Chapter 22 - Christmas Day

Start from the beginning

"Concealment charm," I whispered back in response to his confused expression, "but yes he did and I'm so sorry you saw them"

"That's okay, I know we're not together anymore. I mean, well we never really were," he said quietly. My face twisted in dismay, I know neither of us had never really asked the question but I would have never said entirely that we weren't together. It felt like he was completely diminishing what we had shared. Fred saw my upset with his words and quickly corrected himself, "Officially, I mean"

"Oh yes, I suppose you're right" I replied, fitting back the urge to let tears slip from my eyes. We sat silence for another moment and I heard Fred let out a deep sigh.

"He's not good for you..." he started, "I know it's not my place anymore but even as your friend, I think you deserve better than that"

The tears forced themselves from my lids, I tried to flutter them away but they urger forwards and began to fall freely down my cheeks. I sunk my head into my hands to try and catch them. 

"Hey, hey please don't cry," he whispered, closing the distance between us and putting his arm around me, "It's Christmas! I can't make you cry on Christmas"

I let out a soft, croaked laugh through my tears. No matter how hurt Fred was himself and no matter how cocky or loud he made everyone think he was, he would still try his best to cheer up the people that mattered to him.

"I'm sorry, it's not your fault" I started, tears still streaming, "it's just...I know you're right"

I looked up into his eyes and it felt like we were seeing each other for the first time. A wave of emotion washed over me as I looked into his gentle hazels and my chest began to rise and fall rapidly, I could see his did too. Instinctively we both leaned into one another, but before our lips could meet, I pulled away.

The thought of him not knowing the truth about Draco and the real reason that I had called things off between us, forced its way to the forefront of my mind. I knew I couldn't kiss him when I hadn't been honest. He looked hurt for a moment so I opened my mouth to explain, when a sudden rush of air echoed around us and then another.

Two figures stood on the outskirts of the Burrow, shielded slightly by the thickets. They moved towards us but their motions were stumbled and they fell about over each other. Booming laughter and drunken voices filled the air as the two boys came into view.

"Colin?" I called, squinting at the figures as they came closer. I wiped my tears away and Fred swiftly removed his arm from around me.

"Little sister!" Colin called back loudly, "I thought the rumours of you and that blood traitor might be true"

He let out a loud booming laugh and the boy at his side did too. I had been so fixated with Colin that I hadn't realised he'd arrived with Adrian Pucey. Colin usually spent most school breaks with his family and they must have gotten too merry at the Pucey family Christmas.

"We thought we'd stop by and say hello" Colin smirked, going to enter the house.

"Colin, mate!" Fred shouted, following after him to try and tame the drunken wizard.

You would never have believed that Fred, George & Colin had once been best friends. Growing up over the meadows from another wizarding family meant we practically spent everyday together. Being the same age, the boys quickly formed a firm friendship, getting up to mischief and messing with all their siblings. They would put a 'No Girls Allowed' sign on the twins' bedroom door and devise schemes for hours, while the rest of us played outside and waited for whatever prank they had come up with next.

All three of them were equally matched, Colin being just as tall but with contrasting thick, waved dark hair. When they would get too boisterous and play fight with each other, you would never know who won and they would end up collapsing in a pile of laughter. When we played small games of quidditch they would argue over who would get to be the Beaters because that was the position they were all best at and coincidentally, the position they all now played in their house teams at Hogwarts.

When Colin was sorted into Slytherin they all swore they would stay as close but I suppose it was hard when their schedules clashed and they made new friends in their own houses. That's when Colin got swept up with the awful boys from his year, they reprogrammed him and in his third year he turned on the twins. Fred & George had always refused to tell me what really happened but I heard from older Slytherins girls that Colin had apparently called them blood traitors in a fit of rage after a school match. They never spoke again after that.

Watching Fred follow after him to tackle whatever Colin was going to do to ruin Christmas, made this all flood back and my heart ached that they would never get along. But I snapped back into reality, when Pucey drunkenly collapsed next to me on the bench.

"Long time no see, Reading" Pucey slurred sarcastically.

"Piss off, Pucey" I huffed, turning my body away from him. I lifted myself up to go inside and see what was happening but he clasped either side of my waist and pulled me back down. I tried to bat him off me but he was too strong, even when he was this intoxicated.

"Why do you always want to get away from me, love?" he whispered into my ear, watching me from his seat on the bench.

"Please Pucey, get lost" I groaned, never settling my restless body.

"I was so close to having you right where I wanted you" Pucey hissed, bringing his face dangerously close to mine.

I stared him darkly, before folding my arms over my chest and turning away from him in a huff but he still didn't seem to get the message.

"Don't be like that, I wanted to hear your pretty little moans for me" he whispered, daring to move closer. All of a sudden he snapped his head up to look at someone behind me, "Lucky man, I bet you know all about that don't you Weasley"

I craned my neck to look over at Fred standing in the doorway to The Burrow and I watched as his hands balled into fists. Fred darted over, managing to grab Pucey by the scruff of his neck and pulled him off the bench beside me. Pucey let out high pitch yelp as Fred dropped him to the ground.

"Don't ever talk to her like that again" Fred warned, standing over Pucey as he lay crumpled on the cold grass. Pucey scrambled backwards and apparated on the spot. Fred panted over the empty patch of grass form overexertion and I couldn't help but admire how good he looked when he was like this.

"Get off me!" Colin shouted. My eyes darted to watch George wrestle my brother out of the house, with his arms held behind his back. He had the scarf Molly had knitted for him tied around his neck and was stumbling over his own feet as he was forced out of the house. His dark hair hung messily over his bright red face.

George shoved him free, releasing his hands and sending Colin tumbling to the floor.

"Lay your hands on me again you filthy Weasley" Colin shouted as he got to his feet and dusted himself off. My breath hitched as the words rang in my ears, sounding just like something Draco would say.

"What Colin, what are you going to do?" George jeered, taking a step closer to him. Colin looked frantically around at the two tall boys that were closing in on him, realising his pathetic excuse for back up had deserted him. He huffed and swiftly apparated away too, knowing he was defeated.

The twins quietly panted from the sudden physical exertion and looked at each other for a minute. I busied myself, smoothing down my clothes where Pucey had creased them.

"Umm...I'll give you two a minute" George mumbled, heading back into the house.

Fred sat carefully next to me and put his arm around me again. My chest tightened as I thought about telling him about Draco again, but before I could, he had another topic on his mind.

"What was Pucey talking about? 'So close to having you where I wanted you' what does that mean?" Fred asked, stroking a thumb back and forth against my shoulder soothe me.

Tears filled my eyes as I recounted what happened at the party with Pucey following me when I was incredibly drunk. I decided there would be no use lying and even told him about Draco defending me. Fred sat in silence for a moment listening to everything I said intently, after I finished speaking and he let out a deep exhale.

"If I had known I would have done a lot worse to him" Fred huffed, shaking his head.

A.N. I think Wattpad published a half finished version of this chapter yesterday, I'm not sure what happened, I hope everyone can now see the full chapter / this message <3

& Merry Christmas if you're celebrating today!

Traitor : Fred Weasley, Draco Malfoy & OC FanficWhere stories live. Discover now