Chapter 1

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The next time I woke up I was in the back of a trailer. surrounded by other people from my school most seemed to be asleep, while the rest seemed to be preoccupied dwelling on the day's horrors. There were maybe twenty of us. I moved to sit up more but an arm was firmly wrapped around me.  It was Jack and with him was Louise. 

Of course.

I know I have more important things to worried about but why her of all people.

I braced myself trying to sit up but my muscles felt too weak. I didn't even try and reach for my neck screamed in pain. 

"I have to pee dammit," Lousie muttered.

"Gosh, I didn't even know you knew that word shame on you Lousie," I said laughing a bit my horse voice seeming to catch everyone off guard. "But hell, don't do it on me, aim for out the side." People were staring at me as if I 'didn't understand the seriousness of the situation' But I was the one half laying down with bite marks on my neck so I think I earned my sarcastic remark. 

Jack pulled me in hiding a smirk from Louise who seemed awfully offended. 

"Did Lil' make it?" I whispered to him as I lay against him letting his body warmth keep me warm against the cold air. 

"I don't think so Mina, one of them took her." I nodded solemnly 

"What about the others?"

"Louise and Jean are in this trailer, so is Mr. Watt. Other than that this is full of upperclassmen I don't know" Jack finished I could tell he was about to cry so I whispered an impossible thing. 

"We'll find them, Jack, don't worry." 

But how could he not worry. I should know that myself, but for some reason, though I should have been scared out of my wit's end, I was more determined. It could have been worse. 

Keep telling yourself that. It could have been worse. I have Jack, Jean, and Louise to work with.  Jean was smart and maybe she would be of some help. I didn't know her too well be she had been in my classes a few times. At least I wasn't alone. Or dead.  My nerves were as shot as his but I tried not to show it. 

I had a reputation to uphold.  

I hadn't been intentionally mean at school. I wasn't that kind of person. But I liked to be left alone and as such had a leave me alone attitude. An I don't care persona.  I was the smart sarcastic girl and that was all well and good with me. 

Except I wasn't really that confident or tough. In reality, I terrified of what would happen next. I didn't even know what had already happened. 

It wasn't until much later that I learned this was all part of a large scale attack that was taking down the government and making way for Vampiric rule. 

But at the moment I just let the night take over and fell to sleep.

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