as everyone pushed themselves past us.  

"We're going the wrong way!" she yelled as we pushed against the curtain. 

"Those people are running towards an immediate death,"  I screamed back in a rugged voice. 

I was right, the cheers were silenced and overpowered with screams as people poured out and Vampires chased them down. 

And in that second my eyes flashed and I met the gaze of a bloodied Jack and Louise running into the woods while being chased down. My heart skipped a beat, and a few seconds later I heard a muffled death cream coming from Jack.  


they're dead, I thought My fists clenched and I pulled myself back towards them before the girls clenched grip on my arm reminded me of what was going on. 

"You're right,  where do we go now." The girl wrapped herself around me pulling me in. 

He's gone. I let myself linger on those words before floating down to what the girl had asked. She's right we have to do something, where do we go from here. 

Now that...

No, pull it together there's no helping the dead, it would be impossible. That's the definition of being dead, beyond help. But right now I have to keep myself alive, then and only then can I do anything about all this. 

I have to live.

"Over there."  I pointed towards the line A queue. "We can hide amongst those who are already there." The gate was one way and thankfully this time we would be going in, much easier than coming out. The girl huffed but followed my directions helping me over into the line. 

It was a smart choice. By the time got into the line over half the people who had been in the main area and tried to escape laid dead. Even more, bodies could be glimpsed from the angle we were at. Those who had made it as far as the woods were no more either. 

The smell of death was pungent and the Vampires seemed rather pleased with themselves. 

"Burn in Hell" I muttered. 

Only now did I really take in the girl who had rescued me, she was called than me, but then again who wasn't. But her most defined features were her dirty blond hair which was about hip length and braided. Her eyes were a lighter blue shade lined with grey and she had on a simple pair of jeans and a green tee shirt. She was stunning. And also covered in my blood. 

"Thank you, and I'm sorry," I said motioning towards the bloodstains. "I'll buy you a new shirt when we get out of this." 

"My name's Marnie," the girl said nearly falling over in laughter.  "And if we get out of this we'll have a lot bigger problems than a stained shirt." 

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