Hermit Games?

705 18 496

I'm bored so Imma do a hunger games thingy with Hermits, so enjoy the insanity!



I'm using a randomizer to pick who goes in what district btw!

District 1: Keralis and Jevin

District 2: Iskall and Stress

District 3: Cleo and Xisuma

District 4: Grian and False

District 5: Doc and Zedaph

District 6: Hypno and Joe

District 7: Scar and TFC

District 8: Wels and Mumbo

District 9: Impulse and xB

District 10: Beef and Ren

District 11: Bdubs and Etho

District 12: Tango and Cub


Let the 1st Annual Hermit Games begin!

Place your bets now!

I'm rooting for TFC




Doc snatches some arrows from the cornucopia.

Etho spears xB in the abdomen.
ಥ_ಥ xB...

TFC takes a spear leaning on the cornucopia.
Good start TFC! Keep it up buddy! You got this!

Stress sets Impulse on fire with a flame thrower.

Joe strangles Keralis with a rope.
Papa K... Joe why?

Ren grabs some land mines but they accidentally explode.
Yeah that makes sense-

Scar, Cub and Hypno get into a fight. Hypno triumphantly kills them both.
Hypno just singlehandedly took out the entire Convex by himself... Respect.

Iskall steps off his podium too soon and blows up.
Really? Really!?

Tango finds a bag full of food.

Xisuma severely slices Jevin with a sword.
The Hermits are brutal...

Bdubs and False dash for the same bag of food and supplies. False gets scared and retreats.
False...getting scared...of Bdubs? That doesn't seem quite right?

Wels kills Grian as he tries to run.
Wels is now the Dreamslayer slayer

Zedaph finds a bow and some arrows
That sounds a lot more helpful than just arrows... Doc, take notes.

Mumbo takes a spear leaning on the cornucopia

Cleo takes a spear leaning on the cornucopia.
So... Who copied who?

Beef clutches a first aid kit and runs away
That's accurate


Dead: xB, Impulse, Keralis, Ren, Scar, Cub, Iskall, Grian




TFC receives medical supplies from a sponsor.
Your welcome TFC. I hope you enjoy my gummy bears :D

Zedaph kills Mumbo with his sword.
Where did the sword come from? You hidin something from me Zedaph!?

Xisuma discovers a hidden pathway.
That's it. Xisuma won. He found Narnia.

Hermitcraft Oneshots :)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora