6 Their Parents

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Thrid Person POV    with the Gang

Riyuka and Izuku had overheard the conversation about them after they left. Izuku was shocked. He knew his dad hates him, but he didn't know that his dad broke free. And that he wanted revenge. Ryuka looked at the boy besides him with worry. Then he grabbed the hand of Izuku und hurried to their friends. They were playing hide and seek, so they had to call out their names, till the whole gang was there. They looked at the shocked Izuku and the worried Ryuka. Hiroki asked: "What's wrong? Ryuka, what happened?" Ryuka explained what had happened and that some prisonors broke free. And that Izukus dad was with them too. And that he wants revenge on his son.

The gang was worried for Izuku. They all cared for him deeply (Do you say that?) and didn't want him to get hurt.  Not physicaly and not mentally. So they went to a abondened skater park and sat on some ramps. Izuku cuddled with them and asked Kenshin: "Shini... could you... could you tell us some jokes?"

His friend began telling good and bad jokes and all of them laughed and chuckled. They were surprised that Izuku asked for jokes, cause usually, he doesn't talkes, unless noone other than the gang is there (And then he just whisperes), or he has to tell their customers Some informations. 

In the  evening, they separated and only the boys That live on the streets Stayed together.  The Others went home. 

The homeless teenagers snuggled together in a dark alley so they could warm each other. Then Izuku asked the leader of the group, who was like a Big Brother vor him, in a whisper: „Hiki...What if... if they find us and... separate us and hurt us and some of us die? I don't want That to Happen." Hiroki whispered back: „That's Not Gonna happen. We will always be together. Ans none of us is ging to die. And if they find us... than we are going to Right them, till they give up. You don't have to be in fear. We are strong. We Fan defeat them. And now sleep a Bit. We are going to geht up early tomorrow. And I have a feeling That something interessant is going to Happen. Good Night." „Night" Said Izuku and drifted to sleep.

Next morning, they got up at 3 am. But that wasn't unusual. It was a long way to the city, where they could find food and clean water to drink. So they needed around three hours to get to a  relativ good part of the city. They had no money and had to get their food out of the trash. 

They stood in an alley in front of some trash cans and looked at eachother. No one wanted to get in their and watch for some good food that someone threw in there. It was clear that neither Hiroki, nor Izuku was going to climb in that trashcan. Hiroki not because he was the leader and noone dared to tell him he should, and Izuku not because ifhe would have to go, at least 10 f the others would go in there in stead of him. They didn't want him to rummaging thorugh rubbish. 

It ended up, being Yuri, who had to do this. He found some bars that had expired but were still good ans the rest of Food from a restaurant that was left over and was placed in such a way that the rubbish didn't make it dirty. That was enough for the rest of the day. Suddenly, they saw some kids of the class, that Izuku and Ryuka had „met" yesterday. The boys looked at them and hoped that the students won't see and recognize them. And then the gang saw the teacher, Eraserhead, too. There was a chance that the teenager won't see them, but it was clear that Aizawas senses were on guard. Even if they would stay where they are, the underground hero would notice the group. And they didn't know what he would do then. The last time, he chased them. And there were only a few seconds till the dark shadows were in his reach. As fast as they could, the friends ran out of the alley and tried to stay hidden between some bulidings and people that were already up and on the way to work or school, but Eraserhead saw them. Now they had to flee from an underground hero and his class full of Heroes in training. That won't be easy. The class immmediately pursued the gang and tried to capture them. 

Aizawa POV (didn't expect that, hmm?)

My class was in the city and I had to be with them. I didn't look forward to it, bit who would? Well...Hizashi and Nemuri maybe. Or All Might. But I not (?).  The kids are just too loud. I just want to go back home and sleep... and coffee of course. The problem chirldren had to go to an appointment, well...at least something like this. But I really don't understand why we have to get there 3 hours early. I could drink so much coffee in this time. Or I could sleep. And propably many other things too. But nooooo. I had to go with them cause they are to troublesome. It's like they are magnets to trouble. But really, how do they do that? At leaqst once in a month, thy get attacked by a villain. And not just low time villain. And of course, they had seen two members of the dark shadows, what was also troublesome when you think that they can rival Endeavour. And that they know everything about everyone. My theory is that one of them has a Quirk to tell them all that. 

Anyways. I suddenly saw a movement in the corner of my eye and looked at it. It was the gang. The dark shadows. They had noticed us and wanted to flee. But I stopped the class and ponted at them. We followed them immediately. I wanted to captuer this gang already. They got on my nerves. I really needed more coffee. The gang splitted of and Always two kids followed one member of the gang. I followed one by mysel, while Shinsou, who was also there, followed one together with Tsuyu Asui. I noticed that I followed the youngest of them. The one that Bakugou recognised.  I wonder if he is really Izuku Midoriya. Suddenly he climbed a building and I couldn't otherwise, but think that he can do that pretty well for someone his age and didn't trained with heroes (or villains) The gang had propably showed him how it works. I climbed the building too  and saw the boy jump to another roof. Then he swung himself of the railing and got inside an apartment with an open window. He propably fled through the door and got otside wothout me noticing, cause I couln't find him. Suddenly I got a message. I opened my phone and was really really surprised, aswell as proud and shocked. 

The message was from...

Yeaaaahhhhh....that was my first real cliffhanger (I think). Ihope you like the new chapter. Also, sorry for the late update. If you find grammar or spelling mistakes or other mistakes, please point them out, so that I can fix them. 

Have a nice day/night, I don't know. And if you have it now too, then have fun in your winter holidays, but maybe summer holidays, depents on from where you are reading this. And yeeeaaaahhhhh. That was it.


Izukus GangOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora