Chapter 7

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Marnie and I were assigned a bunk towards the center so she left off to go and try to figure out what everyone here knew. I had wanted to go with her but she insisted that I rest giving the severity of my injuries as had been pointed out by one of the Vampires. 

 The room offered no privacy of any sort so I knew I could be seen by anyone and everyone who cared enough to look. I had gotten the bottom bunk which was low to the ground and tiny, but given that they called this the pet room I was just glad to not have cages. 

I had never been much of a crier but this was taking a lot out of me as I sat down on the bunk I let a few tears roll down my face before trying to shift my attention towards what to do now. 

It wasn't all that bad. Patronizing as Fuck but I was alive, with a bed, in fresh clothing, and was fed enough that starvation and dehydration weren't a pressing concern. 

I guess submissive behavior had been some sort of requirement during the selection, that or a winning personality. Everyone here seemed quiet and nervous at all times. 

Marnie had a fairly easy time coaxing information out of those she talked to but the only thing they said which seemed relevant was that we had all come from inside that state when captured and had been found within the past three days. 

The toys in the middle of the room had however not been untouched as people made an effort to make due of the situation. 

I myself grabbed some paper and colored pencils to sketch with in order to keep my mind at ease. I had never been big on coloring or drawing but it was a distraction from the current situation. I also found a few books which I read and placed back on their spot disappointed that they were all so boring. 

This continued for three days, we stayed in the room, were minded by the Vampires, and got feed twice a day. On the second day we each got to take a shower but there was, unfortunately, no hot water. 

But on the fourth day, the relative quiet was interrupted by a group of newer Vampires who I guess were there to train us. 

The rules of the place were simple enough: 

Don't defy commands

Be respectful

Stay quiet when instructions are giving other than that as long we didn't cause problems we could talk amongst ourselves. The unspoken rule that we are quiet. 

If we wanted to go to the restroom we had to ask by standing in front of the door so we could be let in. 

But that wasn't the only thing they were here for. Turns out there were a lot of rules about being a pet I hadn't prepared myself for. 

We were instructed to never look our masters in the eyes unless directly told to and to never refuse a master on any matter. They spent a long time discussing what any matter meant but by then I was checked out focused on a Vampire in the back of the room studying us all. 

He hadn't said a word yet I got a sense he was in charge based on the looks exchanged from the trainers in his general direction. He had a tall figure typical of a vampire and dressed in a formal black suit. Underneath it, there was a lilac purple top and red tie which was tucked under his also black suit vest. 

Our eyes met as I watched him and he watched but I didn't look away. 

Bitch I'm a starting contest pro. 

Eventually, he followed the edge of the room and walked over to me as I was sitting on the ground at the edge of the group. As he approached me I realized he was carrying a black and white checkered board of wood. 

A chessboard. 

Well no not really, and if it was a chessboard it seemed awfully out of place. 

The Trainers seemed to be done with their talk and had us group up with trainers and a few others to learn come commands get experience. One of the trainers who already had Marnie approached me but the Vampire instead grabbed me by the collar. 

"I've got this one, she seems fiery." He said in a surprisingly energetic and young sounding voice. I had taken him to be much older but then again you never really can tell with Vampires. 

As soon as the trainers were all out of earshot and it was just us I decided to test the waters. 

"That a chessboard?" It was a dumb question but I cared more about how he would respond to my fraising than anything else. 

Turns out now well. He immediately lifted me up to him "That's Master to you and I thought there was a clear rule about eye contact." My body hurt but more than anything he seemed to be more concerned about me not remembering the rules than anything else.

 "That's too bad," I said, "I was hoping you had a chessboard." He raised an eyebrow at my lack of honorifics. "Master." 

To this surprisingly he patted my head softly. "Do you play," He asked. 

"I bet I could beat you," I paused again but this time I earned a slam across the face which I reflectively returned a punch to. 

No one had noticed what was going on yet which was probably for the better. 

I crept back slowly this time out of genuine fear. 

What the hell was I supposed to do now, I couldn't think of a way to apologize without seeming sarcastic and signing my own death warrant. 

Trembling I dropped to the floor on my knees with my head bowed. "I'm sorry M-master," tears were beginning to form on my face again. "Please don't kill me." 

The Vampire made an effort to touch me again this time far calm but I did my best to evade him nonetheless. I had moved, now behind one of the unused beds crouching down. I clench my eyes closed waiting for him to pull out a whip or something. 

His footsteps were getting nearer until they stopped altogether and I could feel him directly across from me on the other side of the bed. 

"Hey now," He said softly reaching out a hand to my shoulder. "It's alright why don't we get started." Slowly he walked around towards me and helping me to my feet. 

It turns out it wasn't a chessboard it was a marker for pets to sit on when directed to. And he thought me some direct orders similar to dog tricks. 

He told me how to sit and when directed me on my posture and told me what the come and stay motions were so I could recognize them. Unlike some of the trainers, he didn't make me crawl on all fours noting the condition I was in. 

The whole time I tried to say as little as possible and every time he directed me to do something from memory my stomach turned knowing I was bound to mess up. After telling me to sit still he decided to pick me up and set me down on his lap. 

"Mina," He said addressing me by my name for the first time. "I'm not going to punish you for what you did earlier, but I want you to know that your behavior needs to change. It is in your best interest that you take me seriously because not everyone will react so kindly to your humor." 

I understood, what I said was a great impulsive way to get myself killed. 

"Yes, Master, I understand" I responded trying to cover up the fear in my voice. 

"Good girl," he said responding by gently rubbing his hand on my back before shifting me to a spot next to him on the bed. "I'll bring one tomorrow."

"W-wait bring what exactly?" I said nervously 

"A chessboard."  

Vampires PetOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora