Chapter 28 - Poison

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Though the sky was gloomy and the cloud let down a light drizzle, Saturday was full of time spent at the beach. The twins had drawn up a mini quidditch pitch in the sand and insisted we all played with some old broomsticks and bludgers they kept in the garden shed. The game had started off quite friendly, as they knew me, Daphne and Hermione didn't play often but the team mates quickly got competitive.

"Don't you know what you're doing?" Alicia screamed at me from across the pitch. Truthfully I didn't, I was put in the place of Keeper, because I figured if all I had to was stay in place and knock balls away I'd be safe. Daphne was playing in the same position but for the opposing team and we shot each other concerned glances at the others' aggression in the game.

"Alright, Alicia it's just a bit of fun" Fred called, pulling up beside her on his broom and trying to lighten her mood. Alicia huffed and dropped to the ground. She threw her broom onto the rocks as she headed towards the the cottage, splintering its end.

"Bloody hell" George sighed, dropping to the ground himself and packing away the equipment.

"So who won?" Ron called, lowering himself to their level.

"Well we were up 40 points so I suppose we do?" Ginny shouted, coming from her position further down the beach.

"Sure" Fred replied, darting down to help his twin. He wasn't one to concede a win so I thought it was strange that he was being so blasé about it. It seemed Alicia going off in a strop had dampened his mood. I dropped down too and carried my broom to the garden shed, with Daphne following close behind me.

"What the hell was that all about?" Daphne giggled, putting her broom beside mine.

"She's just being childish" I huffed, slamming the door shut. We trailed back to the cottage to wind down and relax before dinner.

Me, Daphne and Hermione sat in a row along the sofa by the window, reading and reviewing our books to one another. I hadn't been this relaxed in a while and all my problems seemed to melt away. I peered over my book to see Fred and George making cups of tea for everyone in the kitchen area, I couldn't stop beaming behind the pages at how lucky I was.

Alicia and Angelina had stayed firmly upstairs after the quidditch match and it felt strange that they were isolating themselves from the rest of the group. But we'd had a pleasant afternoon without Alicia's insistent griping so I was quite pleased she'd stayed away.

Fred placed a mug next to me and gave my hair a ruffle. He leaned over to have a look at what I was reading and let out a fake snore, indicating that that my book was boring. I swotted him away and he went to join Ginny, Ron and Harry as they played cards around the counter.

George sat himself down on the sofa adjacent to ours and sipped at his tea. It was odd to see him so calm, he wasn't reading anything, watching anything, just sat there drinking with his own thoughts. I stared for a minute and managed to catch his attention.

"Are you okay?" I mouthed at him. He gave me gentle shrug and a nod but I wasn't convinced. I excused myself and said I needed some fresh air, motioning for George to follow me.

We brought our teas outside and the piping hot liquid warmed my insides against the harsh sea air. The were smooth stones that lead from the house down the sand dune to the beach and I thought this would be a comfortable place for us to sit. We sipped on our tea for a minute in silence and I waited patiently until he was ready to talk.

"I just don't know about Angelina" George sighed, out of nowhere.

"What makes you say that?" I asked quietly.

"She's amazing and don't get me wrong I've been having a lovely time with her, but...she comes with Alicia" he explained. I nodded as I understood how difficult that must be if you don't get along with your partner's best friend.

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