Chapter 15

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The opening bid for Marnie was 8 thousand. 

From the look of the auctioneer, he was offering her lower than he had originally wanted. 

I guess the Vamps don't like food that bites back. 

Two other Vampires matched the bid, I held my breath. 


-A/N- Alright yall, this one's in Checkers' (Nate's) point of view.

I'll give her this, Mina has a way with humans. 


It didn't take a genius to see it. Even if the other pets hadn't heard her they understood what she meant. A born leader despite her abrasive personality. 

Of course she also almost got the shit beat out of her ten seconds ago so she doesn't seem quite so good with Vampires. 

Or seemingly at keeping herself alive. 

Still, behind her mask, I could tell she was shitting herself. The way she was clenching my knees would have seriously hurt any human. 

And wouldn't help for her to know the men currently bidding on her little friend. 

By now there were only two people left bidding for her at fifteen thousand.

The Vampires currently bidding I recognized from seeing them with the Dame. 

In other words, they were bad news for any human. 

The last time I bothered to go to one of Vanessa's parties she unchained a blood slave and let her and her friends chase it up and down the hallways until the thing dropped dead from exhaustion and blood loss. 

But really so a pet's blood isn't the first concern for most buyers. 

But really buying in this kind of auction is more a power play than anything else. 

Anyone who can afford to be here already has blood slaves and staff.  So after the bidding, the real action will start and I'll see what I can do then. 

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