Chapter 10

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Back on the plane Zayn and Liam where slowly fading away from life. Their girlfriends ment the world to them and not knowing if they are dead or alive seemed to haunt them. Harry, Louis and Niall tried to track their phones but not even Eleanor's was coming up. They thought that they had this whole thing in their hands but they began to wonder that the evil man was playing them. They all felt useless. Not knowing where the girls were made it impossible for them to find them! They thought that without Zayn or Liam's help this would never work. Louis wasn't fading away so easily but day by day he began to give up. With only 2 members active it made the chances of the girls return impossible. That is when Niall finally said "Ok! Well if you want to give up fine! If you come back to us we might find them! 50-50! But now! 0% chance! Guys know one knows the girls better than you! We can try find clues but we need your help! Its not 2/5's of One Direction is 1 whole One direction! Please think of them! If you dont snap out of this you will never see them again!"

Zayn's eyes got its usuall brown colour. Louis smiled. And Liam face turned peach! Slowly, slowy they were returning. The plane had landed in London and the boys stayed there as they had no other place to go. After a day or two they were back to normal. They all gathered around the laptop. "Ok so umm Louis did Eleanor ever say anything about some ugly evil man?" Harry said. "Yes Harold, cause if she would have said something like that i wouldnt tell you OR i wouldnt call the cops!!" He said. "Ok..." Harry said. "Wait! Umm Eleanor did give me a lion before she got kidnapped. She umm told me to umm hug it when i miss her" he said. "Well umm where is this Lion?" Niall asked. "Back at the house!" He said. Harry went to find the pilote and gave him orders to go back to the house. As they arrived Louis ran up and got the Lion. "Did you ever hug it before??" Niall asked. "No... But i want to now!" Louis said looking far away in the distance. "Ok then hug it!" Harry said. Louis gave it a squeeze and quickly pushed the soft toy away! "Ow! There is something pionty in there!" Zayn got a knife and cut it open. In it was a key. A key with the handle of a heart. Ingraved on it was a music note and a box. "A key? A key to what?" Louis said. Liam took it in his hands. Studying it angle by angle. "Music, box, music, box" he kept saying. "A Music Box!" Zayn said! "Perrie told me she gave Eleanor a music box for her birthday!" He continued.

"Lou, did you ever see a music box?" He asked Louis. "Nope, never.... All she has is this metal heart but it doesnt look nothing like a music box!" He answered. "All Perrie said was a music box..." Zayn mumbled. "Well let us go to her house and try and find it!" Louis said. They went to her house and Louis opened the front door and Eleanor once gave him the spare key to cut another one like it as she had lost the original and forgot to give it back. They dashed to her room. "There!" Harry said pionting to the heart Louis said. They put the key in the key hole and opened it. "Wait! You see this! There is another weird key to open the top part!!" Liam said. Louis rushed his fingers alond the weird key hole. "Round, pionty, ummm " he mumbled to himself. "The Heart!!" Niall screamed. He snached the key from Louis' hand and put it in the key hole. Click! It opened!

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