Even more Correct Quotes

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I'm being lazy so have Correct quotes :D)

These are correct quotes, but this time, it's Hermits and Pause.

Mainly Team Canada 




Mumbo- (talking about Grian) He's like a secret operative. He's like the new James Bond. He's got eyes and ears all over the place. He's probably bugged my campervan...

Mumbo- #boycotGrian

Mumbo- Surfs Up did influence a lot of my vocabulary

Mumbo- gotta get naked and jam

Etho- Did we get any bones by chance?
Beef- I have four bones, yeah
Etho- you wanna lay em on me? Imma go get some more wood for us
Beef- hehe- lay my b- or my- hehehe
Pause- *giggles*
Beef- *giggles*

Pause- Etho!
Etho- Pause?
Pause- What's brown and sticky?
Etho- Beef?
Pause- A stick!

Etho- *saving Beef from skeleton

Beef- Pause, give me your bone!
Pause- Honey~ You just had to ~ask~ politely 
Beef and Pause- Heh heh heh hehehe


Beef- Etho always has a little bit of wood *snickers*

Etho- Tell your mom to get off pinterest

Beef- You're full of good ideas, buddy
Pause- Thanks, pal
(They're so wholesome when they wanna be UwU)

Beef- You're a smart guy. You know what! You're smarter than Etho!
Pause- Don't say that...
Beef- At least you show up to recordings!
Pause- There, I'm more reliable than Etho! You can say that! I'm not smarter than Etho
Beef- ...Nobody's smarter than Etho
Pause- That boy knows how to do things with redstone that no one could imagine
Beef- He's goT tHeM redstone skillz

Beef- are we gUCCI FAM

Beef- little do people know, Etho, like in real life, he's a really mean guy
Pause- He's a jerk,
Beef- He's really-
Pause- he's a jerk
Beef- he's kinda a sweetheart actually
Pause- Yeah we really love him
Beef- he's actually really nice
Beef- not gonna lie, the guy's adorable

Pause- ~I went right through you Beef~
Beef- ~Yeah you did~
Beef- ...
Beef- Just like my morning coffee

Etho- Go make some trapdoors
Beef- Okay. Yes Boss!
Etho- Please
Beef- nonono You got it Boss
Etho- If I say please, that's polite still right?
Beef- Yeah
Pause- Yes
Pause- ...Boss
(he's so sweet q(≧▽≦q) )

Etho- We're never gonna get those anytime soon
Pause and Beef- Not with that attitude!
Pause- OH look at that!
Beef- OHOHOH Pause and I on the same page
Pause- ~mmmhm
Pause- You're just old and I'm a dad so you know it's our responsibilities
Beef- I've got dad jokes for days and I'm not even a dad

Beef- In the next episode?
Pause- (in a weird, deep voice) ~yeah. In the next episode~
Beef- ey! I knew that's what you were settin up
Pause- You're too- I- I- you get me
Beef- I do get you
Pause- Will you marry me?
Beef- I will, but you are married to Andrea
Pause- I will gladly get a divorce
Beef- Oh ok
Pause- EYYYY! You're all invited to my wedding

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