14 captured Kisho and a lot of chaos

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Last chapter: all of the wild wild Pussycats stared at me and I only had one option. Run

Kisho POV (same time and location)

Since I didn't really had an other option, I ran. But I could see Mandalay, Pixi-Bob and Tiger following me. They were fast, and not as fast as me. And there are many disadvantages when you are always recognized, when you are outside. Fans of the wild wild Pussycats surrounded them, and hold them up, so I could ran away. 

If I'm be honest, I feel a little sorry for them.

Ooohhh. That's something new. YOu have a nice side for something other then your friends? I have to tell Yuri

YOu wouldn't dare. If he comes to me and annoys me with something like: „You have a nice side?" ANd he is making fun of me, later, then I'm going to blind you with my hands, until you can't open your eyes our of pain. Do you understand?"

Yeah. You never let me have my fun. It would be funny to see how he is making fun of you cause of your soft side. Hmpf.

Anyways, before I dissappeard into ay alleyway, I saw Ragdoll with the brat getting stuck in the crowd of fans too, but RAgdoll had her mobile phone out and it looked like she was calling someone. I bet she was calling some heroes, who would go on my nerves now. But first, I had do find my friends. I ran out of the alleyway and nearly bumbed into Yuuto. 

Well, he would have bumbed into me. I never bumb int o anyone. 

I asked: „Did you already hear what happened, or do I have to explain it to you?" He saw me with a questioning look in the eyes and I sighed. Then I explained what Ryuka had explained to me earlyer, and hat we might have some heroes on our tails soon.  He looked at me with a scolding look and I just crossed my arms. What can I do, when a stupid little brat bumbs into me, roasts me-

So you admit he roasted yooouuuuu?

Shut up! Like I said, NEARLY roasts me and is coincidentelly in contact with the wild wild pussycats, who recognizes me and want to chase me. It's not my fault!

Yuuto just shrugged and we made our way to the hideout of the yellow scarfs. Just slowly, cause we had 45b minutes until we had to be at the hideout, and we had to contact the others where we would meet. Suddenly, a hero stood in front of us. It was Present Mic. HE is to loud for my liking. He looks at us and began to chase us. It seems like, he was contacted from RAgdoll or something like this. But that's not all. Just a few minutes later, Midnight joined the voice hero. Yuuto and I ran side by side and tried to get away from the heroes. Suddenly we saw Takashi being chased by his father. Yuuto looked behind us. The heroes were near, but we had to help Takashi. His father had a knife quirk and could manipulate knives on their way to the target. And Takashi was the target. i jumped in front of Takashis father amd blend him, so he couldn't see his traget and his knives fell to the floor. Yuuto ran to Takashi, who had some injuries, but nnothing bad. I looked at them and yelled: „GO! RUN! I can't blend him forever and even if, he is slowly going to get used to it and will attack!" Yuuto asked: „But what about you? He will kill you!" 

I just yelled back: „The heroes are nearly here. But don't you dare and don't come to free me. I don't really want to put in jail, you know?" Yuuto nodded and helped Takashi to stand up. Then they ran. And I was left alone with two heroes and the father of a friend, who wants to kill us. Great. Just great.

And let me tell you reader, if I hadn't such a horrible author, that wouldn't had happen. We all could just live happy with our familys and original stories. It's all the fault of the author.

Izukus Gangحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن