Chapter 5

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Cautiously Marnie and I stepped forward towards the Vampire who was taking records and loading everyone on. 

Everyone who had been in this line seemed fairly young, much like me, but where we would be going I still had no idea. 

Don't lie But don't tell the full truth. 

"Names?" The Vampire's question pulled me out of my head as I scrambled to put on a good show. 

"Oh, I'm Mina," I said slowly giving myself enough time to think about what to say next. "And this is Marnie." I swallowed letting him take not before continuing. 

"Hang on what's up with her tag?" 

I clenched my fists, Deflect the question.

"We were still out there when the people started trying to escape, I just figured it was better for us to be out of the way. I was sent to line A anyways, she was right behind me." 

I could feel Marnie trembling but hoped that maybe the Vampire wouldn't notice I was wrong.

"And the Blood?" I processed the question. He was stern and skeptical but seemed to have excepted my last answer.

"I hid from the Vampires who came to get me," I said slowly shifting the collar to expose the older bite mark. "This was how he punished me, Marnie has just been helping me get around since." 

Still not an exact lie.

There was fresh blood on us but most of it had dried, he also had no idea when I was captured so it could be believable. 

"Okay, you're the last ones so just find something available. They'll take care of the collar and give you new clothes when you get there." 

I breathed an audible sigh of relief and Marnie helped us both on the bus. Normally I would have thought of running. If it were just me, I certainly would have. Even with my injuries.  

But it was no longer just me.  Now there was also Marnie. And though we hadn't known each other for long I felt a deep affinity for her. 

They say that people who go through traumatic situations form close bonds. And at least in my case, the situation left me realizing how much I didn't want to leave her.


Marnie and I found a bench towards the back of the bus. Everyone on the bus seemed rather quiet after being scared for life but the was a soft buzz as people became acquainted with those around them. 

The bus was noticeably freezing though so we opted to stay closely wrapped up together. 

Stretching herself a bit Marnie slid one of her arms behind my head. "Hey, so is your name Mia?"

"Oh, yeah," I said chuckling a bit. "I guess I never told you. my name's Mina, with an N." 

"Ah, I was a bit too freaked out to totally understand what you were saying, so I just tried to act as calm as possible." She said pushing her hair back behind her ears. 

I didn't blame her for being freaked out. I was too, most people assume I'm calm cool, and collected but that's not always true. I just perform well when my life is on the line I guess.

Who Fucking knew.

But whatever was happening, where ever we were going, it seemed better to see what would happen before going off the rails so I just tried to calm my nerves and relax. We both did but despite surviving an absolute blood bath, this was no celebration. And every few moments I had to look around and double-check that we weren't about to die.

Danger felt around every corner which, giving that this was a bus with two rows of thirty benches on it, left a lot of corners to be keeping tabs on. 

Marnie seemed to sense my anxiety and sat up grasping my hands in her lap. 

"Let's talk," she said radiating positivity. 

"Alright," I said calmly trying to focus on making a plan for our survival. "What about?" 

"Hmm, well I don't really know anything about you, perhaps we could start there?" 

Letting out a sigh I turned to face her a bit more directly.  "Okay well, there really isn't a whole lot to me." There really wasn't I had boring hobbies, I went to a boarding school for students whose parents don't have enough time to care about them. And my best friends are almost certainly dead. All and all not a whole lot. 

"Well let's start with something simpler. What do you do for fun?" Marnie responded deflecting my brush off. I wasn't annoyed with her, far from it, but I'm just not a big conversationalist. 

I thought about it letting my mind wander a bit before settling on a good answer.  

"Well," I began, "I go to a boarding school in downtown highland, I'm a theater student and a member of the new Wings program. It's an advanced learned course for students to get early enrichment opportunities. I do debate and chess club as well." I paused a moment. I was spewing out a resume really. "Actually I recently quit the chess club because I got bored with it. I can also play the piano and viola. I'm not great with the violin, the E string gives me a headache." 

Marnie smiled sweetly to the last part. 

"I'm not joking I sound like I'm killing a hamster when I play," I said a bit defensively. 

"Oh, no I'm just laughing because my brother plays the violin and he always complains about the viola," Marnie said seemingly worried I might be offended. 

"Yeah, I guess it's just like that." 

"But you mentioned you go to boarding school in highland, that's awfully far away from here, how long were you in the trailer?" 

Wait how would she know that was far away, is she from here?

I guess it made sense but the idea that the Vampires had a larger domain than I had initially thought worried me.

"A while, I think since late yesterday morning. But do you know where we are?" 

She pondered for a moment glancing out the window. "Not really, my family was on a road trip but I remember passing through here yesterday morning in the car." She was clearly very worried about her family and I could see her rubbing her neck nervously.  

"Man, I'm really hungry," I said trying to change the subject to avoid any more awkward silence. 

"Me too, I wonder when they'll feed us," She said sadly.  

"Hopefully whenever we get there, until then we should try and rest up." 

"Aye, Aye Captain," she said pulling me in closer to her. She was warm and comforting unlike my rather pessimistic disposition and analytical death statistic calculating mind. 

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