Thank you.

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I'm Mya. 

I'm here because I'm a fan like you. 

A fan of youtubers who play Minecraft together on a server called Hermitcraft.

Some may think it is weird. 

How can someone love a group of nerds who dubbed themselves after a crab so much so that they create stories, worlds, universes, based on the characters they made from just a Minecraft skin and a portion of the personality of the person controlling it? 

I don't know.

All I know is these people mean more to me than you would know. 

This group of youtubers may just be men and women who find enjoyment in the same game that I do, but to me, they are my idols. My heroes.

I had an awful year and they helped me through it.

At the beginning, I was losing my close friends. My best friends for years had found new friends. Friends who weren't awkward or quiet or weird like I was. But I still had some. A few I had made to fill the spaces they left, to keep me not quite as lonely.

And then I lost even those. I got stuck at home with my family, no longer able to see the only friends I had left. 

But I could still text them, right?

At first, yes. But then it gradually died out to the point where they never texted. I tried to keep the friendship alive, but it was a losing battle.

I had lost in the end. 

Now I had no one. A month after the pandemic started and I was alone. 

I still had my siblings and my parents, though. I may not have had my cousins or my aunt and uncle that I saw at least once a week anymore, but I had my brothers and sister.

It only got harder though.

See, I have misophonia. You may already know this about me, so just to sum it up, it is the hatred of sound.

Before, I had to deal with noises at school, so I got pretty good at dealing with them. Not ignoring them.

I can't ignore them.

But I can handle them. 

Now, when I no longer had to hear them, I was happy. Glad to be away from the painful sounds.

So what did I do? I hid myself in my room, listening to music, celebrating the silence. 

A lot quicker than I ever thought possible, though, I lost the capability to deal with the noise.

Before, I could handle being in the kitchen for thirty minutes to cook dinner with my mom while my brother played on the switch in the living room. Now, I'm lucky to survive five minutes of being the same vicinity of the buttons being pressed.

And because I hid from the noise, I'm now stuck in my room, on my bed, with my computer, phone, and books, scared to leave because I know the tiny sounds that crash against my head will cause me pain.

Now it's hard to do anything with my siblings. They sit in the living room, playing Minecraft, laughing and having fun together and I'm in my room, alone.

And it's no one's fault but mine.

So, in a matter of a month, I lost my only friends, lost my defense against the noise, and I lost my family.

For the first time ever, I felt truly alone. 

The only thing that made me feel any better was creating stories and characters in my head, but I even lost all my joy in doing that.

And then I found Hermitcraft. 

I spent the time I was alone, with them. I had found my refuge.

They made me laugh when all I wanted to do was cry. They gave me light in the darkest time of my life. 

They made me feel not so alone. 

Not only that, but they inspired me. They gave me the inspiration to keep creating stories, to keep doing what I loved. 

I found comfort in the amazing animations based on Hermitcraft. The many beautiful animations inspired me so much that for the first time ever, I wanted to actually write the stories down, to share them with others, though I didn't know how. DoctorSiren's Snapshot au had especially boost my imagination and love for storytelling, along with an ATUS animation by amesscalledmaci. That specific animation based around my new interest and my favorite song brought me here.

I had found Hermittpad. The oneshots, the stories, the drabbles. They all gave me the idea to share my own stories here on Wattpad.

I gathered the courage I needed and began writing Love and Despair.

It's been just over a month and the positivity and the encouragement and all the upbuilding comments have shown me that I am not alone. I even made some friends.

And to think it all started with a small video about a man playing Minecraft.

These youtubers quite possibly saved my life because I was quickly slipping down a dark hole that would only get darker. Thankfully, I found something to grab ahold of, to stop my descent. Thankfully, I found Hermitcraft.

So, no, these people are not just youtubers.

They are Minecrafters.

They are gamers.

They are teachers.

They are idols.

They are heroes.

They are Hermits.

And because of these Hermits, I made friends, I found comfort, I joined cults, I gained hobbies, I started doing what I love again.

I've made it through the hardest year yet because they started me on a path that led to me finding what is helping me get better. Writing.

Between the Hermits, the Hermittpadders, and the writing, I'm starting to do more, no longer feeling so alone, so scared of the noises. I'm even proud to say that I am even beginning to join my siblings in the living room to play Minecraft. Yes, I may still have to wear earplugs and headphones blaring music, I'm still able to be out there knowing there are buttons being pressed. 

Though, it's not going to get much better than that for me. Misophonia is untreatable and the only thing I can do about it is try to block out the noises, learn to deal with them. But the fact that in only a month, I was able to progress even that far is unbelievable.

So, thank you. 

Thank you, Hermits, for saving me.

Thank you, Hermittpadders, for believing in me.

Thank you, Sammy, for being my friend.

Even if y'all didn't know you were helping me, y'all did, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything.

It means the world to me.

Hermitcraft Oneshots :)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora