Chapter 1 (continued)

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The morning was draft and cold but as soon as the trailer stopped everyone was a buzz. My strength was reasonably restored so I managed to get to my feet after taking a few moments to steady myself.  The whole thing was cramped and filthy. 

Numerous people had lost control of their blatters. 

But we all seemed to have an understanding. What was done today to survive was not to be judged. And I was fine with that. 

It didn't take long for a Vampire to come and open the trailer. There were a few of them likely to make sure we didn't escape.  

A tall thin Vampire stood up. 

"Alright listen up, you're about to be split up based on a category of our choosing. You may be confused but that is not a reason to run. Attempt to defy your handler and they will kill you on sight.  Slowly they started dividing us up mostly by age and behavioral traits. They started at the front and by the time I had been called up, there were only a few more people left in the trailer. 

The vampire that approached me seemed to be one of the only female vampires I had seen thus far and had long silvery hair. She put a black collar on me that had a write-on tag. 

"What's your first name?" 

"Mina," I said making sure to annunciate clearly to her. "M, I, N, A," I spelled aloud to her. "And my last name is-" 

"No just first name."  She said harshly slapping her hand against my face.  I winced and bowed my head.  I had changed my mind, dying young was no longer in my best interest. 

"How old?" She asked in a monotone voice. But she was hard to hear against the sudden cheering and yelling overtaking the people around me. 

Someones running.  Not that I wouldn't but right now of all times they would most certainly catch you. 

"Thirteen ma'am." said slowly maintaining my glance at the ground. Almost everyone around me is cheering or trying to use this moment for some kind of escape. But my response seems somewhat unique even among those who stay quiet. 

But for now, I have appeased the woman and she pats me on the head. "Do you know your blood type?"

"O negative I think ma'am."  

"Proceed to line A."

So there I was, in line A, by myself. With no one else to confide in. I'm not sure what I was trying to accomplish with my little stunt. Jack and Louise were nowhere to be found much less Jean. 

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