Chapter 9

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A grand total of four months had passed since I had first arrived in the pet room when they gathered us up and told us about the upcoming auction. Everyone felt nervous about it but by now we were all very accustomed to that feeling. 

What would it be like, I asked myself, to leave everything behind again only to find more uncertainty. 

Once a Vampire bought you they could do whatever they wanted with you, that had been made abundantly clear. Some Vampires bought humans as companions or personal assistants, while others bought snacks. 

I had decided to build up my endurance in preparation for anything that might happen ao nowadays I was spending more and more time in the small corner of the room which had been set up for physical training. 

It was working too and I was also getting quicker which was a plus. I had never been really interested in sports so I had always pretty physically weak but if I was ever to hold my own I needed to get past that. 

I did have one thing going for me, motivation

Once I got out of here I might be able to escape, or at least stay alive as long as possible. 

There was more food around so I also made sure to bulk up on muscle and healthy fat that could sustain me if I was starved. The trainers seemed to disagree and felt I should be trying to trim my figure to perfection. 

I didn't argue with them but I was uninterested in making them extra money at the auction. Still, to keep them from cutting my privileges I let them dictate some of my eating and workout habits. Not that it changed anything if I had fought back. 

I had a new reputation among the group for being well behaved but spunky. Which was better than poorly behaved and dead. 

Marnie was fairing a lot worse. She was very obedient but she had lost all her personal motivation and character. Now and then I would say something that would spring her to life but shortly afterword she would retire herself and crawl back into bed. 

I'm not sure why everyone seemed so interested in sleeping because we would have plenty of time to sleep in a cage. 

I had better things to do. Even drawing and writing were of more use and so I wrote a letter which I knew would never reach its desired, recipients. 

Dear Mom and Dad, 

I hope things are better where ever you are. 

Things aren't the best here. Next week I'm going to be in an auction. But you don't need to worry about me. I miss you, I miss...

My hand trembled as tears threatened again. 

I miss your smiles, and Dads horrible jokes. If I can get a phone I promise I'll try and call you. Have your numbers memorized by heart. 

So please, hold on.  

I know I gave you a lot of crap for always wanting me to be better. And I'm sorry we weren't together very often. I'm sorry I didn't always return your calls or respond to you in a timely fashion. 



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