12 the Small talk

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Last chapter: Then Izuku opened his mouth to say something to the class. He said...

Third person POV  (same time and location)

„Thank you for capturing... the man." It was a whisper and the class could barely hear it, but all of them understood what he said. Suddenly, a boy with black hair ran to them, panting. It was Sero. He was hurried to them, after he knew that the others had the man, so that he could leave. He looked at the greenette, who turned around, away from them. Before the younger boy could drive away, Sero called out for him: „Wait. Why don't we talk a bit? I'm really suspicious. Who was followeing you?" He carefully sat down, on a small wall behind them and the whole class too. They didn't want to scare the greenette away, so they were so calm as they could be. 

Sero POV (I really don't know why I'm doing this. I just think it fits) (same time and location)

The boy slowly sat down, on his skateboard. Phew. 

(I don't know if I wrote that right it's the sound you make when you relieved? YOu know what I mean?)

Good. But he didn't asnwer my questuion. Bakugou did it for him. He said: „It was his father, Dumbass. I told you that he want revenge. But, Deku, where are your friends? Usually, they are always with you. Well, I thought."  'Deku'or Izuku Midoriya, said: „they are being chased by their parents too. And the others are at their homes. Well, atleast 15 minutes ago." Noone knew what to say now. Thankfully, Denki said: „MAn. YOur own father is chasing you? That's not cool. If you want to, you can always come to us, you know?" Midoriya chuckeled lightely, but said: „No. I don't think that's possible. You are stdents from UA. A hero school, full of heroes and soon-to-be HEroes. ANd I'm a member of a wanted gang. It's not a bad typ of wanted, but it's still wanted, so..." Now it was awkwardly quite and I had no idea what I should say. The boy in front of us, seemed to think about something. It was Denki who safed us, again: „Did you know, that there is a really cool studio on the UA campus? It's the USJ, the Universal Studio Japan. 

(I forgot what he really said, but I hope it's ok)

You have to see that, it's really cool. I would want to show you. LAst time we were there, we got attacked by villains. But All Might safed the day. Well, Our class, Thirteen and mr. Aizawa helped a lot too." Typical. He is, after all, the class clown, who doesn't know it sometimes. I chuckeled and said: „Denki. How many timed did I tell you, that the USJ isn't Universal Studio Japan?" But DEnki didn't remeber and asked: „USJ isn't Universal Studio JApan? And you told me? Really?" Me, and half of the class face palmed and Midoriya chuckeled again. Then he said something, what noone of us expected: „You know, you're a littlebit like Yu." We stared at him. We really didn't expect him to say something about someone, who wasn't here, and maybe a member of thje dark shadows. But he added: „HE is funny, just like you. Shini too, but his personality is more different. A littlebit more aggressive." He mumbeled all these things, but we were quite, so we could jnderstand him. Uraraka asked now: „Who is Yu? And who is SHini?" HE was stratled and apologihzed: „AH sorry. Was I mumbling again?" 

But Mina said. „No, no. It's ok." Suddenly, Midoriya looked up at the sky, as if he was looking for something. Then he stood up and wanted to skate away, but Kirishima asked for on e thing before he could go away: „Can I have your telephone number?" But The boy just said: „We only have one mobile phone, and I dont have it with me, and I don't know the number." Then he drove away. 

Third Person POV  (with Izuku)

Izuku skated to the skatergang who gave him the skateboard. He gave it back and thanked the gang. The leader just said: „It's ok. We're helping evertime again. We are good friends afterall." Izuku thanked again, and ran to the spot of the yellow scarfs, where he would meet the others. He had talked 30 minutes, to the students and had 15 mintes to get to the spot. He hurried and made it just in time. The others were already there and hugged Izuku, when he got there.

Then he whispered to his friends: „I talked to the class of Eraserhead." All of the boys turned around and looked at him. It really wasn't usual for Izuku to talk to someone. Even to the gang, he only talks if it is important, or he wanted something, or something like this. 

Hiroki asked: „AN what did you talk about, with them?" But Izuku just said: „I didn't really talk to them, they talked. I just said one or two sentences." The boys nodded. And Izuku added: „And that was because I mumbeled again." 

Then Ryuka said: „I saw the others 

(He means the others, that weren't living on the street)

on my way here. I told them to come here, too. They are ging to be here any time soon." Speak from the devil and he shall appear. Exactly in this moment, they could see 4 boys coming in their directions. But they seemed to be in hurry. Then the group could see someone behind them. It was Eraserhead and a few students. As soon, as the 4 members came to them, tje whole gang ran away again. Hiroki just shouted: „We meet at the place I'm going to tell some of our pretty big friends." And all of them knew who they had to ask, to know where they were going to meet eachother again. Cause all of them knew who Hiroki meant with 'pretty big friends'there was just one gang, they were calling this name. And before Eraserhead knew what happened, all of the teenager spread up and ran. He had no clue who he should follow, so he just followed a random boy, just like his students. 

FINALYYYYY!!!! Chapter 12. It's not the best, but way better, then it was at my first try. I hope you liked it.

ANyways, School has began again, (ONLINE MEETINGS YAAAYYYY *sarcastically*) I like homeschooling a little bit, but I'm afraid to say something in online meetings. But that's not interesting.

What I wanted to say, is that I don't know how often I can post now. I will try to post as often as I can. 

Next point:

I HAVE 2K REAAAADDDSSS!!!!!! I can't believe it. I mean tehre are so cool and really good stories, and they 'just'have a few hundred reads, or under hundred views. I dind't expect someone to read a story like mine. Well, Thank you. There are a few people, who comment often and vote and this stuff and THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!

Oh, and sorry that this chapter needed so long. 

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