
1K 23 21

I have no clue what Imma write so excuse any crappiness or weirdness xD



Word Count: ~1.5K


TW: none


POV: Etho


"Hurry up!" Beef grabbed my elbow, dragging me behind him as he ran down the street, eager to get to the restaurant. I chuckled, following my friend as we jogged, excitement filling our minds. 

Soon, we made it to the small diner. Beef shoved open the door, frantically seeking for the familiar tan figure. 

"BEEF!" Pause was seated in the back corner, jumping to his feet when he saw us enter. His eyes travelled over to me. "ETHO!" 

"PAUSY POO!" Ignoring the annoyed stares of the other customers, the three of us raced to each other, wrapping ourselves in a three way hug. Beef and Pause were literally jumping in place as we pulled apart, throwing a jumble of hellos and other greetings, talking over one another in our excitement. We were interrupted by a throat being cleared, and glancing over, we saw a lady glaring at us through the corner of her eyes, giving us a not so subtle hint. My face heated up, getting hotter when Pause and Beef both stuck their tongues out at her at the same time. I shoved the two back towards his table, shooting a small apology to the lady. 

My two friends skipped to the table, laughing as I silently walked behind them, a small smile gracing my lips. We took our seats, Beef and Pause sitting on one side of the booth while I sat on the other. I pulled my legs up, sitting sideways with my back against the wall, stretching out over the bench. 

"I've missed you so much!" Beef threw his arms around Pause, hugging him tight against his chest. The poor guy tried pushing himself off, shooting curses at Beef.

"Beef. Release," I scolded, trying to swallow my laugh. He pouted but let go, releasing Pause who dramatically gasped for breath, throwing himself back. 

"You could have killed me!" 

"Oh boohoo!"

I interrupted their bickering, throwing in my own question. "Pause, how's Andrea?"

His face lit up, eyes filling with love at the thought of his wife. "She is great! She told me to tell you hi and sorry she couldn't make it." 

"Tell her she is perfectly fine and has nothing to be sorry for. Life comes first."

Beef jumped in. "How's the kid?"

Once again, Pause's face filled with love and excitement. "She is amazing! Look!" He pulled up his communication panel, swiping over to his camera roll, and with the brief look I got, it was full of Andrea and his daughter. Pause pulled up a picture of a little girl that looked like a carbon copy of him. The kid was dressed in jeans and a t-shirt with a dinosaur on it, a backpack that was way too big for her small frame on her back, and she was holding a sign up that said 'First Day of Kindergarten!'

"No way she's in kindergarten already!" 

"I know. It feels like just yesterday she was born. But now she is almost 6 and going to school!" Pause shook his head. "It's crazy."

"It really is."

"Tell her that Uncle Beef and Uncle Etho say hi," Beef said, sitting up, eyes sparkling.

"I will be sure to. But what about y'all? How have you been?"

"Pretty good," I answered. "I had really missed being in Hermitcraft."

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