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Hi. This isn't a chapter. I just wanted to reccommend two stories. They have the same author. It's @Kmw0113. (I hope the tag worked)

So.. the name of the  first story is:

Not All There Anymore

It's about Izuku. Inko died and he is with his grandma, but the grandma is abusive and he tells Bakugou and they are friends again. I really like this story and would be happy if you would look at it, some time.

The second Story is:

STar Light, Star Bright, The First Time I've See The Stars In

It's about Izuku and Eri. They are both with overhaul. But Eri knows the outside, while Izuku didn't have a name (till he found out) and never was outside. They both are experimented on and try to flee together. 

Like I said, They are both reeaaallyy good (MY OPINION!!!!) and I can just recommend them. The author has other stories too, so you can just look at the authors profile. 

Also, I'm working at the next chapter, but School.... well, It's a littlebit much atthe moment, so it'll need longer.


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