Chapter 11

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The box opened reviling a piece of paper and and half a diamond shaped necklace. On this piece of paper there was a riddle: Dimonds shine, complimenting the moon. They all looked at eachother. "First things first we need to find the other half of this necklace and " Louis began. "And i know who has one!" Liam said. "Danielle! El, gave it to her as a friendship necklace!" He continued. "Wait!" Niall said. "Doesn't this make you wonder why all the clues are there for us? I mean this has to be a set up right?! Maybe they knew this was going to happen and they didnt want to tell us! So they did all these clues so we find them!" With those words Harry's phone rang. "Hello?" "I see you are on a hunt!" The person said. "Where are they! Who are you!" Harry said. "5 days..." He replied and the call ended. The boys heard everything. "The worst part is that we got captured and he never removed his mask so there is no way of tracking him if we dont know what he looks like! Even his hair could be fake!" Louis cried. "5 days.... We need to hurry... Off to Dani's house!" Liam said.

They arrived and went inside. Liam knew where she hid the spare key... In the flower pot! They dashed to her room. They found her jewellery box. Opened it and 50 different necklaces lay before them. They looked at them trying to find the half diamond. Then Liam remembered "Wait! She has two jewlery boxes! One for special events and one for everyday stuff! Umm so that must be the special events we need the everyday one!" He said. They opened her wardrobe and on a shelf was a wooden box. They opened it and found the half dimond necklace! They put them together and notice that there had to be some sort of circle in the middle to complete the necklace. Harry took the riddle out. "Dimonds shine - the dimond necklace, complimenting the moon - moon? What moon?"

"Ok maybe the moon isnt part of the necklace. Let's keep it on diamonds. Maybe an actual diamond. Maybe a round diamond" Liam said. "Diamond earings!" Zayn said. They opened a small box that contained earings. In the corner they found them. They picked one up. They place the half diamonds together. In the middle was a hole. They put the earing in. A perfect fit! They were magnets! They stuck together perfectly. "Moon" Louis said. "Well Perrie has a half moon necklace?" Zayn said. They dashed out and went to Perrie's house. And there in her jewelery box was a half moon necklace. "Well now we know that the girls knew about what was going to happen. They must have planned this so we can save them!" Niall said. They grabbed the necklaces. "Ok so umm what are they for?" Liam said. He held them up and noticed engraving on them. They read. "The ocean is the box. Down the rocks to fit the keys" Harry said.

"What ocean?" Louis asked. "Guys, we live over looking the sea! That must be the ocean!" Zayn said. They left Perrie's house and headed to theirs. It was night time and they decided to sleep and continue their search tomorrow. It took them a while to sleep but they all had the same dream. The evil man. Just a black shadow. It scared them, haunted them. And there was nothing they could do.

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