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Xisuma and Xizara, yall have a triplet...

Welcome to the family, Xiyiva!


Also known as Y or Yiva


there is apparently an evil evil Xisuma, know as Ax or Apathetic Xisuma, but I have named him Xiyiva for my stories.


From now on, these will be the Headcannons I use for any story involving Xisuma, unless I say otherwise. (not is Love and Despair. That one aint changin now xD)

Xiyiva has blue armor, dark purple eyes, and blonde, floofy hair
Xizara has red armor, bright purple eyes, and white, shoulder-length hair
Xisuma has green armor, light purple eyes, and brown, short hair

All of them have an x shaped scar across their noses

If it says Xizara is a Void burned Voider, that means that he was banned to the Void and he was 'burned' with the Void magic, a type of magic that you no one really knows about, and is around the same strength as a high tier Admin's magic. He has black, like pitch black, magic (not every story involves him being banned to the Void. Some banning may mean different things, but I will make sure the story tells you that)

Xiyiva taught himself Wizard magic. He now has his black Voider magic along with blue magic from his spells.

Xisuma is an Admin, and has purple magic, with black sparky stuff

They all have similar strength in regards to magic. Their Voider magic was the same strength, and the Admin, Void, and Wizard magic they gained were all pretty close in strength. Xisuma is a little bit stronger than Xiyiva and Xiyiva is a little bit stronger than Xizara, but not by much.

Xisuma is the 'good' guy. Nice, kind, stuff like that.

Xizara is the 'bad' guy. Rude (ish), sarcastic, stuff like that.

Xiyiva is the middle grounds. Not nice, but not mean. Just kind of 'go with the flow' 'I don't really care all that much about anything' type of guy.

I think that's it but I don't know.

I may add more if I think of something.

~Buh-Bye!! 💛💛

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