Chapter 4

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It was true, right now I needed to be focused on how to survive. Alright, what do we have, I thought making a mental checklist. 

Friends: Dead. Moving on.

Physical condition: Losing blood at an alarming rate, critically injured most likely, oh several bite marks in assorted spots on my body. 

I'm also starving.

Shelter: N/A.

Money: I doubt someone will take it for anything. 

Weapons: Not reachable unless I want to risk going out there again to search dead bodies.  


Marnie. Who may be able to help me mobilize?

This is great. Just great. 

Slowly I attempted to remove my uniform blazer and reach around to my back a searing pain cutting through my nerves. The whip had cut through it and my shirt which was now drenched in my blood. 

The blazer was of thick material so keeping what I had of it intact could be helpful for repurposing. My shirt however was not. My uniform also had a knee-length skirt and leggings paired with ankle socks and tennis shoes. 

Carefully I grabbed my skirt and pulled it down. The leggings looked a bit weird alone but weird was better than death by blood loss or hyperbolic shock. Taking the skirt and ripping it into strips was surprisingly hard on my hands but manageable and after tying and readjusting it all around me it covered up my back well enough. 

I wouldn't die of blood loss if I was able to get help in a relative amount of time.

"Hey Marnie, where are you from?" I finally asked. Marnie had been focused on the outer area watching as the Vampires looked through who remained and moved them around. 

She seemed distant, and I couldn't blame her for it.  I was barely holding myself up at this point. 

"What do you mean?" she said shifting her gaze back towards me.

"I mean where were you when..." I didn't need to finish the sentence for her to fully understand what I was saying. 

"I was at a restaurant with my family." I could see her folded hands shaking. "Last night." 

I drew in a few breaths trying to understand what was going on. This was organized, clearly planned, and it's been going on at least since the lockdown started at school what seemed like a century ago.

Marnie sat down slowly next to me and guided me down with her. tired she wrapped be arms around me burning her face in my shirt. 

I didn't know what to say, we were both too shocked to have much of a response to the whole situation. 

"I'm sorry" I whispered to her letting my eyes rest for a moment. 

"Me too,"


I woke up again a few minutes later to Marnie shaking me awake. 

"Wake up, Wake up," She muttered as my eyes fluttered awake. "The lines moving we have to get moving." 

She lifted me but I felt somewhat better and didn't need too much help. Drowsily I walked forward clutching her arm for balance while the people in front of us were loaded onto an old looking school bus. 

Seeing as Marnie didn't have a collar or tag this was going to take some explaining. The blood would be self explanatory if I could say the right things. Of course that was easier said then done given that Vampires could tell when you lied, or at least that's what people said. 

We however couldn't risk telling the truth either. I was designated for line A so maybe that would help. 

"Marnie," I whispered, "Just agree with whatever I say." 

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