7 captured... oh not any more

Start from the beginning

The boy rubbed his eyes and got into the kitchen. I hid me in the shadows near the door, the best I could and when the teenager was in the kitchen or so, I got out of the apartement. I really really hoped that noone came to the idea I wanted to rubber someone or so,  cause I hate it when someone said that. I hate it to  do illegal stuff, but with my life I couldn't do it otherwise. We need to do illigal things to survive. 

I grabbed the doorknob and got out of the apartement. I ran to the front door of the buildingI looked outside if Eraserhead was there somewhere but I couldn't see him, so I got out of the building and ran into an hidden alleyway that just a few people noticed. But We are speeking about ERaserhead. He would notice this alley. I hope he isn't near here anymore. 

In this moment, I saw him jump from rooftop to rooftop in the other direction. I got out of the alleyway and looked around. Now I had to find the others. I walked the down the street and suddenly saw Toto came out of another alleyway. I waved at him and he came to me. I asked: „He, Toto. Did you see one of the others?"He anwered: „No. But I heard one of the kids say that someone got captured. And I know where too. He said ***************. LEts go there. Maybe one of the others is there aswell, who could help us to free whoever is captured." I nodded and followed him through dark alleys and Abbreviations, untill we came to a main street. We saw Eraserhead and his students gather around one of our friends. But I couldn't see who it was. 

Suddenly Eraserhead took a step to the side and I was worried that he could see us, but we hid before that could happen. But now we could see who was captured. And it was Yu (Yuri). He was cheekily sticking his toung out at the Pro-hero. Typical. He always makes jokes with Shini (Kenshin) and pranks one of us or a pro hero. I remember clearly, when he pranked Endeavor and the #2 hero got mad. Well, we fought him and noone of us was badly injured. Just a few scratches. 

I looked at Yu again and noticed that he saw us. I waved a little at him, to „say" that we are going to free him. He nodded, so that noone of the heroes in training noticed, that there someone else from the drak shadows were. 

Yuri POV

I was sorrounded with heroes in training and a underground hero. Not my best day. First of all, I had to go in the trash can, to look for food. And then I got captured by some soon-to-be heroes, just cause Hiroki said that we are not allowed to unjure one of these kids. But at least I could do some jokes. Everyone could see, that I was going on the nerves of the whole class, including the teacher. In this moment, I saw Izu and Tomi in an alleyway behind some trashcans and other things. They looked at me. But I couldn't see the others. They were propably somewhere else and hadn't noticed that I was captured, or where. 

Then I saw Izu wave at me, and I nodded a little. Lucky me, none of the wannabe heroes noticed it and Izu and Tomi staied hidden. I just hope they are not going to get captured like me. And hopefully, they are going to free me. That would be one of the only good things today. 

Hiroki POV

I had found the rest of the gang. Just Tomi, Izu and Yuri weren't here. I hope they didn't get captured or injured. We are going to search for them, if they don't show up, in the next 5 minutes. 

(5minutes later)

Ok. We are going to search for the three. We climbed on the building to have a bigger sight and a better chance to see them. We ran like, 5 minutes, then we saw thee class of soon-to-be heroes and their teacher. And then... we saw Yuri in the middle of them. HE was capture. Suddenly, we heard something from the alleyway „under" us: „Psst. Hey. Hiroki!" We looked down and saw Izuku and Tomi hiding behind sime things, people left there. We jumped down of the roof and got to them. When we were there, Tomi explained: „I saw Izuku on my way here. The kids, that followed me, said something about someone of us being captured and he said where too. So Izu and me got here. We have to save Yuri. I heard him making some jokes, but he's angry. That's clear. And I don't want an annoying Yuri for the rest of the day, so we should free him soon, so they don't make him more angry." The others nodded, and I agreed with them. Yuri was really annoying when he was angry at something or someone. Izu was the only one, who could stand a angry Yuri. Buut the rest of us, didn't want to deal with an angry Yuri, so we were going to free our friend quickly.

3 minutes later,we already had a...well.. I don't know if he was good, but it was a planj. Yes. We had a plan. Our teamwork was really good, so we didn't need to plan that long. 

Izu climbed on the building and the others got ready too. And then Izu threw a smoke bomb to the little group. There were civilians on the street too, so we just used a little one which dosn't last long and didn't fill the whole street. I jumped outof my hiding place, and put special googles on. I grabbed Yuri, while the class and the teacher was distracted and ran. Three others were sending light signals, so that I knew, where I had to go. Yuri's eyes were closed cause of the smoke, but he trusted me. I came out of the smoke and pulled Yuri in an alleyway and hid behind some things again. Yuri coughed and opened his eyes again. When he saw me, he smiled.  I smiled back. The smoke on the street disappeard and the people inside the cloud looked around confused. 

The blonde with the spiky hair set of some small explosions in his hands and yelled: „Sh*t. THIS DAMN EXTRA DISAPPEARS!!!!! F*CK!!!!! HE WAS OUR ONLY TRACK!!! DAMN!!!" The red headed one tried to calm him down: „Hey, Bakubro. Calm down. I'm sure we're going to see them again. We saw them twice...no...actually we saw them three times, if you count that one time at the mallAnd I think it was so manly. They freed him soooooo manly!!!!" an other blonde with a black lightening bold in his hair agreed with his friend: „You're right Kiri. That was really cool. So suddenly everywhere was smoke. And noone could see. And then the smoke disappears, with the boy. I wonder what creature or monster was in there, that ate the poor boy. He didn't do anything. We should be careful. Maby the monster want to kill us aswell. We shouldn't be out here. Let''s build a base and hide in there. MINAAA!!!!! Save meeeeeee. I'm scared. What if the monster likes cool, clever boys with electrice Quirk the most. What if they are his favourite food?" He clung onto the pink girl that lookes like a alien or soemthinglike that. I have to admit, that's a cool Quirk. She lookes indeed, really cool.

 (Not a ship, I just want to say that Mina is reeeeaaallyy cool. She is one of my favourite charakters and yeaaahh...I don't know why I wrote that.....)

When the class walked away I pulled Yuri with mje, to the place I told the rest of the gang to go there after we have freed Yuri. When we got there, the others were already there. Yuri hugged and thanked everyone.

That was the fastest time I ever updated!!!!! Yaaaaayyyy! Also......TTTTTHHHHHHHAAAAAAANNNNKKKKKKSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!! I HAVE OVER 400 READS!!! I STARTED THE STORY OUT OF FUN AND I DIDN'T EXPECT ANYONE TO READ THIS STORY. THANKS!!!! I hope you enjoy this story. I'm always so bubbly when I see that someone put this stry to a list or commented. I'm just always soooo thankfull!!!!

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